Y by pi37, Yoni2b, masterofpupets, heartyface, Binomial-theorem, not_trig, hrithikguy, pnpcomplete, AIME15, EuclidGenius, calvinbodia, sophia, ProblemSolver1026, AkshajK, Fandro, ychen428, dnkywin, NewAlbionAcademy, sicilianfan, math154, tim9099xxzz, thecmd999, Smiley-Faces-88, mathman98, El_Ectric, cheetah17, slime, r31415, jellymoop, baijiangchen, dantx5, mathman523, q12, snapdragon, hyperbolictangent, forthegreatergood, MSTang, antimonyarsenide, AwesomeToad, Einstein314, ksun48, ssilwa, csmath, slian2012, explogabloger, mathisfun7, TheCrafter, sindennisz, hwl0304, droid347, kad2361, flamefoxx99, vinayak-kumar, Z201, infiniteturtle, cnnwy1282, SMOJ, ABCDE, rcc, Pythonprogrammer, pinetree1, InfinityInsight, jiujianxian, exmath89, efang, kenneth102099, fractals, chezbgone, TheStrangeCharm, MATHCOUNTSmath, AnonymousBunny, AdmiralF, howie2000, va2010, Wolstenholme, TheMaskedMagician, EpicSkills32, WalkerTesla, Not_a_Username, Benq, ninjataco, DigitalKing257, hesa57, schen001, DrMath, wangth100, lykarg44, jh235, DaChickenInc, RadioActive, ThePathOfWar, thomas___g_u_o___, nosaj, miru99, niraekjs, zmyshatlp, EricMathPath09, noobynoob, bestwillcui1, High, Boomer, kangrui, spartan168, EulerMacaroni, tastymath75025, Konigsberg, BFYSharks, pandyhu2001, measurement, abishek99, MathLearner01, AKAL3, MathSlayer4444, 8Invalid8, Eugenis, checkmatetang, champion999, ac_math, Royalreter1, mathwhiz16, hotstuffFTW, pican, mxgo, Tommy2000, Mathaddict11, Guendabiaani, joey8189681, iamatroll, mathwizard888, imbpe49, thkim1011, quinna_nyc, math101010, budu, yrnsmurf, Devila03, AstrapiGnosis, kaan168, jam10307, v_Enhance, MATH1945, MathAwesome123, Iamteehee, mathmaster2000, goseahawks, blep, xwang1, muti66, Isogonics, WL0410, Mudkipswims42, rkm0959, sturdyoak2012, eyzhang, Knin2820, BassMaster, FTW, Baban, e_is_cool, illumination, ShineBunny, jonyj1005, utkarshgupta, nasmith99, xuyanzhe, problemsolver314, raxu, Cube1, koteswari, mihirb, goldencat, brainpopper, shiningsunnyday, tkhalid, ptxpotterhead, Dot22, shubham1056, Christopher03151, thebackseatmoder8er, bearytasty, amplreneo, 15Pandabears, Einsteinhead, bluecarneal, econaxis, monkeyl, trumpeter, mathisawesome2169, thequantumguy, rafa2be, StarFrost7, katmcphie, B-mode, WhaleVomit, hodori01, anantmudgal09, Mathcounts829, azmath333, huricane, SHARKYBOY, Stens, blueflute19, bigmath, WarriorSon, Wiggle Wam, spin8, thinkinavi, flamesofpi, Echoz, CML, ilikepie2003, librian2000, whatshisbucket, Alnitak, leminscate, Flash12, HVishy, pad, DivideBy0, Ripjaw4000, gradysocool, Dukejukem, SFScoreLow, brianapa, Devesh14, Wave-Particle, aops777, Plasma_Vortex, lgbam, TheOneYouWant, ajd1234, Calculus123, PersonPsychopath, DominicanAOPSer, acegikmoqsuwy2000, mathguy623, qwerty733, rlzhang, aadavi, jhoer, kbird, bguo, math1012, ishankhare, phi_ftw1618, BitterGummy, 62861, oceanair, dzstar, graviton2, riemanntensor, liopoil, mjkkra, vrjmath, darthsid, pirosigma, hexagram, gibburlabbur, frikurbab, bartholemew_mcgregorson, entropie, BillytheChamp, dhusb45, yan_justin98, mathgenius64, mathsolver101, LSploitz, doitsudoitsu, blue8931, Dragon2kz, poonicle, hiabc, republicofalvinia, mewtwomew, mj434, randomdude10807, love_emojis, thegabster37, LunarLlama, CaptainFlint, AdBondEvent, claserken, anser, srg12, Rohan_Sushi, solvemath2, rafayaashary1, tigerat, katzrockso, biomathematics, thinmint, m1234567, FlyingCucumber, First, swe1, derpli, mathmonster369, jdeaks1000, eed7573, annieliu12, jlammy, brianzhang, QuantumMech, Python54, Dhman2727, The_Donger, bluespruce, ohmcfifth, Samchooo, mathguy5041, Intellectuality123, bogstop320, Mathguy5837, geoman523, cakeguy, Goos, tomg418, memc38123, bluephoenix, ThisIsASentence, aj38slf, chocobunnny123, skys, K_421, skipiano, CurryinaHurry, Phie11, smo, gimbob, fishy15, PiDude314, zxcv1337, Marzi, liant, AMC_Kid, zcjenny, algebra_star1234, Bobthemath, moab33, LoneConquerorer, RedPhoenix, soojoong, summitwei, linqaszayi, aopsp1, MrMXS, ramanujan101, lukezhuo, ar07jog, Snowfractals, frogs, JasperL, wu2481632, adik7, Aspen, Mathisfun04, shootingstar8, illogical_21, alifenix-, zac15SCASD, premchandj, GeneralCobra19, iks92, User254881, thedoge, Iyerie, techguy2, colinyao, fireclaw105, theguamian, dilworthpenguins, Superwiz, divijleisha, strategos21, rt03, KKMathMan, Iamawesome1, amackenzie1, celestialphoenix3768, AGCN19748, Hydrahead, aaronliu, gymnast19, kephas331, mathnesia, quantummath, DaniyalQazi2, Mathlete587, leequack, user2324335345, Mathnerd1223334444, eashang1, franchester, littlepiglet4428, jangkun217, 3_14152, koolhood7, laegolas, mathdude45, psa, ancientwarrior, thecoolchicken, winnertakeover, eisirrational, Madelyn, Tuktuk24, basketballguy, GeronimoStilton, Vfire, ccx09, lazysnorlax, Ferid.---., sriraamster, yegkatie, dram, DarkRunner, targo___, Kayak, Tugsuu, Unlimited, monkey8, Power_Set, Jiangnan, AmazingMonkey, medhasrisairavi, Qcumber42, m4ng0p1, Kagebaka, fatant, PizzaDog, synergy, mathleticguyyy, mathlogician, InfiniteAnswers, DoingWhatCounts, FreedomLantern, snow_monkey, MasterProblemSolver123, nosysnow, yeskay, math-legend, speulers_theorem, InfiniteQandA, fry8, spartacle, Mathphile01, scimaths, IMO_INDIA, Wizard_32, TheCosineLaw, MEGAKNIGHT, AlastorMoody, reedmj, tapir1729, Stormersyle, p_square, PhysicsMonster_01, ItsAmeYushi, enthusiast101, Scifan671, flashsonic, shankarmath, itised, smartninja2000, NoDealsHere, RandomOm18, montana_mathlete, Vrangr, Satyanweshi_math1729, studentlearner, khina, Susanssluk, Bill9000, Varuneshwara, Greenleaf5002, niyu, kc5170, 277546, Juno, song2sons, superagh, fishy16, hellomath010118, asterix_1, RudraRockstar, smartguy888, Aryan-23, Math_Is_Life_03, usernameyourself, Pi-rate, gyluo, PianoMan7, Bltbob, Zorger74, DSL13, mathbw225, ghu2024, nikenissan, kidcrumb10, Toinfinity, MintTea, VipMath, rayfish, centslordm, SnowPanda, Rg230403, v4913, bissue, SkyShark77, AntonioMacaronio, OlympusHero, sub_math, Offset, ApraTrip, vsamc, Mogmog8, TsunamiStorm08, Bluejay24, megarnie, Taco12, tintin21, cubical, kittysnowball43, ivyshine13, eagles2018, Eat314, PhysKid11, Jc426, andrewhaitian, Jndd, SigmaPiE, polarbear08, lovefractions, SmartGroot, russellk, Anandatheertha, ChrisalonaLiverspur, JHawk24, pith0n, DofL, Jiajia5, ArtyA6, MathJams, Giga, a_n, ThisUsernameIsTaken, NathanTien, Project_Donkey_into_M4, asimov, radlad5, magicarrow, ihatemath123, samrocksnature, pog, IceWolf10, kishblockpro, challengeitmath, MathNinja7, CyclicISLscelesTrapezoid, Michael1129, FIREDRAGONMATH16, SuperJJ, ASawesome, rrc08, Significant, songyanxin, ab2024, Ashley17, Bole, Adventure10, Mango247, Rijul saini, David_He, Cusofay, criet, and 68 other users
An essay I wrote about my math experiences (including experiences with USAMO)
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