Mathcamp 2024 Qualifying Quiz Part 2 Math Jam, Problems 4-6
Go back to the Math Jam ArchiveThis Math Jam will discuss solutions to the second half of the 2024 Mathcamp Qualifying Quiz. Mathcamp is an intensive 5-week-long summer program for mathematically talented high school students. More than just a summer camp, Mathcamp is a vibrant community, made up of a wide variety of people who share a common love of learning and passion for mathematics.
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Facilitator: AoPS Staff
Welcome to the Canada/USA Mathcamp Qualifying Quiz Math Jam! The Math Jam will begin at 7:00 pm ET (4:00 pm PT). We will cover problems 4-6 today. You can find problems 1-3 in the Math Jam archive!
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Hello and welcome! Thanks for joining us!
this seems cool
This is very cool! And we're glad you're here for it.
I hope the cake shortage is fixed soon. It's sad that not every camper got a cake slice (Problem 4)
Where can I find the transcript of Part 1?
In the Math Jam archive, but stay for problems 4-6 first!
Hello and welcome to the Canada/USA Mathcamp Qualifying Quiz Math Jam!
Before I introduce our guests, let me briefly explain how our online classroom works.
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Canada/USA Mathcamp is an intensive five-week-long summer program for high-school students interested in mathematics, designed to expose students to the beauty of advanced mathematical ideas and to new ways of thinking. You can learn more about Canada/USA Mathcamp here:
Many AoPS instructors, assistants, and students are alumni of this outstanding program!
Each year, Mathcamp creates a Qualifying Quiz, which is the main component of the application process. If you haven't already seen it, you can find the 2024 Quiz problems at . In this Math Jam, the following Mathcamp staff (all members of this year's Quiz committee) will discuss the problems and their solutions:
Dan Gulotta (dgulotta) has been a camper, mentor, and visiting speaker at Mathcamp, most recently in 2021. He is currently a postdoc at the University of Utah, studying number theory and p-adic geometry.
Phoebe Lin (Luraibird49) has been a camper and a JC at Mathcamp. She is about to graduate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, studying atmospheric sciences and math.
Please give them a warm welcome!
Let's turn the room over to Dan now to get us started!
Hi everyone! Thanks Jo for the introduction. I'm Dan, and I'll be presenting problems 4 and 6. Phoebe will be presenting problem 5.
Please feel free to ask questions in the chat at any time!
Problem 4: A group of 11 Mathcampers decided to bake a rainbow unicorn sprinkle cake with 10 slices. Unfortunately they cannot split up the slices into smaller pieces, because they do not want to risk upsetting the unicorn. Each Mathcamper wants a slice of the cake (but not more, because Mathcampers aren't greedy). Each Mathcamper helped bake the cake to some extent. The Mathcampers have been assigned fractions $x_1, x_2,\dotsc, x_{11}$ representing their share of the credit in baking the cake, where $0 < x_i < 1/10$ for each $i$, and $x_1 + x_2 + \dotsb + x_{11} = 1$.
(a) How can you randomly distribute the slices of cake such that the $i$th Mathcamper has a probability of exactly $10x_i$ of getting a slice of cake?
One way to make a random choice is to use a spinner. We divide a circle into 11 pieces, one for each camper. The size of the $i$th piece will be proportional to $x_i$.
To choose a camper at random, we can spin a "pointer" so that it points in a random direction.
So in this case, camper #9 has been selected.
But we want to select 10 campers, not just one. How could we do that?
make $9$ the only one without cake
the one who it lands on is the one who doesn't get cake
Select one camper to not have cake (though this wouldn't work for next parts)
That is one way to do it, but there is another way that generalizes better to part (b).
or have 10 equally spaced pointers
"Hop" around the circle 10 times
Instead of having a single arrow, we can have 10 equally spaced arrows.
In the picture below, every camper except for #7 will get a piece of cake.
Will each arrow necessarily point to a different camper? Why or why not?
yeah because $0 < x_i < \tfrac{1}{10}$ for all $i$
yes because x_i is less than 1/10
Since each $x_i$ is less than $1/10$, it isn't possible for two pointers to point to the same piece of the circle. So no camper will get more than one slice of cake. The probability that a particular pointer is pointing to the $i$th piece of the circle is $x_i$, so the probability that some pointer is pointing to this piece is $10x_i$, as desired. So we have solved part (a).
(b) Generalize your solution to distribute $k$ slices to $n$ campers, for all $k$ and $n$ with $n > k \ge 1$. As before, the Mathcampers have been assigned fractions $x_1, x_2, \dotsc, x_n$ representing their share of the credit in baking the cake, where $0 < x_i < 1/k$ for each $i$, and $x_1 + \dotsb + x_n = 1$. For each $i$, you want the $i$th Mathcamper to have a probability of exactly $kx_i$ of getting a slice of cake.
Can we generalize our solution from part (a) to work for any $k$ and $n$?
Yes, by changing the number of arrows
do "n" arrows
Yes, if we replace $10$ with $k$ and $11$ with $n$, everything still works.
So that solves part (b).
(c) Suppose that, in the setup of part (b), you do not know the value of $k$ (the number of slices). Instead, you will put the Mathcampers in a random order, according to some strategy, and then serve slices of cake in that order until the cake runs out. Is there a way to do this so that for each $i$, the $i$th Mathcamper will have a probability of exactly $kx_i$ of getting a slice of cake — no matter what $k$ turns out to be? (You may still assume that we have $0 < x_i < 1/k$ for all $i$, and $x_1 + \dotsb + x_n = 1$).
While we don't know the exact value of $k$, we can use the inequalities $0 < x_i < 1/k$ to get an upper bound on $k$. What is the largest that $k$ can be, in terms of the $x_i$?
$\lceil \tfrac{1}{\max(x_i)} \rceil - 1$
We must have $k \le K$, where $K = \left\lfloor 1/(\max_{i} x_i) \right\rfloor$.
So, any ideas on how to use a spinner to solve this problem?
use a spinner with K arrows
Can we use $1/x{max}$ arrows, and number them 1, 2, etc to decide the order?
We make a spinner with $K$ equally spaced arrows labeled $1,2,\dotsc,K$, and use the spinner to choose the order of the first $K$ campers in line. The remaining campers get no cake regardless of $k$, so we place them in an arbitrary order.
Again, since $x_i < 1/K$, each arrow in the spinner will point to a different piece of the circle.
For any $k \le K$, the probability that one of the first $k$ arrows in the spinner points to the $i$th wedge is $kx_i$, as desired.
Any last questions or thoughts on this problem? We'll pause for a minute before moving on.
We should have more unicorn problems!!!
Is it? because if we remove the last arrow, they are not equally spaced anymore. why is this the same as if they were evenly spaced?
The arrows just need to be at least $\max_i x_i$ apart - they don't need to be exactly equally spaced.
Would using one spinner and spinning an indefinite number of times work?
It think it's tricky to make that work properly - if you do it in the most naive way the probabilities don't come out right
Now I'll turn it over to Phoebe for problem 5.
Thanks Dan! Let's jump into problem 5.
Shoutout to one of our most prolific graders, Molly, for the solutions and pretty pictures you're about to see!
Problem 5
Half stitching is a form of embroidery which makes images out of diagonal stitches in a square grid. Our images will all be created from a single thread, which alternates traveling in straight lines (called stitches) along the front and the back of the grid:
The front of the grid is where the image is formed. Here, each stitch goes from a point $(x,y)$ either to $(x+1,y+1)$ or $(x−1,y−1).$ We say that we stitch a square if a stitch on the front follows its diagonal (from top right to bottom left or from bottom left to top right).
The back of the grid is not part of the image. Here, each stitch can follow any straight line — but it must travel a positive distance, because if you end a stitch where it started, it will unravel.
This problem is about minimizing the total length of thread needed to stitch a given pattern. For example, Figure 1e and Figure 1f (with front stitches in red and back stitches in blue) have the same pattern stitched, but the thread is $2\sqrt{2} + 2\sqrt{5}$ units long in the first case and only $2\sqrt{2} + 2$ units long in the second case.
Problem 5(a): Show that the minimum length of thread (front and back) needed to stitch every square in an m×n rectangular grid is $mn(\sqrt{2} + 1) − 1.$ An example with $m=3$ and $n=4$ is shown in Figure 1a.
When proving a minimum, we need to show both necessity and sufficiency. In the case of this problem, this means we have to show that we need at least this much thread to stitch the pattern, and that it is possible to stitch the pattern with this much thread. Let's start by showing necessity first.
Consider the front stitches first. The pattern has already been decided for us, so the amount of thread we use on the front stitches is constant regardless of how we decide to stitch the pattern.
How many front stitches are there in total?
There's one front stitch in each square of a $m \times n$ grid, so there are $mn$ front stitches.
How long is a single front stitch?
$\sqrt{2}$ UNITS
Each front stitch is the diagonal of a unit square, so they have length $\sqrt{2}.$
Multiplying those, we get that the front stitches will use $mn\sqrt{2}$ units of thread in total.
Now onto the back stitches. How many back stitches do we need to connect all the front stitches?
at least $mn-1$
at least mn - 1
Each front stitch has to be followed by a back stitch, except the last front stitch, since we can just end there without stitching on the back again.
What is the minimum length for a back stitch?
It's 1, because that's the minimum distance between two points on a unit grid. Any back stitch shorter than 1 wouldn't be able to reach any other front stitch, so it would be useless.
So the minimum amount of thread we need to use on the back is $mn-1$ units. Added to the $mn\sqrt{2}$ units on the front, that tells us we need at least $mn(\sqrt{2} + 1) − 1$ units of thread in total - as expected.
But our proof isn't finished yet! Now we have to show that this is actually possible.
we can stich everything in the 1st row then go under to the 2nd and so on.
One way to do so is to stitch row by row: start at the bottom left corner, stitch the row from left to right, move up one unit, stitch the row from right to left, move up one unit, and repeat. It is easy to see that this can be generalized to a grid of any size.
With this method, every back stitch has length 1, so we've achieved the lower bound of $mn(\sqrt{2} + 1) − 1,$ thus proving it is the minimum.
Great! Now what happens with some more complicated patterns?
Problem 5(b):
A comb with n teeth is a pattern of width $2n − 1$ and height $2$ that stitches every square in the bottom row and every other square in the top row; an example of this pattern with $n=4$ is shown in Figure 1b.
What is the minimum length of thread (front and back) needed to stitch this pattern, in terms of $n$?
Let's count the front stitches first. How many front stitches are there in a comb with $n$ teeth, in terms of $n$?
$3n - 1$
There are $n$ teeth, and each tooth has a stitch underneath it and a stitch to the lower right, forming a L-shape pattern of 3 front stitches for each tooth. The exception is the final tooth, which doesn't have a stitch to the lower right. So that makes $3n-1$ stitches.
So we'll need $3n-1$ front stitches, and $3n-2$ back stitches to connect them. Using the same logic as part 1, we can find a lower bound on the amount of thread: $(3n - 1)(\sqrt2 + 1) - 1$, which is achieved if every single backstitch has a length of $1$. But is this actually possible?
Some experimenting will show that it seems to be impossible. But let's prove it a bit more formally.
Let's think about what we can do with a back stitch of length $1$. Consider the diagram below. After stitching the red front stitch, you will be at one of its endpoints. From there, the possible back stitches of length $1$ are shown as arrows. Using them, you can reach the blue stitches in the highlighted squares.
Notice any patterns with the squares you can reach?
opposite colors...
only the ones adjacent
They're in a checkerboard pattern, alternating between highlighted and un-highlighted. Parity (oddness and evenness) also alternates like that, so let's try to construct an argument based on parity.
Let's define a point $(x,y)$ as an odd point if $x+y$ is odd, and an even point if $x+y$ is even.
If you start at $(x,y)$, a back stitch of length $1$ brings you to one of four possible points on the grid: $(x+1,y), (x-1,y), (x,y+1), (x,y-1)$. If $x+y$ is odd, then these four points are all even, and vice versa. So a back stitch of length $1$ can connect an odd point and an even point, but it can never connect two odd points or two even points.
Notice that each front stitch connects $(x,y)$ and $(x+1,y+1)$, for some $x$ and $y$. The sums are $x+y$ and $x+y+2$, so they have the same parity. Parity doesn't change when we stitch a front stitch, so, we can simplify things by defining entire front stitches as odd or even, using the same definition.
Then, a back stitch of length $1$ can only connect an odd front stitch and an even front stitch.
Back to the comb. If we define the bottom left corner of the comb as $(0,0)$, then we can color the comb like so, with dark squares representing odd front stitches:
Out of the $3n-1$ front stitches, how many are odd and how many are even?
2n-1 black, n white
$2n-1$ odd and $n$ even
$n$ even and $2n-1$ odd
N and 2n-1
Every front stitch directly underneath a tooth is even, so there are $n$ even front stitches. The remaining $2n-1$ are odd.
Each back stitch of length $1$ can only connect an odd front stitch and an even front stitch.
We want to use as many of those as we can, so we connect odd and even front stitches as often as possible. But there are fewer even front stitches than odd ones. After making $2n$ back stitches of length $1$, both ends of every even front stitch have already been used, but there are still some odd front stitches left.
The remaining $n-2$ back stitches each connect two odd front stitches - therefore, they must be longer than $1$.
a back stitch of length $\sqrt{2}$ can connect two stitches of the same parity
What is the second shortest possible length for a back stitch?
oops! spoilers
They must be length $\sqrt{2}$
A back stitch of length $\sqrt2$ can connect $(x,y)$ to $(x+1,y+1), (x+1,y-1), (x-1,y+1),$ or $(x-1,y-1)$. In every case, the parity remains the same; that means a back stitch of length $\sqrt2$ should be able to connect two odd front stitches. Promising!
Let's say we find a way to stitch the pattern using n back stitches of length $1$, and the remaining $n-2$ back stitches are all length $\sqrt2$.
Then, the total amount of thread needed would be $(3n-1)\sqrt2$ (for the front stitches) $+ 2n$ (for the back stitches of length $1$) $+ (n-2)\sqrt2$ (for the back stitches of length $\sqrt2$), which simplifies to $(4 \sqrt2+2)n-3\sqrt2$. This is our new lower bound. Is this bound achievable?
Yes, it turns out we can achieve it, if we stitch the pattern like this:
Every tooth except the first and last contains one single $\sqrt2$ back stitch, so there are $n-2$ back stitches of length $\sqrt2$, and every other back stitch has length $1$.
And since we've just proven we can't do better than that, we have the answer: the minimum length of thread is $(4\sqrt2+2)n-3\sqrt2$.
Cool! Let's move on to the next part.
Problem 5(c): A tall comb with n teeth is a pattern of width $2n − 1$ and height 3 that stitches every square in the bottom row and every other square in the top two rows; an example of this pattern with $n=4$ is shown in Figure 1c. What is the minimum length of thread (front and back) needed to stitch this pattern, in terms of n?
In (b), we found a way to find a lower bound using parity coloring, so let's try that again. When we color in the squares with odd front stitches, the tall comb looks like this:
How many front stitches are there in terms of $n$?
It's very similar to (b). This time, we have a taller four-stitch L-shaped pattern per tooth, minus one for the last tooth, giving $4n-1$ total.
Out of those $4n-1$ front stitches, how many are odd and how many are even?
$2n$ white squares and $2n-1$ black squares
2n-1 and 2n
2n even, 2n-1 odd, so we can have all length 1 back stitches
$2n$ and $2n-1$
2n, 2n-1
Each L-shape contains 2 odd and 2 even front stitches, minus one odd for the last tooth. That's $2n-1$ odd and $2n$ even.
The difference between the number of odd and even front stitches this time is only 1. If we only consider parity, then it seems like it should be possible to arrange the front stitches in order of odd-even-odd...-even-odd, and connect each pair with a back stitch of length 1.
If we managed to achieve this, we would get a stitching method using $(4n-1)(\sqrt{2} + 1) − 1$ units of thread, using the same logic as in (a). But is it actually possible?
Yes, it turns out it is possible! We can stitch the pattern like this:
Every back stitch has a length of 1, so by the same reasoning as in (a), this is minimal.
Are the answers different for $$n=1$$?
Ah, good catch. For at least part (b), if we only consider one tooth, then we can get a more optimal stitching.
The answer is $2\sqrt2+1$ for $n=1$ in part b. It is unchanged in part c.
so if someone submitted the answers
and they missed $n=1$ case, they wouldn't get perfect?
I think we were mainly looking for reasoning here, so if you saw $n=1,$ give yourself some brownie points!
Not everyone got that case
Doesn't the general term catch that though?
Technically, for n = 1, our formula isn’t correct, because we can’t have 2 back stitches of length 1
and −1 back stitch of length 2.
For Part (b)
the answers are also different for n=0
Hope that clears things up--let's move on to the next part now!
Problem 5(d): A wide comb with n teeth is a pattern of width $5n − 4$ and height 2 that stitches every square in the bottom row and every fifth square in the top row; an example of this pattern with $n=3$ is shown in Figure 1d. What is the minimum length of thread (front and back) needed to stitch this pattern, in terms of $n$?
Since the parity coloring method has worked so well for us so far, let's try it again! When we color in the squares with odd front stitches, the wide comb looks like this:
How many front stitches are there in terms of $n$?
Similar to (b) and (c) again - each L-shape contains six front stitches, minus four for the last tooth, which makes $6n-4.$
Out of those $6n-4$ front stitches, how many are odd and how many are even?
black = 3n-2 white = 3n-2
3n-2 of each
3n-2 ,3n-2
This looks a bit trickier than (c) at first, since the teeth don't all have the same parity. But we can see that regardless of the tooth's parity, each L-shape consists of 3 odd and 3 even front stitches, and the final tooth is always the opposite parity of the square underneath it. That makes a total of $6n-4$ front stitches, and of those, exactly half are odd and half are even.
If we only consider parity, then it seems like it should be possible to arrange the front stitches in order of odd-even-odd...-even, and connect each pair with a back stitch of length 1. This sets our lower bound at $(6n-4)(\sqrt{2}+1)-1,$ using the same logic as in (a).
But is this lower bound actually achievable?
Wait no
Some experimentation will show it seems to be impossible. Let's try to prove it a bit more rigorously.
Consider the upside-down T-shape formed by the middle teeth and the stitches below it, highlighted here in purple:
It's pretty clear that it's never optimal to stitch part of this T-shape, leave, then stitch the rest of it later. If we do this, our thread will end up further than $\sqrt{2}$ away from the unstitched parts, forcing us to use a very long back stitch. So let's look at how we can stitch the entire T-shape most optimally.
No, near each tooth there are three white and one black or vice versa.
Start from the bottom left, and you can't do it minimally
Three of these front stitches have the same parity (let's say, WLOG, that they're even), while the remaining one (the one in the middle bottom) is odd.
There aren't enough odd stitches to alternate between parities. The best we can do is even-odd-even-even - i.e. we need to use at least one back stitch of length at least $\sqrt{2}$ in order to connect two front stitches of the same parity.
so you need one length of $\sqrt{2}$
One back stitch of length $\sqrt{2}$ for each middle tooth means at least $n-2$ of our back stitches need to have length at least $\sqrt{2}.$ Our new lower bound is the old one plus $(n-2)(\sqrt{2}-1),$ which simplifies to $(7\sqrt{2}+5)n-6\sqrt{2}-3.$
Is this lower bound achievable?
Yes, it is achievable if we stitch the pattern like this:
So we've proven this is the minimum.
Is there no need to prove this for all $n$ more rigorously by something like induction?
I think our parity arguments above generalize for all $n.$
But you can also use induction to prove the above!
Okay, let's move on to the last part of the problem!
Problem 5(e): Can you prove anything in general about the minimum length of thread needed to stitch a pattern?
This final part is an open-ended problem. What have we learned about the minimum length of thread from parts (a), (b), and (c)?
Let's consider how many odd squares and how many even squares are stitched
It depends on the minimum lengths of the string on the back, which depends on the square parities.
These are good observations!
In summary:
Absolute lower bound: Any pattern with $n$ front stitches requires at least $n(\sqrt{2}-1)+1$ units.
Parity lower bound: If a pattern has $n$ front stitches total, $k$ of which are one parity and $n-k$ of which are the other parity, and $2k<n-1,$ we need at least $n-1-2k$ back stitches of length more than 1. That gives us a new lower bound of $(2n−2k−1)\sqrt{2}+2k.$
There are patterns where achieving even the parity lower bound is impossible.
Let's pause for some more questions on this part.
this question!
How many unique proofs for this did you receive?
So many!!! Lots of good ideas and different ways of thinking about the problem -- we were really excited about reading all of the different solutions
WHOA! maybe 1000?
Does this have a connection to graph theory?
I think so! Some of the solutions we got definitely used some graph theory!
Isn't the absolute lower bound equal to n(sqrt2 + 1) - 1?
I think you're right, actually -- good catch!
Alright, now I'm going to pass you all back to Dan to look at Problem 6!
Thanks Phoebe!
Problem 6: You may have heard of the Borromean rings (a famous pattern of 3 equal circles) or the Olympic rings (a famous pattern of 5 equal circles). The unchanging rings (which aren't famous because we just made up the name) are a pattern that can be made from different numbers of circles, with some special points on them marked.
A system of unchanging rings must satisfy three unchanging rules:
1. If two circles meet at a marked point, they share exactly two marked points.
2. If two marked points lie on a common circle, they must share exactly two common circles.
3. We can get from any circle to any other by some number of hops along marked points.
One possible system of unchanging rings is shown below:
(a) Draw a system of unchanging rings with more than 4 circles, all equal in size.
For this construction, it's useful to think in terms of vectors. The symmetry in the previous diagram can be a bit misleading, so here is a less symmetric configuration of unchanging rings:
Let's declare the center of the middle (orange) circle to be the origin $\mathbf{0}$, and suppose that all of the circles have radius $1$. Let the unit vectors $\mathbf{v}_1$, $\mathbf{v}_2$, $\mathbf{v}_3$ correspond to the three marked points on this circle.
How can we express the center of the upper (teal) circle in terms of $\mathbf{v}_1$, $\mathbf{v}_2$, $\mathbf{v}_3$?
$v_1 + v_2$
The center of circle must have distance $1$ from both $\mathbf{v}_1$ and $\mathbf{v}_2$. There are exactly two points with this property: $\mathbf{0}$ (the center of the middle (orange) circle) and $\mathbf{v}_1 + \mathbf{v}_2$. So the latter must be the center of the upper (teal) circle.
Similarly, the centers of the other two circles are $\mathbf{v}_1+\mathbf{v}_3$ and $\mathbf{v}_2 + \mathbf{v}_3$.
What are the coordinates of the remaining marked point?
$\textbf v_1+\textbf v_2+\textbf v_3$
$v_1 + v_2 + v_3$
Add them all up?
The point needs to have distance $1$ from $\mathbf{v}_1 + \mathbf{v}_2$, $\mathbf{v}_1 + \mathbf{v}_3$, and $\mathbf{v}_2 + \mathbf{v}_3$. There is only one point with this property, and it is $\mathbf{v}_1+\mathbf{v}_2+\mathbf{v}_3$.
Can we generalize this construction to create a system with more circles?
yes! try 4 marked moints/vectors
Use four vectors and use combinations.
We can add a fourth unit vector $\mathbf{v}_4$. We will place a circle centered at $\mathbf{0}$, marked points at $\mathbf{v}_1,\mathbf{v}_2,\mathbf{v}_3,\mathbf{v}_4$, circles centered at $\mathbf{v}_1+\mathbf{v}_2$, $\mathbf{v}_1 + \mathbf{v}_3$, $\mathbf{v}_1 + \mathbf{v}_4$, etc. There will be a total of $\binom{4}{0} + \binom{4}{2} + \binom{4}{4} = 8$ circles and $\binom{4}{1} + \binom{4}{3}=8$ marked points. The configuration will look something like this:
We do need to be a bit careful here. Can we choose any unit vectors $\mathbf{v}_1,\mathbf{v}_2,\mathbf{v}_3,\mathbf{v}_4$, or are there some choices that don't work?
Make sure no circles or marked points overlap.
there are some that dont work
vi = -vj
v1 and v2 on the same point?
We are assuming the 8 points and 8 circles constructed above are all different. If $\mathbf{v}_1 = \mathbf{v}_2$ or $\mathbf{v}_1 + \mathbf{v}_2 = \mathbf{0}$, for example, this assumption will not be correct. We should also make sure that, for example, the marked point $\mathbf{v}_1+\mathbf{v}_2+\mathbf{v}_3$ does not accidentally lie on the circle centered at $\mathbf{0}$.
The things that could go wrong are:
(1) a sum or difference of two vectors could be zero.
(2) a sum or difference of three vectors could have length one.
(3) a sum or difference of four vectors could be zero.
It's possible to prove that (2) and (3) can only happen if (1) happens. So as long as no two of $\mathbf{v}_1,\mathbf{v}_2,\mathbf{v}_3,\mathbf{v}_4$ are equal or sum to zero, we do get a configuration of unchanging rings with 8 circles and 8 marked points. In the interest of time, I'll skip checking the details. One could always just choose a specific $\mathbf{v}_1,\mathbf{v}_2,\mathbf{v}_3,\mathbf{v}_4$ and verify that none of (1)-(3) occur.
That concludes part (a).
Maybe you thought this problem was about geometry? Just kidding! You see, there is a special kind of circle called a math circle: it's not a geometric object, but a group of people doing math together. Let's say that a "marked point" in such a case is a person participating in one or more of the math circles. We can form a system of unchanging rings out of math circles as well, by satisfying the unchanging rules.
(b) Prove that every system of unchanging rings (whether made up of ordinary circles or math circles) has an unchanging constant $n$, such that every circle contains exactly $n$ marked points, and every marked point is contained in exactly $n$ circles. (In the example drawn above, $n=3$.)
For this part of the problem, it's convenient to use graph theory. Given a system of unchanging rings, we construct a graph called the "incidence graph". It is defined as follows. We draw a vertex for each math circle and each marked point. For each point-circle incidence, we draw an edge between the corresponding vertices. The resulting graph has the following properties:
1. If two vertices have a common neighbor, they have exactly two common neighbors.
2. There is a path between any pair of vertices.
3. The graph is bipartite. (In other words, it can be colored with two colors so that no two vertices of the same color are adjacent.)
What does the incidence graph for our original system of unchanging rings look like?
So, here was the graph again
Each point and circle was associated with a sum of vectors
Is there a nice way to arrange these 8 sums of vectors?
Connect those differing by one vector.
The incidence graph looks like a cube. We can label the lower left vertex with $\mathbf{0}$, the three adjacent vertices with $\mathbf{v}_1$, $\mathbf{v}_2$, $\mathbf{v}_3$, etc.
Although we didn't know it when we wrote the problem, it turns out that systems of unchanging rings have been studied before. They are known in the literature as "semibiplanes". Graphs satisfying properties 1-2 above are known as "$(0,2)$-graphs". So if you want to know more about these graphs, there are a few papers out there!
Does the one with 8 circles become a hypercube?
Part (b) is asking us to show that every vertex in the incidence graph has the same number of edges. Since the graph is connected, it's enough to show that any two adjacent vertices have the same number of edges. What technique might we want to use here?
Focus on a point on a circle and prove that every circle through the point corresponds to another point on the circle and vice versa.
Constructing a bijection is one way to show that two sets have the same number of elements.
Let $v$, $v'$ be two adjacent vertices. We will construct a bijection between edges connected to $v$ and edges connected to $v'$.
Let $e$ be an edge connected to $v$. If $v'$ is the other endpoint of $v$, we will send $e$ to $e$. Otherwise, let $w$ be the other endpoint of $e$. Since $v$ is adjacent to $v'$ and $w$, there must be exactly one other vertex $w'$ that is adjacent to these two vertices. We will send $e$ to the edge $e'$ connecting $v'$ and $w'$.
Note that if we apply this construction to $e'$, we get $e$ back, since $w$ is the vertex other than $v'$ that is adjacent to $v$ and $w'$. So we have constructed a bijection between edges connected to $v$ and edges connected to $v'$.
Therefore, any two adjacent vertices must have the same number of edges. Since the graph is connected, any two vertices must have the same number of edges. So we have solved part (b).
wow that was quick!
(c) In a system of unchanging rings with unchanging constant $n$, what is the maximum number of circles?
To get an idea of what the answer should be, let's first try constructing a system of unchanging rings with unchanging constant $n$. Any ideas on how to do that?
Can we use combinatorics for this like we briefly did in a?
Start with the origin circle and the $n$ vector marked points.
back to the vectors approach, with $n$ unit vectors?
Pick a number of vectors!
The construction from part (a) can be generalized. If we start with $n$ vectors $\{\mathbf{v}_1,\mathbf{v}_2,\dotsc,\mathbf{v}_n\}$, we can construct a system of unchanging rings with unchanging constant $n$ by placing circles centered at the sums of an odd number of vectors and marked points at sums of an even number of vectors. How many marked points and circles will we end up with?
(or rather, for consistency, let's place circles at the even sums and points at the odd sums, for consistency with our earlier answer.)
which gives 2^n/2 = 2^(n-1)
$2^{n-1}$ of each?
n choose 0 + n choose 2 +.... N choose n-2 + n choose n
There are $\binom{n}{0} + \binom{n}{2} + \binom{n}{4} + \dotsb$ circles. The binomial theorem tells us that $2^n = (1+1)^n = \binom{n}{0} + \binom{n}{1} + \binom{n}{2} + \dotsb$, while $0 = (1-1)^n = \binom{n}{0} - \binom{n}{1} + \binom{n}{2} - \dotsb$. So $\binom{n}{0} + \binom{n}{2} + \binom{n}{4} + \dotsb = (2^n+0)/2 = 2^{n-1}$. Similarly, there are $\binom{n}{1} + \binom{n}{3} + \binom{n}{5} + \dotsb = 2^{n-1}$ marked points.
We might guess that $2^{n-1}$ is the maximum number of circles, and this guess turns out to be correct. Before we move on to proving that it is the maximum, can you describe the incidence graph for the set of unchanging rings described above?
$n$-dimensional cube
n-dimensional hypercube
n dimensional cube?
$n$-dimensional polytope that resembles a cube
Right, it's an $n$-dimensional hypercube. We can think of the vertices as the set of the points in $\mathbb{R}^n$ whose coordinates are all $0$ or $1$. Two vertices are connected by an edge if they differ in only one coordinate.
Now we'll prove that there cannot be more than $2^{n-1}$ math circles. We will choose an arbitrary "starting vertex" $s$ in the incidence graph, and consider the distance from $s$ to each other vertex. If a vertex $v$ has distance $m$ from $s$, then the triangle inequality implies that the neighbors of $v$ have distance between $m-1$ and $m+1$ from $s$.
Since the graph is bipartite, the neighbors can't have distance exactly $m$ from $s$. So their distance must be $m-1$ or $m+1$.
In the $n$-dimensional hypercube graph, how many of $v$'s neighbors have distance $m-1$ from $s$, and how many have distance $m+1$ from $s$?
It might help to think about the cube example first.
m have distance m-1 from s, and n-m have distance m from s
$m$ are distance $m-1$ away and $n-m$ are distance $m+1$ away?
In the cube example, we can think of the lower left corner as the starting point. Vertices that are distance one away from the starting point have one edge going back to the starting point and two edges going to vertices of distance 2.
Vertices of distance 2 have two edges going back to a vertex of distance 1 and one vertex going toward the vertex of distance 3.
For a general n-dimensional hypercube, if a point is distance $m$ from the starting point, it has $m$ neighbors with distance $m-1$, and $n-m$ neighbors with distance $m+1$. This suggests the following lemma.
Lemma: Let $G$ be $(0,2)$-graph, and let $s,v$ be vertices of $g$. Let $m$ be the distance from $s$ to $v$. Then at least $m$ neighbors of $v$ have distance $m-1$ from $s$.
Proof: We will use induction on $m$. The base case $m=0$ is trivial. Now let $v$ be a point of distance $m>0$ from $s$. Then $v$ has a neighbor $v'$ that has distance $m-1$ from $s$. By the induction hypothesis, $v'$ has $m-1$ neighbors $w_1,\dotsc,w_{m-1}$ that have distance $m-2$ from $s$. For each $i$, $w_i$ and $v$ share a neighbor $v'$, so they must share a second neighbor $w_i'$. Each $w_i'$ must have distance exactly $m-1$ from $s$, since $w_i$ has distance $m-2$ and $v$ has distance $m$.
Are the points $w_1',\dotsc,w_{m-1}'$ necessarily distinct?
If $w_1'$ was equal to $w_2'$, which points would be neighbors of both $v'$ and$w_1'$?
v and w1/w2
$w_1$ and $w_2$
and v
$w_2, w_1$ and $v$
Is that allowed?
Right, the unchanging rules say that two vertices must share zero or two neighbors, not three.
In general: If $w_i'$ was equal to $w_j'$, then $v$, $w_i$ and $w_j$ would all be adjacent to both $v'$ and $w_i'=w_j'$, in contradiction of the unchanging rules. Therefore, $\{v', w_1',\dotsc,w_{m-1}'\}$ is a set of $m$ distinct neighbors of $v$ that have distance $m-1$ from $s$. This completes the proof of the lemma.
In the $n$-dimensional hypercube graph, how many vertices have distance $m$ from the starting point?
$\binom nm$
n choose m?
Right, if we think of the points of the hypercube as having coordinates 0 or 1, and the point with all zeros as the starting point, then the points with $n$ ones have distance $m$. There are $\binom{n}{m}$ of those.
This also suggests a lemma.
Lemma: Let $G$ be a $(0,2)$-graph, and let $s$ be a vertex of $G$. Suppose that each vertex of $G$ has $n$ neighbors. For each $m$, there are at most $\binom{n}{m}$ vertices of distance $m$ from $s$.
Proof: Again, we use induction on $m$, and the base case $m=0$ is trivial. Now assume that $m>0$, and that there are at most $\binom{n}{m-1}$ vertices of distance $m-1$. Each vertex of distance $m$ has at least $m$ neighbors of distance $m-1$, while each vertex of distance $m-1$ has at most $n-(m-1)=n-m+1$ neighbors of distance $m$. Therefore, the number of vertices of distance $m$ is at most $\binom{n}{m-1} \frac{m}{n-m+1} = \binom{n}{m}$. This completes the induction.
Finally, if we choose the starting vertex $s$ to correspond to a math circle, then we see that the total number of math circles is at most $\binom{n}{0} + \binom{n}{2} + \binom{n}{4} + \dotsb = 2^{n-1}$.
So we have shown both that it's possible to have $2^{n-1}$ math circles, and that we can't have more than $2^{n-1}$ math circles. So $2^{n-1}$ is the maximum.
Can we have less?
Yes, we're just about to get to that!
(d) For some $n$, find a nonempty system of unchanging rings with unchanging constant $n$ such that it has fewer circles than the maximum you found in part (c).
We know of a few different examples. Here is one that involves actual circles, but in three dimensions. We take the "marked points" to be the vertices of an icosahedron. For each vertex of the icosahedron, we draw a circle through its five neighbors.
Two marked points share a circle if and only if they are both adjacent to that circle's center. Similarly, two circles share a marked point if and only if both centers are adjacent to the marked point.
We can check that if two points on an icosahedron have a common neighbor, then they have exactly two common neighbors. There are essentially two different cases, shown below.
So this is in fact a configuration of unchanging rings. It has unchanging constant $5$. An icosahedron has $12$ vertices, so there are $12$ math circles, and $12$ marked points.
If you're interested in seeing more solutions to part (d), I'll post a some at in a few minutes.
And you can probably find even more by searching for "(0,2) graphs".
If you have any last questions, I can answer them now.
how many applicants managed to fully solve problem 6?
Did many people solve this one?
I don't remember exactly - most applicants didn't solve it fully but at least a few did.
did anyone who solved it find the papers of 0,2 graphs or cite them? or did you learn about them separately?
We learned about the papers when an applicant mentioned them to us.
I think a few applicants found them.
That's the end of the quiz. Thank you so much for spending your evening with us!
We'll be posting tonight's transcript at within the next few days, in case you want to revisit some of what we covered tonight.
We hope you enjoyed this year's QQ, and stay tuned for the 2025 Quiz (and the summer 2025 application) to be posted in January.
thank you
Thanks, I will test it myself!
Thank you!
byee! thank you!!
Thank you all for coming! Over 400 students joined us today.
Thank you, Dan and Phoebe, for leading us through problems 4-6!
If you have questions for Mathcamp, you can contact them at
Finally, a transcript of this Math Jam will be posted soon here:
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