Revision as of 19:06, 26 September 2007 by Valentin Vornicu (talk | contribs)
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The LaTeX typesetting system (pronounced "Lay-Tek" or "Lah-Tek") is widely used to produce well-formatted mathematical and scientific writing. With LaTeX, it is very easy to produce expressions like \[\sqrt{\frac {a^2+b^2+c^2}3} \geq \frac {a+b+c}3 \geq \sqrt[3]{abc} \geq \frac 3 { \frac 1a + \frac 1b + \frac 1c } .\]

You can ask questions about $\LaTeX$ on the LaTeX and Asymptote Forum, and you can test your skills in the Test Forum.

Nearly every serious student of math and science will use LaTeX frequently. Through these web pages, you will learn much of what you'll need to express math and science like a pro.

See also

External links