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formation width algorithm
JGeneson   2
N Dec 9, 2019 by JGeneson
An $(r,s)$-formation is a concatenation of $s$ permutations of $r$ letters, e.g. $a b c c b a a b c a c b$ is a $(3, 4)$-formation.

For every sequence $u$ define $fw(u)$, the formation width of $u$, to be the minimum $s$ for which there exists $r$ such that there is a subsequence isomorphic to $u$ in every $(r,s)$-formation.

In the first $2$ papers on $fw$ ( and, we found an algorithm to calculate $fw(u)$ for any sequence $u$.

The algorithm in the second paper is faster than the first, but both algorithms are very slow. Find a faster algorithm to compute $fw(u)$.

Both papers have Python formation width algorithms at the end.

Suppose that $I_{c} = 1 2 \dots c$ and $D_{c} = c (c-1) \dots 1$. A formation with all permutations equal to $I_{c}$ or $D_{c}$ for some $c$ is called a binary formation.

The key fact used for both algorithms is Corollary 12 in the first paper:

If $u$ has $r$ distinct letters, then every binary $(r, s)$-formation contains $u$ if and only if $s \geq fw(u)$.

Algorithm for calculating $fw(u)$:
Let $r$ be the number of distinct letters in $u$. Starting with $s = 1$, check if every binary $(r, s)$-formation contains $u$. If so, output $s$ and halt. Otherwise increment $s$ and repeat.
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Dec 29, 2018
Dec 9, 2019
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