Search results
Create the page "2000 JBMO Problems/Problem 5" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- ...piad''' ('''JBMO''') is an annual contest for students under the age of 15.5 from one of the [[#Member countries|member countries]] (Balkan area). In re ...ficulty=4 - 6|breakdown=<u>Problem 1</u>: 4<br><u>Problem 2/3</u>: 5<br><u>Problem 4</u>: 6}}3 KB (472 words) - 03:28, 8 June 2024
- ...s the authors of the problems of the [[Junior Balkan Mathematical Olympiad|JBMO]]. * [[1997 JBMO]]6 KB (524 words) - 17:17, 17 August 2018
- ==Problem 1== [[1999 JBMO Problems/Problem 1|Solution]]2 KB (271 words) - 13:13, 25 August 2018
- ==Problem== \frac{5(3n-1)}{4} &\ge n-1 \2 KB (328 words) - 15:50, 19 August 2018
- ==Problem== ...h nonnegative integer <math>n</math> we define <math>A_n = 2^{3n}+3^{6n+2}+5^{6n+2}</math>. Find the greatest common divisor of the numbers <math>A_0,A_2 KB (226 words) - 13:30, 25 August 2018