2004 IMO Shortlist Problems/N1
Let denote the number of positive divisors of the positive integer
. Prove that there exist infinitely many positive integers
such that the equation
does not have a positive solution .
This was also a problem on the 2005 TSTs for Australia and Germany.
Solution 1
If , then
, i.e., there exists
such that
. The converse is also true, since
.) Thus the existance of
such that
is equivalent to the existance of
such that
Note that for any integer has at most
divisors less than or equal to
, and for each divisor
, a divisor
. Hence we obtain the inequality
It is sufficient to prove that for prime , the equation
has no solutions. Assume the contrary. Clearly, if
is a solution, then
, so let
, where
is not divisible by
. We have
We must clearly have . If
, then
must be divisible by
, a contradiction, since
. On the other hand, if
, then by
we have
. This implies
, so
. But by
, we have
This implies , a contradiction for
Thus we must have . Here, we have
But by induction, we have , which implies
, a final contradiction.
Solution 2
As in the first solution, it is sufficient to show that there are infinitely many such that
has no solutions.
We note that for prime ,
is a non-decreasing function of
, for
. We also note that since there are only
positive integers less than or equal to
. We also note that
is a weak multiplicative function, so for relatively prime
Now, suppose that there exists some integer such that for all integers
. Let
be any prime greater than
. We claim that there is no integer
such that
. Suppose the contrary. Clearly, we must have
, so let
, for some
not divisible by
. If
is less than
, then the numerator of
is not divisible by
, a contradiction. If
, then we must have
, which implies
, a contradiction. So
. But then we have
a contradiction. Thus it is sufficient to prove the existance of one such that
has no solution
We will now prove that these is no integer such that
. Suppose that there is such an integer
. Since
for distinct primes
, it follows that
must be divisible by
, for some prime
. But then we have
a contadiction.
We will now prove that for no integer does the equation
hold. Suppose on the contrary that there exists such an
. We must have
, for some
not divisible by 5. We must clearly have
. In fact, we must have
, for
gives us
, which cannot be divisible by
. We cannot have
, either, since we then have
, which gives us
. Then
a contradiction. Thus does not exist and the problem is solved.
Alternate solutions are always welcome. If you have a different, elegant solution to this problem, please add it to this page.