Search results
Create the page "AoPSWiki Games" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- Game-a-thon] challenges students to design and build math games in this national contest. middle school math forums], blogs, [[Math Jams]], the [[AoPSWiki]], and much more.7 KB (805 words) - 08:26, 17 November 2024
- ...AoPS Community]. In the meantime, read up about [[game theory]] in the [[AoPSWiki]]. Before adding any books to this page, please review the [[AoPSWiki:Linking books]] page.2 KB (330 words) - 13:15, 19 December 2008
- * [[Art of Problem Solving]] (AoPS) hosts this [[AoPSWiki]] and many other resources for bright students of mathematics. [http://www * [[Cut-the-knot]] hosts an enormous amount of great math material and games that are best used by gifted math students. [ bytes (66 words) - 18:08, 20 June 2006
- * [[Art of Problem Solving]] hosts the [[AoPSWiki]] as well as many other resources for middle, high school, and college math * [[Math games]]1 KB (177 words) - 20:19, 21 June 2006