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Create the page "Centimeter" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- A wooden cube, whose edges are one centimeter long, rests on a horizontal surface. Illuminated by a point source of light6 KB (931 words) - 16:49, 21 December 2018
- A wooden [[cube]], whose edges are one centimeter long, rests on a horizontal surface. Illuminated by a point source of light2 KB (257 words) - 16:50, 4 January 2016
- ...used units, all derived from the meter, are the '''[[millimeter]]''', '''[[centimeter]]''', and '''[[kilometer]]'''.761 bytes (113 words) - 21:06, 19 June 2011
- ...volume]] of an object or substance. The metric unit is kilograms per cubic centimeter, and the customary unit is pounds per cubic foot. The common symbol for de1 KB (181 words) - 19:28, 18 February 2023
- ...nts <math>72</math> kilometers. How many kilometers does a <math>17</math>-centimeter length represent?13 KB (1,860 words) - 14:14, 20 November 2024
- ...nts <math>72</math> kilometers. How many kilometers does a <math>17</math>-centimeter length represent? ...math>6</math>. The problem is asking how many kilometers a <math>17</math>-centimeter length represents, so we multiply <math>6</math> by <math>17</math> which i946 bytes (134 words) - 03:21, 24 July 2018
- ...entimeter, and <math>10k</math> seconds to burn down the <math>k</math>-th centimeter. Suppose it takes <math>T</math> seconds for the candle to burn down compl8 KB (1,402 words) - 11:17, 13 March 2020
- ...entimeter, and <math>10k</math> seconds to burn down the <math>k</math>-th centimeter. Suppose it takes <math>T</math> seconds for the candle to burn down compl1 KB (198 words) - 23:09, 14 February 2020
- centimeter from the opposing player loses. If Alice goes first, describe (with proof)7 KB (984 words) - 02:41, 14 October 2014
- centimeter from the opposing player loses. If Alice goes first, describe (with proof)698 bytes (114 words) - 14:26, 14 October 2014