Search results
Create the page "Distributivity" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- ...ab+ac \ (b+c)a = ba + ca = ab+ac </math> (double [[distributive property |distributivity]] of multiplication over addition). ...a(b-c)= ab-ac \ (b-c)a = ba - ca </math> (double [[distributive property |distributivity]] of multiplication over subtraction).6 KB (994 words) - 05:16, 8 April 2015
- * Distributivity: <math>a(b+c)=ab+ac</math>2 KB (309 words) - 19:34, 4 July 2019
- Also note that there is no particular reason that distributivity should be one-way, as it is with conventional multiplication and addition.2 KB (267 words) - 09:13, 23 July 2020
- ...te]] [[support]], as this set is a left ideal of <math>A</math>, thanks to distributivity, and every element of the set must be in every left ideal containing <math>8 KB (1,389 words) - 22:44, 17 February 2020
- * [[Distributivity]]2 KB (321 words) - 08:24, 13 June 2008
- ...2</math> part is trivial multiplication, associativity, commutativity, and distributivity over addition,2 KB (317 words) - 23:26, 19 December 2024