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Create the page "Electromagnetic waves" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- Acoustics is the study of [[sound]]. Sound waves are mechanical waves - they travel by actual vibrations in some material medium. Acoustics conce of electromagnetic waves in general. So it covers all waves in the [[electromagnetic spectrum]] given below:9 KB (1,355 words) - 06:29, 29 September 2021
- ...raight outwards. This is present in parabolic dishes where electromagnetic waves are sent straight outwards from the focus.6 KB (1,003 words) - 15:47, 13 November 2024
- ...type of electromagnetic radiation that have the highest frequency on the [[electromagnetic spectrum]]. The boundary between gamma rays and x-rays is not strictly defi * [[Radio waves]]456 bytes (59 words) - 22:21, 6 July 2019
- ...pectrum]] is the collection of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic waves, which we commonly refer to as [[light]]. |+ The Electromagnetic Spectrum2 KB (315 words) - 02:23, 10 June 2021
- Visible light is the frequency band in the [[electromagnetic spectrum]] that is above infrared and below ultraviolet. It takes up less t * [[Radio waves]]453 bytes (64 words) - 22:17, 6 July 2019
- of electromagnetic waves in general. So, it covers all waves in the electromagnetic spectrum given below: *[[Radio waves]]1 KB (177 words) - 19:28, 6 July 2024
- of electromagnetic waves in general. So it covers all waves in the [[electromagnetic spectrum]] given below: * [[Radio waves]]2 KB (198 words) - 11:52, 8 July 2019