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Create the page "Game theory" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
Page title matches
- AoPS Community]. In the meantime, read up about [[game theory]] in the [[AoPSWiki]]. *[ Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict] by Robert Myerson.2 KB (330 words) - 13:15, 19 December 2008
Page text matches
-, and the Branch Class topics at MathILy-Er are likely to include voting theory and non-Euclidean geometry.)5 KB (706 words) - 22:49, 29 January 2024
- Introduction to Number Theory] For The Win] is an online interactive game for students to participate in activities similar to the [[MATHCOUNTS]] Cou5 KB (658 words) - 09:03, 3 November 2024
- * [[Game Theory books]]371 bytes (39 words) - 16:26, 6 June 2006
- AoPS Community]. In the meantime, read up about [[game theory]] in the [[AoPSWiki]]. *[ Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict] by Robert Myerson.2 KB (330 words) - 13:15, 19 December 2008
- ...d a system of [[axiom|axioms]], which is a name given to "the rules of the game." Mathematicians then use various methods of formal [[proof]] to extend the ...metic]] might be considered part of arithmetic as well as part of [[number theory]].6 KB (902 words) - 17:16, 22 October 2024
- ....</math> The maximum number we can get is <math>70.</math> The goal of the game is to find out what number we can achieve in only ONE method, while all oth And since the maximum number of this game is <math>31</math>, that is the number we subtract from the maximum score o7 KB (1,181 words) - 00:53, 21 November 2024
- In a parlor game, the magician asks one of the participants to think of a three digit number [[Category:Intermediate Number Theory Problems]]3 KB (565 words) - 15:51, 1 October 2023
- ...ic, tied together by a common theme. Topics in the past have included game theory and market design.1 KB (214 words) - 21:37, 10 November 2023
- the greatest score that cannot be the score of a team in this football game (ignoring time constraints)? [[Category:Number theory]]17 KB (2,823 words) - 22:06, 15 November 2024
- On the way home from their sixth game, Michael notes to his father that the attendance seems to be increasing due ...<math>212</math> at the fifth, and there were <math>227</math> at today's game." Just then, Michael's71 KB (11,749 words) - 11:39, 20 November 2024
- ...d-robin ping-pong tournament (i.e. every two persons will play exactly one game). After some matches have been played, it is known that the total number of '''Number Theory A'''25 KB (4,154 words) - 15:27, 2 September 2011
- ==Operation Intuitive Number Theory (INT)- Solution 2== least one <math>S</math> value, we miss an infinite number of numbers. Game over!5 KB (1,009 words) - 02:09, 24 June 2024
- ...<math>N>2M</math> and <math>M>4</math>. Each team plays a <math>76</math> game schedule. How many games does a team play within its own division? ...ening if you read the ''The Art of Problem Solving: Introduction to Number Theory'' by Mathew Crawford. Notice how I used chapter 12's ideas of basic modular4 KB (669 words) - 21:59, 1 December 2024
- ...uch; it hurts his ears. EDIT EDIT: GMAAS is now confirmed to like al video game OSTs, especially Undertale. His favorite song is Megalovania. EDIT EDIT EDI exists in <math>2\pi^2</math> dimensions because he doesn't like string theory.69 KB (11,805 words) - 19:49, 18 December 2019
- ...hedule <math>3</math> mathematics courses -- algebra, geometry, and number theory -- in a <math>6</math>-period day if no two mathematics courses can be take ...a real number between <math>0</math> and <math>1.</math> The winner of the game is the one whose number is between the numbers chosen by the other two play15 KB (2,380 words) - 12:39, 3 July 2024
- ...versal [[Gmaas]] Society because of increased confidence in the multiverse theory. achieved all the gods to bow down to him, and beat them at every single game in one move each, for each and every god. Richard Rusczyk and KK-butter hav15 KB (2,315 words) - 21:01, 9 December 2024
- exists in <math>2\pi^2</math> dimensions because he doesn't like string theory. ...ighty Gmaas started the Game of Thrones. EDIT: Almighty Gmaas will end the Game of Thrones.99 KB (14,063 words) - 20:43, 13 November 2024
- Arjun and Beth play a game in which they take turns removing one brick or two adjacent bricks from one We say that a game state is an N-position if it is winning for the next player (the player to11 KB (1,721 words) - 22:10, 7 November 2022
- <b>Ahead of the Game</b>: <b>Introduction to Number Theory Master</b>:3 KB (520 words) - 13:10, 30 November 2024
- ...runiversal Gmaas Society because of increased confidence in the multiverse theory. achieved all the gods to bow down to him, and beat them at every single game in one move each, for each and every god(Zeus put up a good fight). Richard89 KB (15,058 words) - 19:26, 15 October 2024