Difference between revisions of "User:Piphi/GC/Game 21/1-16"
< User:Piphi | GC | Game 21
(Created page with "{{User:Piphi/Template:Header}} <br> <pre>1 GCA 300.236 2 BerryBear 298.797 3 piphi 288.079 4 lkarhat 284.900 5 jjaops 281.943 6 The_Squirrel 280.196 7 anmol04 27...") |
(No difference)
Latest revision as of 16:44, 17 January 2021
1 GCA 300.236 2 BerryBear 298.797 3 piphi 288.079 4 lkarhat 284.900 5 jjaops 281.943 6 The_Squirrel 280.196 7 anmol04 278.787 8 CoolCarsOnTheRun 270.954 9 RANDOMMATHLOVER 268.703 10 twsaving 264.669 11 MathJams 262.298 12 MP8148 258.120 13 AOPSmathematics 257.941 14 Bobthemath 255.464 15 audio-on 255.020 16 krishgarg 254.022 17 aiwen 250.746 18 mathisawesome2169 248.793 19 ap26 244.467 20 Bobcats 244.275 21 baffledBear 242.160 22 tacowizard 240.174 23 BobsonJoe 240.039 24 lazypika 237.925 25 cosmaster 235.793 26 DuoDuoling0 235.614 27 jzhangBSD 235.307 28 v4913 235.194 29 john0512 235.091 30 Cubesat 234.615 31 babyzombievillager 232.094 32 Radio2 231.719 33 UnknownMonkey 231.656 34 Jc426 227.488 35 Mathnificent 224.380 36 Lingjun 223.065 37 mathcounting 222.333 38 Quentissential 222.132 39 AforApple 221.399 40 IdkHowToAddNumbers 220.043 41 alkliem 218.772 42 whatabwot 213.582 43 HamstPan38825 211.842 44 Blueclay 211.230 45 Hector2173 211.064 46 pandapo 210.140 47 greedcontrolwannabee 209.603 48 jlee28 207.660 49 asbodke 206.544 50 Mando17 205.705 51 Pwang1 202.945 52 ilovemath04 199.291 53 sercurityalarm 192.435 54 sunshine_rainbow 187.539 55 GammaZero 187.067 56 HopefullyPerfectScore 185.018 57 JosephLiang 183.552 58 The_Elephant 179.419 59 Orange_Quail_9 179.273 60 bryannguyen 177.991 61 CEO1111 177.417 62 xyz2abc 175.945 63 Math2016Center 175.656 64 fucongcong 174.053 65 awesomeguy856 173.870 66 Eric1219 173.285 67 Ampelmann43 171.255 68 ml1234 169.387 69 monks 168.369 70 RyanWang 165.989 71 mimij 158.973 72 pinkpig 157.089 73 Qiu10 156.972 74 justin6688 156.392 75 mathgirl916 156.106 76 Grizzy 152.669 77 Alexm12 151.485 78 szheng0312 150.054 79 acaicai 149.248 80 LearningStorm 148.294 81 Biglolivergnaw 147.826 82 iabzcq 145.919 83 PGOStick1 144.866 84 Physicsisfun123 144.389 85 FunJourney 144.250 86 G92708 143.986 87 samrocksnature 143.403 88 duck_master 142.696 89 AOPS12345678910 142.203 90 mochi 140.330 91 joanna418m 140.125 92 michaelchang1 139.389 93 LivelyQuotient 139.037 94 BorealBear 138.959 95 Awesome3.14 138.878 96 confuzzledcheesesteak 131.995 97 hungrypig 131.414 98 Iamnobody 130.327 99 purplepenguin2 126.283 100 confuzzledcheesesteaks 125.187 101 Cozzmo 123.646 102 ZippityA 123.275 103 Pi_Pup 122.799 104 goldenn 119.996 105 leafwhisker 118.645 106 JacobJB 117.377 107 gator2006 116.659 108 MightyDog 116.475 109 mc21s 116.284 110 mathnerd_101 115.005 111 apple.xy 113.638 112 Practice40hrs 107.886 113 bibear 107.769 114 PenguinMoosey 107.080 115 math202 106.782 116 Revquant 106.296 117 llbaobao 105.835 118 beastmaster29 105.544 119 Rooster168 103.675 120 kred9 103.474 121 kayjia 103.240 122 nerd_07 102.120 123 lilcritters 101.364 124 pieMax2713 101.107 125 BrainyBYH 98.791 126 musicalseahorse9 98.747 127 Skyhigh1218 98.443 128 hmathrocks 97.783 129 yangi26 97.579 130 AL1002 97.258 131 jcl-12 97.148 132 TheBlueArticuno 96.436 133 MLiang2018 95.001 134 Technodoggo 94.199 135 MaverickMan 93.703 136 hipeeps1104 92.910 137 LucBob 92.726 138 Blueshark_ 92.294 139 nathanj 92.218 140 RichardH18 90.938 141 Angrybird029 90.061 142 moon107 89.957 143 yjian 89.776 144 happycow168 89.710 145 kavya.rajesh 88.567 146 Fishy2020 88.519 147 boing123 87.896 148 jiang147369 87.822 149 thechessloser153 86.761 150 rondoallaturca 86.077 151 Testking 85.726 152 megaplayer29 84.861 153 euler12345 84.472 154 qiuqiu 84.043 155 aops-g5-gethsemanea2 83.908 156 connorcc 83.683 157 Adventure10 83.281 158 FiRunner 82.898 159 Chlodabomb 82.809 160 M.I.J.Gilliam 81.953 161 JVAJVA 81.906 162 GCAcademy2 81.885 163 TwinKK 81.828 164 Tacocat200113672 81.676 165 Owlly81 79.466 166 awin 77.440 167 kunhui_08 77.396 168 bestzack66 77.357 169 X-Dragon 75.882 170 snowstorm128 75.848 171 MinecraftNoob 75.205 172 shadow09 74.022 173 nezha33 73.808 174 sdd2026 73.542 175 mcjian 72.741 176 DavyWavy 72.314 177 shadowking2001 71.390 178 ChrisalonaLiverspur 71.187 179 dkedu 71.134 180 miyuai 70.669 181 CT17 70.349 182 XiaoPanda1 70.177 183 California17 70.052 184 mummyking 69.634 185 BigTrees 69.569 186 shashu 69.209 187 NavieR 69.143 188 bubbletea070821 68.898 189 MrVancoover 68.620 190 polarbearwizard 68.561 191 CorgiARMY 67.608 192 Creeperquark72 67.524 193 BobBob 67.205 194 CarterLovelady 66.553 195 montana_mathlete 66.536 196 izzietie51 66.159 197 HarryZhao 65.081 198 Rubikscube3.1415 64.858 199 primalgroudon 64.776 200 tonyme.2 64.536 201 ss34768 63.968 202 TeddyBearJellyBean 63.064 203 pnacham 62.641 204 a.shyam.25 62.628 205 Supernova283 62.320 206 Lilavigne 61.750 207 adriancheung 61.051 208 mathboy282 60.079 209 zap4pan 60.036 210 Gfitzmaurice5980 59.955 211 watermelonmonster 59.720 212 Puddles_Penguin 59.662 213 bubbletea130525 59.634 214 ThornyBush_123 59.042 215 Jonathan1 58.930 216 mathnajia 58.863 217 judgefan99 57.878 218 buckystark 57.554 219 Wizkid8402 56.879 220 miaomiao- 56.731 221 bellagirl 56.692 222 pandabearcat 56.412 223 Dynosaur 56.364 224 dragoncat5482 56.066 225 rmathmaster 55.345 226 BobRascal 54.738 227 GradyW 54.640 228 emeraldcopper 53.650 229 smarty101 53.137 230 princerohatgi 52.867 231 curiousmind_888 52.750 232 Mathdreams 52.710 233 Aopamy 52.591 234 ViratKohli2018 52.170 235 GabeW 50.957 236 Fawxx 50.902 237 soloachiever 50.875 238 Missionmath 50.575 239 m1025 50.381 240 M1necraftPro 49.724 241 ibmo0907 49.675 242 iloveorigami 49.419 243 Fencing 49.326 244 amyannieaop 49.114 245 lc426 49.075 246 Elaine_Wang 48.614 247 twsaving2 48.004 248 pslawson19 47.941 249 Carina08 47.590 250 Scipio1 47.383 251 tongtong-icy 47.181 252 red_dragon664 47.086 253 hi.. 46.716 254 mmc29 46.594 255 hexafandra 46.450 256 Wood2009 46.447 257 shivagvr 45.939 258 elainexu 45.615 259 moony_eyed 45.536 260 Stormbreaker7984 45.500 261 Math4Life2020 45.324 262 ethanhansummerfun 45.222 263 epicmath2015 44.871 264 himalimanche 44.357 265 usernameyourself 44.349 266 slsg2020 43.708 267 BananaBall00 43.505 268 snebob 43.197 269 Ximena 43.050 270 stayhomedomath 42.946 271 Jalenluorion 42.553 272 Snoynac_ 42.451 273 PhysKid11 41.991 274 interactivemath 41.948 275 AndyMonkey 41.860 276 VictoriaVolley04 41.634 277 eduD_looC 41.509 278 nicole_yang 40.714 279 abhavsar 40.534 280 hasinij 40.243 281 csong 40.115 282 mok 39.875 283 RedFireTruck 39.676 284 justinzhang404 39.530 285 iheartmyaops 39.346 286 emma_xie 38.801 287 varshab 38.653 288 grant_236 38.646 289 SharpApricot123 38.633 289 ChippyChipmunk 38.633 291 ObjectZ 38.593 292 yifanli 38.183 293 yiz76 38.167 294 etvat 37.967 294 GoldenWhale 37.967 296 smartish552 37.838 297 mathpro246 37.512 298 Fermat_Theorem 37.435 299 Afreaknoobbbbbb 37.417 300 yq5967 37.358 301 Winter_Solstic3 37.283 302 Tong.Qiu 37.207 303 stripezebra 37.194 304 joyoforigami 36.948 305 Edelweiss_USA 36.816 306 kyen 36.707 307 Hershey806 36.702 308 green_alligator_15125 36.611 309 superagh 36.500 309 duskstream 36.500 311 nickyshi 36.354 312 phoenixtan 36.279 313 vvluo 36.150 314 maikewl_ 36.118 315 pog 36.055 316 EvanZ 35.974 317 GoogleNebula 35.680 318 captainnobody 35.242 319 Toucanbirb 35.117 320 Bookworm1 34.929 321 sunfishho 34.811 322 GoldVictini 34.767 323 Trigisnotfun 34.754 324 AC3131 34.576 325 xplash 33.971 326 teriyakiisgood 33.900 327 saravanan 33.674 328 aopsonline2020888 33.457 329 lolipepit 33.456 330 S86933 33.396 331 Paul10 33.384 332 Logicoverlord 33.302 333 Army123 33.276 334 tiger619 33.262 335 lelesf 33.039 336 ReaperGod 33.000 337 EnochChan 32.978 338 danielp 32.958 339 MatrixMan 32.876 340 RMOAspirantFaraz 32.746 341 Mogmog8 32.739 342 changh201 32.708 343 tiger1010 32.490 344 bronco18 32.389 345 HudsonR 32.360 346 happysmile2 32.358 347 TaurusJ 32.307 348 zhanglulinca 32.261 349 Everestbaker 32.236 350 char0221 32.106 351 Abdulwahab 32.083 352 ThunderTiger 31.925 353 mx2521ap 31.895 354 richpianist 31.888 355 ISolveLikeAGirl 31.793 356 Florinaapplezhu 31.536 357 Bookworm2020 31.500 358 b12b3b 31.448 359 AnastasiaVictoria 31.350 360 wamofan 31.328 361 jayfeather3767 31.301 362 Marco288 31.256 363 NocturnalKiwi 31.200 364 Scruggs2.0 30.977 365 HolyAngels 30.916 366 c4raymond 30.442 367 MathMan3.14 30.351 368 Angong3399 30.328 369 lprado 30.289 370 Geometry285 30.246 371 tejasgandi 30.167 372 tennisplayer2007 30.001 373 superjedidan 29.981 374 MojiLA 29.820 375 Dslidder 29.550 376 bsu1 29.516 377 mathwiz2266 29.422 378 sunitha 29.300 379 BotBuilder 29.177 380 mustache 29.025 381 fuzimiao2013 28.999 382 thefalln 28.987 383 hiino 28.857 384 prickly-pear 28.833 385 hashtagmath 28.717 386 HIA2020 28.683 387 mathpower007 28.564 388 s2010n 28.508 389 anmol07 28.266 390 MathHayden 28.194 391 Aspiring_Mathletes 28.166 392 jshu60091 27.250 393 flissyquokka17 27.199 394 KevinYang07 27.174 395 jude27 27.007 396 Sb210 26.955 397 akmath2019 26.627 398 rhtsai 26.557 399 notNotNotANerd 26.485 400 Beni099 26.480 401 TigerHan 26.479 402 EricZhang755 26.206 403 NHJ10723 26.000 404 Ilovemath605 25.830 405 Monishka123 25.800 406 dragon614math 25.777 407 Floating-Clouds 25.712 408 kosarsi 25.500 409 fireballfury 25.432 410 rocketgirl 25.380 411 jlikemath 25.275 412 brendan_cape 25.183 413 SpeedyVeil 25.167 414 mo_aops 25.069 415 Lily2020 25.022 416 Countcountcount 25.000 417 Vegayi 24.914 418 nicarmt 24.753 419 wm8611 24.742 420 JCJC 24.685 421 NumberCracker 24.674 422 Kabu 24.584 423 abc2123 24.483 424 Dai2018 24.442 425 G.G.Otto 24.400 426 pi-r2 24.324 427 sirishanerella10 24.175 428 captain_coder1 24.172 429 Likeminded2017 24.150 430 unikitty 24.095 431 Cayle 24.036 432 JustAnotherNoob28 24.029 433 rejas 24.000 434 yitesr 23.900 435 Mathlete0001 23.834 436 Streaks123 23.705 437 PeachesAndPlums1 23.675 438 nt-blue 23.500 439 GM_Phrostbyte 23.337 440 leejk 23.047 441 ct-wolf 22.937 442 turkishvan 22.935 443 ben179 22.733 444 squirrelpro555 22.594 445 sarahzhu 22.584 446 beishexi 22.567 447 coolmath2017 22.556 448 CS2008 22.539 449 RedDragon818 22.387 450 SparklyFlowers 22.335 451 footballpro 22.303 452 navier3072 22.166 453 MinecraftArchitect 22.100 454 YummyFood 22.095 455 tashtsazyu 22.042 456 cryptographer 22.000 456 Aditya404 22.000 458 falsename 21.910 459 zythy1 21.903 460 Bluejay24 21.881 461 bfan0805 21.867 462 Goddess101 21.833 462 Hoju 21.833 464 Mathisawsome1234 21.788 465 CuriousMonkey 21.618 466 ColdAndCalculating 21.600 467 alpha_2 21.587 468 CreativeHedgehog 21.545 469 Somersett 21.512 470 LuckyG 21.500 471 Pi_Fibonacci 21.497 472 air2rz 21.392 473 Saanvika 21.351 474 SaphireTurtle 21.333 475 tigerzhang 21.278 476 casp 21.164 477 hello._. 21.091 478 grayspider 21.068 479 vtlev 21.041 480 Olympiad2020 21.000 480 Alice26 21.000 482 Wen-VivianAlcumus 20.950 483 AimFire 20.909 484 rosegold13 20.829 485 ShiSha 20.809 486 googolplexinfiinity 20.770 487 Mtct123 20.610 488 NehaSeban 20.450 489 tenebrine 20.300 490 ChuppiChuppi2 20.167 491 hawk77 20.000 491 Winter_Wonderland 20.000 493 PrettyPlanets 19.687 494 Onafets 19.614 495 michael009 19.608 496 Kevinyuekai 19.571 497 vy123rocks 19.333 498 rqmath 19.315 499 dolphin77790 19.181 500 Infinity19 19.125 501 Piano_Man123 19.114 502 URcurious2 19.091 503 sp0422 19.067 504 akliu 19.041 505 Pranavbala 19.000 506 ac142931 18.950 507 supersharky 18.883 508 corgi61 18.690 509 urmomlol 18.666 510 Gumball 18.531 511 Pi31 18.520 512 dynamite_just_two 18.511 513 eyyang10 18.315 514 AmpharosX 18.286 515 erringbubble 18.267 516 Cheetah1000 18.175 517 aopsuser305 18.117 518 bryanguo 18.100 519 soccer5 18.097 520 the_mathmagician 18.083 521 Pi-Lover 18.071 522 Love101 18.067 523 pooja26678 18.024 524 Dev2447 17.913 525 fluffyernieblobby 17.889 526 NamePending 17.689 527 tigerzhang01 17.673 528 xMidnightFirex 17.667 529 agentmath 17.649 530 GP102 17.629 531 MinnesotaMath 17.625 532 clover07 17.617 533 yao.c 17.608 534 williamwu001 17.601 535 winsolo 17.546 536 aa1024 17.500 537 cannyyao0829 17.460 538 flyingfalcon25 17.439 539 kanhay 17.271 540 SpiritHorse 17.222 541 hamon 17.167 542 flec 17.028 543 blueyellowgreen 17.000 544 jaklew 16.962 545 Ladka13 16.915 546 pragna0527 16.914 547 Atoms789 16.899 548 aops_07 16.800 549 riverblossom 16.764 550 mathwiz0110 16.743 551 stripedhedgehog 16.666 552 katie907lee 16.625 553 yekolo 16.567 554 jwhouston 16.564 555 hstrsoil 16.550 556 BunkeredYard103 16.509 557 Mathamatical_seagul 16.500 558 fry8 16.488 559 taranw 16.433 560 ouyangc 16.350 561 masadca 16.340 562 S126803 16.334 563 Mathkiddie 16.333 564 Jason321 16.267 565 phi_ftw1618 16.209 566 xzw000 16.208 567 abdcooper 16.086 568 tauros 16.071 569 jcklosalamos 16.045 570 seungfly0913 16.000 570 studentlearner 16.000 572 Alanwang2008 15.999 573 channing421 15.993 574 s-erxue 15.975 575 racebrook18 15.867 576 SenorSloth 15.761 577 NCEE 15.734 578 Mathman524 15.567 579 Thunderbolt190 15.547 580 ASweatyAsianBoie 15.525 581 bubb 15.444 582 turtle22 15.400 583 Prochamp 15.370 584 C-123Math 15.333 585 mathyjokesformathyfolks 15.291 586 Sunshine11 15.208 587 Invisibility101 15.200 587 KTKoch123 15.200 589 luckysw 15.167 589 tenorclef 15.167 591 AndyL 15.166 592 GalaxyDragon09 15.150 593 TheSmartestEnzo 15.133 593 frogcoder 15.133 595 PeachesandPlums01 15.086 595 Bluedevils 15.086 597 vaporwave 15.067 598 lingling40hrs 15.033 599 GeometryJake 15.000 599 nsgirl15 15.000 601 WinterOwl23 14.875 602 mathmammoth 14.863 603 midigirl 14.833 604 Mliu630XYZ 14.829 605 soggydollar 14.821 606 ilovebender 14.809 607 ajax31 14.762 607 mat333 14.762 609 popcorn1 14.736 610 ihatemath123 14.733 611 nyan1218 14.729 612 math40hours 14.668 613 Math-Cupcake 14.667 613 aaja3427 14.667 615 tiangang 14.665 616 saltydounut 14.643 617 kelvin.hongcy 14.583 618 ycsboston 14.333 619 quanxinyang 14.292 619 CuriousMathBoy72 14.292 621 skandan 14.284 622 MW123GUY 14.250 623 calvinzh 14.239 624 ravenclaw-pianist 14.234 625 ProfessorLoki 14.150 626 littyyin 14.125 627 cuchiberry 14.070 628 Sullymath 14.024 629 deswimmer 14.000 630 Fox09 13.976 631 Marcus_Zhang 13.955 632 yahwism1114 13.950 633 sdpandit 13.871 634 awesomeming327. 13.860 635 curio337 13.833 636 aidan0626 13.806 637 IntelligentElephant2010 13.792 638 trixieandbear 13.775 639 URAblob 13.686 640 pineapple23 13.667 641 fuegocaliente 13.643 642 ElNadia 13.642 643 BlazingSun1200 13.625 644 CTHELE5 13.574 645 Learner243 13.533 646 cherryolive 13.500 647 Tryharderplease 13.483 648 sml1809 13.458 649 djaops 13.398 650 Eagle23 13.309 651 MLTC 13.300 652 ILOVECAT 13.278 652 wx_family2 13.278 654 AlwaysOnce 13.267 655 varunkute 13.222 656 unicorncc17 13.133 657 Dr.Mathematics 13.114 658 lakesiide 13.070 659 DPX1 13.050 660 Rajkhowa 13.000 661 SkywalkerAUV 12.914 662 X_star12321 12.844 663 Shadowfax13 12.818 664 darkwater 12.730 665 tani_lex 12.708 666 zheale26 12.667 666 anagh 12.667 666 Number_8 12.667 669 swimgirl16 12.666 670 Skyline2019 12.650 671 Donutsman 12.589 672 Apple_Annie 12.520 673 ohjoshuaoh 12.513 673 s-sswaminathan 12.513 675 czaops 12.500 675 SundayBaker 12.500 675 vivianbasf 12.500 678 jiejinc 12.434 679 Yufanwang 12.421 680 wuwang2002 12.417 681 gb2006 12.375 682 Matham469 12.346 683 mathlete60 12.333 684 qkddud 12.309 685 aayr 12.286 686 Thornclaw9000 12.244 687 HighVoltage 12.222 688 wikjay 12.193 689 Unnayan 12.180 689 El_Ectric 12.180 691 CrazyBoulder 12.167 692 awesomeonfire 12.125 693 HumanCalculator28 12.100 694 simonicorn 12.071 695 palaashgang 12.055 696 cksvos 12.000 696 rohred1 12.000 696 dodmak 12.000 696 Number_Sense_Guy1 12.000 696 Rusczyk 12.000 696 MathPirate101 12.000 696 mininotebookmaker 12.000 703 PineappleMcMango 11.955 704 jbataops 11.904 705 Heavytoothpaste 11.900 706 ADing 11.896 707 ultimatejerry2 11.867 708 Jevalark 11.857 709 tapir1729 11.800 710 Z_Math404 11.793 711 Olympic101 11.750 712 nimbus_ 11.716 713 dolphindesigner 11.667 713 yayy 11.667 715 EpicParadox 11.617 716 NerdyPiggy 11.600 717 legomaster 11.596 718 FiredragonLee 11.556 719 TheDM 11.543 720 mathNart 11.518 721 JonathanJZhang 11.517 722 mathical8 11.509 723 Dancingbananabob 11.500 723 slrara01 11.500 723 PeculiarPie 11.500 726 alpha_zom 11.476 727 foreverlulu1 11.402 727 CleverTiger 11.402 729 abcb1030 11.375 730 GrilledBrain 11.333 731 datoucai 11.250 732 IceWolf10 11.143 732 babytiger2010 11.143 732 MathDragon2 11.143 735 Master_Shake 11.125 736 levans 11.111 737 MilaB 11.050 738 Iordvoldemort 11.014 739 edjar 11.000 739 skaggsstar 11.000 739 Newton23 11.000 742 PrinceRoyale 10.973 743 lihengliu001 10.929 744 Bob_Zhu 10.921 745 cool972 10.904 746 MrMathey 10.822 747 ID991 10.810 747 razormouth 10.810 749 srijith 10.800 750 Ertugrul11 10.795 751 RP3.1415 10.786 752 iiRishabii 10.750 752 Hypercube11 10.750 752 thatkid1010 10.750 755 Ha_ha_ha 10.708 756 peterguo 10.704 757 suvamkonar 10.667 757 pikachu248 10.667 759 superpig 10.666 760 kante314 10.605 761 JD9 10.571 762 Roiderious 10.567 763 apricot_sherry 10.520 764 Muffin_Potato 10.500 764 Etherealjellyfish104 10.500 764 DuoQuinQuagintillion 10.500 767 poplintos 10.481 768 Joe__2020 10.473 769 vishwathganesan 10.429 770 vkp78 10.420 771 quadraticformula25 10.363 772 Knightsky 10.357 773 Joshua_Oh 10.356 774 froakie 10.333 774 MathLion2.0 10.333 776 DAWAE 10.310 777 Ezraft 10.295 778 anusoda 10.289 779 Pinecone98 10.248 780 infinityunlimited 10.222 781 vgaurav 10.101 782 Ejmy2222 10.086 783 cxj7501 10.069 784 bob1223 10.052 785 colinwei 10.050 786 con111 10.022 787 Mathstar99 10.017 788 supa_eggy 10.011 789 xyw 10.000 789 itsmemasterS 10.000 789 liwufamily 10.000 789 Spacesam 10.000 789 O0000 10.000 789 Stormhorse293 10.000 795 AgentDelta 9.976 796 Bachsonata3 9.900 797 Eastshore 9.878 798 kyn26 9.800 799 Toinfinity 9.778 800 cawcaw 9.771 801 SkyShark77 9.750 801 Maanav01 9.750 801 amazingxin777 9.750 801 Ish_Sahh 9.750 805 OliverA 9.736 806 bookgirl08 9.724 807 Arceangel 9.667 808 RoseInspire 9.536 809 Math22Person 9.534 810 MW2018 9.500 810 babyhamster 9.500 810 nonname001 9.500 810 echoboy1400 9.500 814 Nodens 9.487 815 ZelmanZhang 9.486 816 DARTHTATOR0112 9.475 817 GabeW1234 9.460 818 ccookie 9.433 819 Fawkes2020 9.400 819 Mysterious-Monster 9.400 819 Elbertpark 9.400 822 jalen456 9.375 823 AOPS81619 9.367 824 Chowy 9.364 824 dan09 9.364 826 TrapTrancer 9.267 827 Eat314 9.200 828 Grookey12305235 9.167 829 SoccerBoy1 9.143 830 cowsheep 9.127 831 tpuhan 9.125 832 Richkrystyna 9.091 833 agbatsch 9.083 834 Amethyst27 9.000 834 anika11 9.000 834 vkodukula 9.000 834 selinapan 9.000 834 Nihalk 9.000 834 basketball8 9.000 834 SteenaCarter 9.000 834 katelyndeng 9.000 842 ivyzheng 8.800 842 fiercenokia 8.800 844 TB1980 8.778 845 ivymlj 8.750 845 NOOB0226 8.750 847 Pudding2000years 8.735 848 FaThEr-SqUiRrEl 8.712 849 Puffer13 8.700 850 goober123 8.667 851 leejatexas 8.655 852 MathLiver123 8.633 853 Goalkeeper_Job 8.600 854 Romey 8.575 855 watson25 8.571 856 greg123 8.500 856 SmartGroot 8.500 856 menlo 8.500 856 Shkev 8.500 856 squareroot12621 8.500 856 my_aops_lessons 8.500 862 ArtyA6 8.472 863 blue_grass 8.400 864 NMGuy 8.391 865 koalapanda 8.363 866 Zephan 8.333 866 andrewcheng 8.333 866 Selenalee 8.333 866 Stillwaterrundeep 8.333 866 sir_3.1415926 8.333 871 beastEJ 8.308 872 Mathemagic2-2_-5 8.286 873 Pathu05_game-2005 8.222 874 ohbaby 8.167 874 Skchang7 8.167 874 calculatorgirl1 8.167 874 eaglebuddy2 8.167 878 stjwyl 8.143 879 mobro 8.116 880 speedstar 8.083 880 awu2014 8.083 882 BreckenBuddy 8.071 883 finlip 8.050 884 SIYQ 8.011 885 cutiemouse888 8.000 885 learner10 8.000 885 nelito 8.000 885 sharmadi249 8.000 885 Carter16891 8.000 885 abc9 8.000 885 kygario 8.000 885 MinecraftFox 8.000 885 Trollyjones 8.000 885 CubingPlus 8.000 895 wm2009 7.875 896 banana_cream_PI 7.857 897 TharunM 7.834 898 chezpotato 7.833 898 thesolution123 7.833 898 lowu321 7.833 898 pillarglass 7.833 902 Awesome_Wolf 7.800 902 jesuiseye 7.800 904 avirmani1 7.750 904 RaymondZhu 7.750 904 Dakadada 7.750 907 DerpyCarrot123 7.738 908 sealsrock 7.721 909 prathiklolla 7.703 910 NickFoles0407 7.670 911 mathisverynice 7.667 911 universeking 7.667 911 siddegoat 7.667 914 snow52 7.653 915 sidchukkayapally 7.650 916 qwertyPickle231 7.643 917 magnifecent 7.600 917 ShockFish 7.600 919 The_Pascal_Triangle 7.575 920 Sabertoothsolver 7.509 921 cw357 7.500 921 franzliszt 7.500 921 yzkhy 7.500 921 wpj 7.500 921 floptron1 7.500 926 lemon_tea 7.389 927 SJKC 7.333 927 nukelauncher 7.333 927 PerfectPanther13 7.333 927 sqrt-1__like__math 7.333 927 pakhonli 7.333 932 magical_mathematician07 7.275 933 Anastasiosaur 7.268 934 rufeng 7.250 935 AwsomeSahana 7.200 936 jspiepuppy 7.167 936 remixfan 7.167 936 helenruoyu 7.167 936 SweetMango77 7.167 940 The_dynamic_tacocat 7.143 940 Speedstorm 7.143 940 kmathmaster 7.143 940 JazzyTheJazzer1234 7.143 940 Socoobo 7.143 940 AreteAcademy 7.143 946 riversedgeknight 7.086 947 kcbhatraju 7.066 948 i_am_a_mystery 7.000 948 Didier 7.000 948 sahil1021 7.000 948 mathchamps 7.000 948 pooh_bear 7.000 948 vedkids2 7.000 948 ishgarg 7.000 948 penguinninja2008 7.000 948 khamilton711 7.000 948 V12S 7.000 948 shriramafs 7.000 948 Mathcoin 7.000 948 gabrielgar200 7.000 948 marty55 7.000 948 LamaFace 7.000 948 AgentPeely 7.000 964 I-I-l-I 6.992 965 Helloworld369 6.857 965 Dancing 6.857 965 amh08 6.857 968 AnkitAMC 6.846 968 SU2SU1 6.846 970 todaybb 6.833 971 rchang25 6.800 972 ExpiredS0ul 6.786 973 sunflower42day 6.750 973 Cindypanda 6.750 973 seastar1775 6.750 973 rohan.sp 6.750 977 demonx432 6.714 977 giertek 6.714 977 inch227 6.714 980 ajs6 6.643 981 hemangvj 6.607 982 happy_bear 6.571 982 Vitali 6.571 982 JoyfulG 6.571 982 ramon12800 6.571 986 ilovepizza2020 6.566 987 typeanswerhere 6.545 988 rainbow2011 6.500 988 Thickcheapo 6.500 988 Isha_N 6.500 988 superminecraft1649 6.500 988 EulerNTM 6.500 993 Math2019A 6.465 994 nikitadas 6.429 994 satangw 6.429 994 JohnsonBoss 6.429 997 Graden 6.349 998 bsatvik 6.348 999 sherrylei 6.333 999 mxlovania123 6.333 999 chessmathcoder 6.333 999 jingyihan 6.333 1003 Jary 6.286 1004 winterrain01 6.250 1004 lemondrop314 6.250 1004 awesome_dude 6.250 1004 TigerShark250 6.250 1004 blueocean2019 6.250 1004 urvirm 6.250 1004 cj13609517288 6.250 1004 Azula 6.250 1004 Sresh101_- 6.250 1004 Toshu 6.250 1004 Beechdale 6.250 1004 pethe25980 6.250 1004 atl3236 6.250 1004 DogLover87 6.250 1004 The_Better_Samuel 6.250 1019 Flowers_rose 6.203 1020 TsunamiStorm08 6.200 1020 Mbean16 6.200 1020 bronzetruck2016 6.200 1023 harveylei 6.167 1023 gomezx4 6.167 1023 zigzagJ 6.167 1023 miaduarte_ytrewq 6.167 1023 LeoLu 6.167 1023 dragon_master 6.167 1029 smileymittens 6.143 1029 ALDW123 6.143 1029 rishabh.oswal 6.143 1032 Rusticcastle 6.125 1032 Smiths 6.125 1032 vtlev2 6.125 1035 BBCounaun 6.096 1036 RuiyangWu 6.091 1037 MangoPapaya 6.000 1037 cahou31 6.000 1037 sioly 6.000 1037 bankob 6.000 1037 kankan 6.000 1037 tejachitta 6.000 1037 bangwool17 6.000 1037 lululittle 6.000 1037 valeriewong 6.000 1037 EdwinNational 6.000 1037 MathInfinite 6.000 1037 DinoCool 6.000 1037 HasiniS 6.000 1037 mangolassi 6.000 1037 paq12345 6.000 1037 twogoats99 6.000 1053 petfoo 5.886 1054 HeinzDoofenshmirtz489 5.875 1054 Tiger2010 5.875 1054 SahajAOPS 5.875 1054 yeboidodov2 5.875 1054 ishankhare 5.875 1054 tkubota 5.875 1054 the_math_prodigy 5.875 1061 Alculator11 5.857 1062 coolkid347 5.800 1062 lovematch13 5.800 1062 trooper_12 5.800 1062 bujurocks 5.800 1062 ewang 5.800 1067 FireBreathingRubberDucky 5.750 1067 luken 5.750 1067 awesomepony566 5.750 1067 moog 5.750 1067 aryabhata000 5.750 1072 norian 5.714 1072 Hypatia1728 5.714 1072 btc433 5.714 1072 jadonk 5.714 1076 Bluuefox 5.667 1076 Yelly314 5.667 1076 rjeagle2019 5.667 1076 SK_pi3145 5.667 1076 Possible 5.667 1076 toper2 5.667 1076 grace2003 5.667 1083 pomme_de_terre_ 5.625 1083 matthewpeng2008 5.625 1083 Neermanvi 5.625 1083 chakkera4 5.625 1087 lw11753 5.600 1088 qianqian07 5.571 1089 drain-the-oceans 5.556 1089 SouthMiddleSchoolAH60005 5.556 1089 robertfeng 5.556 1089 LanceMath 5.556 1089 MetalTigerMath 5.556 1094 Love2Learn2019 5.542 1095 ASTR0N0M3R_11 5.500 1095 steven2015 5.500 1095 bigegg 5.500 1095 TheAoPSLebron 5.500 1095 mengtongxiang2008 5.500 1095 Madelyn 5.500 1095 idk111 5.500 1095 peace09 5.500 1095 tigeryong 5.500 1104 bobtherabbit 5.444 1104 mathrish 5.444 1104 philosophia 5.444 1104 baldy 5.444 1108 Naren12 5.429 1109 mathleticguyyy 5.400 1109 jp67234 5.400 1111 Vin-cent 5.375 1111 mr245 5.375 1113 gjaisurya 5.333 1113 rvr359 5.333 1113 PickMeALeaf 5.333 1113 diamondmiddlesyed6 5.333 1113 llplp 5.333 1113 rf20008 5.333 1119 Zanderman 5.286 1120 shannu2 5.277 1121 AlgebraGamer20 5.250 1121 lnzhonglp 5.250 1121 yosefpaster 5.250 1124 km1974 5.222 1124 hie99 5.222 1124 Irvinwang 5.222 1124 Lele 5.222 1124 sweetmailbox 5.222 1124 mathpro12345 5.222 1124 zlrara01 5.222 1131 dori_vinnle 5.200 1131 Rocky_Road 5.200 1133 CrushingStar 5.143 1133 happy_pig 5.143 1133 Weston820 5.143 1133 boromeye1 5.143 1137 British-Man 5.111 1137 zby 5.111 1137 RetroTurtle 5.111 1137 Syd0630 5.111 1141 mchang 5.000 1141 TheFlamingoHacker 5.000 1141 yahanlin2009 5.000 1141 nickhamory 5.000 1141 pink_flamingo_957 5.000 1141 Qinghan04 5.000 1141 ajb522 5.000 1141 Puff2 5.000 1141 MathNerd555 5.000 1141 tyseo 5.000 1141 happycupcake 5.000 1141 Yummy31415 5.000 1141 mhuangw 5.000 1141 icchou233 5.000 1141 hari.guntupalli 5.000 1141 sky1010 5.000 1141 ellpet 5.000 1141 J8421248421248J 5.000 1141 ImpossibleCube 5.000 1141 NehaNag 5.000 1141 tenfriend334887 5.000 1141 qwertyuiopsdfghjklzxcvbnm 5.000 1141 Transdefinite 5.000 1141 franchester 5.000 1141 Puzzlebooks206 5.000 1141 TacoGraysmith 5.000 1141 sherryshi 5.000 1141 Thornley 5.000 1169 Math4Life7 4.900 1169 odran 4.900 1169 MathGeek16 4.900 1172 ClairDeLune 4.889 1172 purplepotatoes3 4.889 1172 bestext 4.889 1172 AppleOrchard 4.889 1176 WarriorKid 4.875 1176 voidyMage 4.875 1176 DylanX22 4.875 1176 timchen 4.875 1176 Rekt4 4.875 1176 AWCHEN01 4.875 1182 JoyfullDolphin 4.857 1182 Raiders26 4.857 1182 star32 4.857 1182 LeviZhao 4.857 1182 innout 4.857 1182 ashua 4.857 1182 aopspandy 4.857 1182 Felix1020 4.857 1182 Tej345 4.857 1191 MathCone 4.833 1191 FatdragonMO 4.833 1193 mikhailmikhail 4.800 1193 mspeterEMS 4.800 1193 aith8778 4.800 1196 Taco12 4.778 1196 BlackFalcon 4.778 1198 mathsmiley 4.750 1198 panda2018 4.750 1198 AlgebraStudent 4.750 1201 awesomesos 4.714 1201 erics118 4.714 1201 FaerieDragon88 4.714 1204 Jual12 4.700 1204 Hridhaan 4.700 1206 atbhowmik 4.667 1206 Polymath2.0 4.667 1206 alee9 4.667 1206 Batman2.0 4.667 1206 litttle_master 4.667 1206 Dolphinsforlife 4.667 1212 study1126 4.625 1212 CelloBest13 4.625 1212 V_V 4.625 1212 Bimikel 4.625 1212 gimbob 4.625 1217 messy.donut 4.600 1217 vvclmg 4.600 1217 bobthegod78 4.600 1217 WhizKid 4.600 1217 slivered_almond57 4.600 1222 yofro 4.571 1222 Imagination812 4.571 1224 CrazyInMath 4.556 1225 Cassini15 4.545 1225 dinocat 4.545 1225 AdrianS 4.545 1225 JGsomeone 4.545 1225 TheSubway 4.545 1225 LewCrew 4.545 1225 nan101 4.545 1232 Kayamaya 4.500 1232 Ben10_HK 4.500 1232 DCheng 4.500 1232 hawleykj 4.500 1232 BrianY4422 4.500 1232 SrinivasanRamanujan 4.500 1232 junepitt 4.500 1232 donguri 4.500 1232 mathstats2 4.500 1232 puppy02 4.500 1232 JHawk24 4.500 1232 Kevin_Dou 4.500 1232 Nagikitten2020 4.500 1245 justJen 4.455 1245 Artwu 4.455 1245 venarock 4.455 1248 kvedula2004 4.444 1249 Falkimore 4.429 1250 shootingstar8 4.400 1251 Facejo 4.333 1251 PurpleCoconut123 4.333 1251 ScaryDragon 4.333 1251 icecreamrolls8 4.333 1255 StupidAsianBoy 4.300 1255 super.shamik 4.300 1255 rangersofsea 4.300 1258 vortex_ 4.286 1259 carolgong633 4.273 1259 hansenhe 4.273 1259 Bright_Star 4.273 1259 solver2 4.273 1259 Xiaobenlin 4.273 1259 Mattthebat2569 4.273 1259 FluxDigital1 4.273 1259 Shreyanjha 4.273 1259 acoderpuella 4.273 1259 IceSteel3 4.273 1259 Ajlee08 4.273 1270 Xcountry 4.250 1270 AgaM17 4.250 1270 Shyshfa 4.250 1270 MrsKarcher 4.250 1270 DaimonSarah 4.250 1270 ethanpei 4.250 1276 Lordbob 4.222 1276 Guam21 4.222 1276 IYQ 4.222 1276 szhaoz60091 4.222 1276 Average_bro 4.222 1281 Himank 4.200 1281 Awesome_360 4.200 1281 Mathsweat_notreally 4.200 1281 rqhu 4.200 1285 Morgan456 4.167 1285 Burnt_Tomato 4.167 1285 Tman1 4.167 1285 zzzzz13 4.167 1285 Mat-h-ero 4.167 1285 ColtsFan10 4.167 1285 jcl12 4.167 1285 RushilYeole 4.167 1285 dliang 4.167 1285 MonsterKid 4.167 1285 npthompson 4.167 1296 Cookie2006 4.143 1296 aqua2026 4.143 1296 mrbeaver123 4.143 1299 epicturtle 4.125 1300 twelveyearoldsimulator 4.111 1300 zackenh99 4.111 1300 PingPong123 4.111 1300 JeremyRC 4.111 1304 rkilambi 4.100 1304 dan.bloch 4.100 1304 haiyathedino 4.100 1304 r0518 4.100 1308 pianodoll08 4.091 1309 TheGreatFilter 4.000 1309 awesomenumbers 4.000 1309 mikejpark 4.000 1309 readandartabc 4.000 1309 mythreya07 4.000 1309 mx7342 4.000 1309 b0bby 4.000 1309 randomperson99 4.000 1309 druidchain 4.000 1309 afstoecker 4.000 1309 MD16 4.000 1309 lleotti 4.000 1309 Frestho 4.000 1309 zapgy2 4.000 1309 Beastboss 4.000 1324 Charlton1015 3.917 1325 jkhomathnerd 3.909 1325 spike2015 3.909 1325 donutpixel 3.909 1328 PackingPeanuts 3.900 1329 R112358 3.857 1330 Edward_L1 3.846 1330 sanisking07 3.846 1330 Caxie 3.846 1330 laoeked1111 3.846 1334 Jayro4711 3.833 1334 pigeon_mathlete 3.833 1334 paulthemathematician 3.833 1334 howardziyuantang 3.833 1334 Ire 3.833 1334 Flying-Man 3.833 1334 smeeth 3.833 1334 therealuranium 3.833 1334 Viking2021 3.833 1334 joeshu60091 3.833 1344 jiank 3.818 1344 ImSh95 3.818 1344 SIYQ2 3.818 1344 albbamom 3.818 1348 EVIN- 3.778 1348 ethanw136 3.778 1348 mathkiddus 3.778 1351 A09082008 3.750 1351 PotatoMathster 3.750 1353 Nat4Win 3.727 1353 OlympusHero 3.727 1355 jetpackman 3.700 1355 GamerLegend-6487 3.700 1355 Desertsnow 3.700 1355 ajr010 3.700 1355 motorfinn 3.700 1355 alligator1234 3.700 1355 Sha24 3.700 1355 HappyBunny 3.700 1355 correcthorsebatterystaple 3.700 1355 Schennuru 3.700 1355 HarryG 3.700 1355 mathqueen001 3.700 1367 fable4km 3.667 1367 littlesunshine101 3.667 1367 Professor2010 3.667 1367 MukherJai 3.667 1367 ElectricMath 3.667 1367 brainpopper 3.667 1367 IceParrot 3.667 1374 onionheadjr 3.636 1375 hsuppada08 3.625 1376 JQWERTY6 3.615 1376 djs09 3.615 1378 mprincess0229 3.571 1378 semeyers 3.571 1378 Meme-Man 3.571 1378 wang565 3.571 1378 Billybillybobjoejr. 3.571 1378 iwantabird 3.571 1378 wodeshuxue 3.571 1385 mmc25 3.556 1386 n6644ow 3.545 1387 centslordm 3.500 1387 CrystalFlower 3.500 1387 TendoKid 3.500 1387 Sunny129 3.500 1387 DCode10 3.500 1387 Kdedu 3.500 1387 sjhaeanes 3.500 1387 Mustafa372 3.500 1387 goldfinch127 3.500 1387 vivianlei 3.500 1387 bronzedolphin 3.500 1398 JBVP50 3.455 1399 SSaad 3.429 1399 trin97 3.429 1401 voir 3.417 1401 PurpleBuritto 3.417 1403 redcello10 3.400 1403 jYesmt18 3.400 1403 jessiewang28 3.400 1406 countdown1000 3.375 1406 EMorrigan 3.375 1408 jamessupermonkey123 3.364 1408 mathmonkey14 3.364 1408 Pandagrl 3.364 1408 TKINCAID 3.364 1408 Clearstar 3.364 1408 TwoQuantumBits 3.364 1408 aopspractice 3.364 1408 Origami512 3.364 1408 hhu98473 3.364 1417 naren_pr 3.333 1417 Baddy101 3.333 1417 Ylvy 3.333 1417 cobaltsleet 3.333 1421 xiwen. 3.308 1422 Airplanes2007 3.286 1422 nyxciphersecrets133 3.286 1422 sirdavo 3.286 1422 RainbowDolphin 3.286 1426 aidanliu 3.273 1426 SenorIncongito 3.273 1428 yay4hippo 3.267 1428 Puffi 3.267 1430 dessertsareawesome 3.250 1430 smol_fridge 3.250 1430 sasandi_h 3.250 1433 vansan22 3.231 1434 Yeet2012 3.222 1435 madhavramaprasad 3.200 1436 Rgaops7 3.143 1436 TheBeatlesFan1962 3.143 1436 Tonyda 3.143 1439 realmaster 3.125 1439 asmithVT 3.125 1439 Victoriavvo 3.125 1439 trk08 3.125 1439 maxd3 3.125 1439 limath1014 3.125 1439 Avinator 3.125 1446 akkasas1 3.111 1447 E.C_SilverStangs 3.083 1447 ak9876 3.083 1449 hamster9 3.000 1449 donatasc 3.000 1449 gecko1234 3.000 1449 JordanTackett 3.000 1449 obi-wan-the 3.000 1449 Honeyant 3.000 1449 cucupim 3.000 1449 JBB 3.000 1449 Luca09 3.000 1449 monmath 3.000 1449 Zestra 3.000 1449 superboy17 3.000 1449 pranavrav 3.000 1449 yellowswampy2008 3.000 1449 FootballPlayer1 3.000 1464 deadendmonsterisaperson 2.938 1465 crumbs 2.909 1466 mal7896 2.875 1466 zhry365 2.875 1466 chillman 2.875 1469 KatlinKitty 2.857 1470 jhao23 2.846 1470 RubberDubDub 2.846 1472 Audiophile 2.833 1472 aopsduri 2.833 1474 Extremelysupercooldude 2.778 1474 losermeme1234 2.778 1474 AmazingHermione 2.778 1477 Agnimandur 2.750 1478 DCDCDC 2.700 1479 Yolomep1 2.667 1480 PhantomNumbers 2.643 1480 James6789 2.643 1482 Unicorn29 2.632 1482 ak6372 2.632 1482 Lucas_Quan 2.632 1482 aquadragon 2.632 1482 parryhotter 2.632 1487 mathfun2019fortw 2.611 1487 dragoon 2.611 1487 rosebuddy_vxd 2.611 1490 Lightfury 2.600 1491 poolpug 2.556 1492 LOGYC 2.500 1492 k06 2.500 1492 Tgaddam 2.500 1492 hng 2.500 1492 i3dunicorn 2.500 1492 confused_soul1 2.500 1492 kyle1068 2.500 1492 V__joh 2.500 1500 HollyFalcon 2.364 1500 leah314 2.364 1500 snowygalaxy 2.364 1500 A1597412 2.364 1504 SSDoesMath 2.333 1504 einstefer 2.333 1506 weishuchen 2.308 1506 guayaba 2.308 1508 Ton 2.286 1509 stathis106 2.167 1510 waukeemathcounts 2.111 1511 yyliu14 2.091 1512 SirCalcsALot 2.048 1512 matharcher 2.048 1514 Midhvan2202 2.000 1514 pgeda 2.000 1514 starrieskies 2.000 1514 Dhira 2.000 1514 k-ramk2006 2.000 1514 d-_-b 2.000 1514 rmmize 2.000 1514 Aaryabhatta1 2.000 1514 TheonO 2.000 1514 Dragonstorm92 2.000 1524 Zhaom 1.900 1525 mathduck99 1.750 1525 jgriffinj7 1.750 1525 DSL13 1.750 1528 Brave_lobster11 1.500 1528 flashsonic 1.500 1528 MrsGeier 1.500 1528 seriousendman 1.500 1528 si1234 1.500 1533 Riptide1901 1.000 1533 Aayla.Secura 1.000 1533 denery 1.000 1533 dgiordano 1.000 1533 Kowski 1.000 1533 jnagasub5 1.000 1533 mained 1.000 1533 zierlich 1.000 1533 pineapple001 1.000 1533 ez2020 1.000 1533 nom_nom_COOKIE 1.000 1533 AtulShreyasKonda 1.000 1533 John31 1.000 1546 lingpri34 0.667 1546 passwordIsASDF 0.667 1546 UnicornForev19 0.667 1549 Dorothy2008 0.500 1549 depsilon0 0.500 1549 Waterlily3.14 0.500 1549 Learnxxx 0.500 1549 penge27 0.500 1549 SciBoy2000 0.500 1549 Biggie_Cheese 0.500 1549 Jpear 0.500 1557 bissue 0.476 1558 nnnF1s 0.333 1558 WilliamBrady 0.333 1560 kevinmathz 0.143 1560 Steve_____ 0.143 1560 TopNotchMath 0.143 1560 nikenissan 0.143 var d1 = [["1","1"],[2,0],[3,0],[4,0],[5,0],["6","1"],[7,0],["8","1"],["9","2"],["10","1"],["11","1"],["12","5"],["13","5"],["14","1"],["15","4"],["16","2"],["17","3"],["18","2"],["19","3"],["20","2"],["21","2"],["22","5"],["23","3"],["24","3"],["25","3"],["26","2"],["27","2"],["28","2"],["29","6"],["30","9"],["31","5"],["32","5"],["33","7"],["34","7"],["35","4"],["36","11"],["37","3"],["38","4"],["39","6"],["40","6"],["41","5"],["42","4"],["43","4"],["44","4"],["45","9"],["46","6"],["47","6"],["48","4"],["49","4"],["50","8"]]; var d2 = [["1","1.000"],[2,0],[3,0],[4,0],[5,0],["6","6.000"],[7,0],["8","8.000"],["9","4.500"],["10","10.000"],["11","11.000"],["12","2.400"],["13","2.600"],["14","14.000"],["15","3.750"],["16","8.000"],["17","5.667"],["18","9.000"],["19","6.333"],["20","10.000"],["21","10.500"],["22","4.400"],["23","7.667"],["24","8.000"],["25","8.333"],["26","13.000"],["27","13.500"],["28","14.000"],["29","4.833"],["30","3.333"],["31","6.200"],["32","6.400"],["33","4.714"],["34","4.857"],["35","8.750"],["36","3.273"],["37","12.333"],["38","9.500"],["39","6.500"],["40","6.667"],["41","8.200"],["42","10.500"],["43","10.750"],["44","11.000"],["45","5.000"],["46","7.667"],["47","7.833"],["48","12.000"],["49","12.250"],["50","6.250"]];