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\text{We first make use of symmetry to rewrite the inequality as}  
\begin{align*}\left(\sum_{i,j=1}^{n}|x_i-x_j|\right)^2 &=\left(2\sum_{1\le i\le j\le n}(x_j-x_i)\right)^2 \
&= \left((2n-2)x_n+(2n-6)x_{n-1}+\dots +(2-2n)x_1\right)^2 \
&\le ((2n-2)^2+(2n-6)^2+(2n-10)^2+\dots + (2-2n)^2)(x_1^2+x_2^2+\dots + x_n^2) \
\left(\sum_{1\le i<j\le n}|x_i-x_j|\right)^2\le\frac{n^2-1}3<br="">\left(\sum_{1\le i<j\le n}|x_i-x_j|^2\right)<br="">\]
&= \frac{4(n-1)(n)(n+1)}{3}(x_1^2+x_2^2+\dots + x_n^2) \
&= \frac{2(n^2-1)}{3}\cdot 2(nx_1^2 + nx_2^2 + \dots + nx_n^2) \
\text{WLOG that } x_1\le x_2\le\dots\le x_n \text{ and let } x_{i-1}-x_i=a_i.
&= \frac{2(n^2-1)}{3}\cdot 2\left((n-1)\left(\sum_{i=1}^{n}{x_i^2}\right) + \left(\sum_{i=1}^{n}{x_i}\right)^2 - 2\sum_{1\le i<j\le n}x_ix_j\right) \
&= \frac{2(n^2-1)}{3}\cdot 2\left(\sum_{1\le i<j\le n}(x_i-x_j)^2\right) \\
&= \frac{2(n^2-1)}{3}\sum_{i,j=1}^{n}(x_i-x_j)^2
\text{The inequality is equivalent to}
\left(\sum_{1\le i<j\le n}\left(a_i+\dots+a_{j-1}\right)="" \right)^2\le\frac{n^2-1}3<br="">\left(\sum_{1\le i<j\le n}\left(a_i+\dots+a_{j-1}\right)^2\right)="" <br="">\]
\text{for all } a_1,\dots,a_{n-1}. \text{But this can be rewritten as}
\left(\sum_{l=1}^{n-1}\sum_{j-i=l}\left(a_i+\dots+a_{j}\right) \right)^2\le\frac{n^2-1}3
\text{By Cauchy-Schwarz:}
\left(\sum_{l=1}^{n-1}\sum_{j-i=l}\left(a_i+\dots+a_{j}\right)^2\right)\left(\sum_{l=1}^{n-1}\sum_{j-i=l}l^2\right)&amp;\ge\left(\sum_{l=1}^{n-1}\sum_{j-i=l}l\left(a_i+\dots+a_j\right)\right)^2\ &amp;=\left(\sum_{l=1}^{n-1}l\sum_{j-i=l}\left(a_i+\dots+a_j\right)\right)^2
\text{We claim that }
\text{Indeed, we may consider the } <math>l\times(n-l)</math> \text{ matrix:}
\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
a_1 &amp; a_2 &amp; \dots &amp; a_l \
a_2 &amp; a_3 &amp; \dots &amp; a_{l+1} \
\vdots &amp; \vdots &amp; \ddots &amp; \vdots\
a_{n-l} &amp; a_{n-l+1} &amp; \dots &amp; a_n
\end{array} \right)
\text{The first sum corresponds to summing the matrix row by row, and the second corresponds to summing it column by column. Thus the two sums are equal, as claimed.} 
\left(\sum_{l=1}^{n-1}l\sum_{j-i=l}\left(a_i+\dots+a_j\right)\right)^2&amp;=\left(\sum_{l=1}^{n-1}\frac n2\sum_{j-i=l}\left(a_i+\dots+a_j\right)\right)^2\ &amp;=\frac{n^2}4\left(\sum_{l=1}^{n-1}\sum_{j-i=l}\left(a_i+\dots+a_j\right)\right)^2
\text{We may also check that }
\text{Thus we have proven that }
==See Also==
==See Also==
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Revision as of 15:02, 3 December 2023


Let $n$ be a positive integer and let $x_1 \le x_2 \le \cdots \le x_n$ be real numbers. Prove that

\[\left( \sum_{i=1}^{n}\sum_{j=i}^{n} |x_i-x_j|\right)^2 \le \frac{2(n^2-1)}{3}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\sum_{j=i}^{n}(x_i-x_j)^2\]

with equality if and only if $x_1, x_2, ..., x_n$ form an arithmetic sequence.


This problem needs a solution. If you have a solution for it, please help us out by adding it. have (i,j=1n|xixj|)2=(21ijn(xjxi))2=((2n2)xn+(2n6)xn1++(22n)x1)2((2n2)2+(2n6)2+(2n10)2++(22n)2)(x12+x22++xn2)=4(n1)(n)(n+1)3(x12+x22++xn2)=2(n21)32(nx12+nx22++nxn2)=2(n21)32((n1)(i=1nxi2)+(i=1nxi)221i<jnxixj)=2(n21)32(1i<jn(xixj)2)=2(n21)3i,j=1n(xixj)2

See Also

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