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The following list of '''mathematics scholarships''' is primarily for American students.  This list can be reorganized to incorporate scholarship programs in other countries.  Just make that reorganization as clear and as clean as possible.
The following list of '''mathematics scholarships''' is primarily for American students.  This list can be reorganized to incorporate scholarship programs in other countries.  Just make that reorganization as clear and as clean as possible.
Additions to this list are welcomed and encouraged.  Please don't be stingy about letting students in on how they can finance their educations!  If you are unfamiliar with how to edit a Wiki and don't have time to learn, please contact [[Mathew Crawford]] using the email crawford@artofproblemsolving.com with the scholarship listing you wish to contribute.
Additions to this list are welcomed and encouraged.  Please don't be stingy about letting students in on how they can finance their educations!   
== National mathematics scholarship competitions ==
== National mathematics scholarship competitions ==
=== Major scholarship programs ===
=== Major scholarship programs ===
* [[Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation]] Thousands of Coca-Cola Scholars have received millions in overall academic support. [https://www.coca-colascholars.org/cokeWeb/jsp/scholars/Index.jsp website]
* [[MathCounts]] -- Many scholarships are awarded at state and national level MathCounts competitions. [http://www.mathcounts.org/ website]
* [[Davidson Fellows]] Scholarships.  Davidson Fellows receive a $50,000, $25,000 or $10,000 scholarship in recognition of their outstanding achievements in the areas of science, technology, mathematics, music, literature and/or philosophy. [http://www.ditdservices.org/Articles.aspx?ArticleID=36&NavID=1_0 website]
* [[Department of Homeland Security]] Scholarship and Fellowship Program.  Full tuition and stipend and internships for eligible students. [http://www.orau.gov/dhsed/ website]
* [[Intel Science Talent Search]].  One of the oldest and largest math and science scholarship programs. Intel STS winners receive scholarships of up to $100,000.  [http://www.sciserv.org/sts/ website]
* [[International Science and Engineering Fair]]. Another Intel-sponsored science and mathematics competition, arguably the most important such competition in the world. The 3 ISEF winners each receive a $50,000 scholarship. [http://www.sciserv.org/isef]
* [[MathCounts]] -- Many scholarships are awarded at state and national level MathCounts competitions.
* [[Newton Fellowship Program]] -- [[Math for America]] offers generous stipends for up to $90,000 for students training to teach math at a New York City high school. [http://www.mathforamerica.org/htdocs/template.php?section=nf&content=overview website]
* [[Siemens Competition in Math, Science & Technology]].  Hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships awarded annually. [http://www.siemens-foundation.org/ website]
=== Other scholarship programs ===
=== Other scholarship programs ===
* [[Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship]] [http://www.act.org/goldwater/index.html website]
* [[Math Prize for Girls]] [http://mathprize.atfoundation.org/ website]
* [[Governor's Scholarship Programs]] [http://www.scholarshare.com/gsp/ website]
* [[Moody's Mega Math Challenge]] [http://m3challenge.siam.org/ website]
* [[Mu Alpha Theta]] offers several scholarships annually. [http://www.mualphatheta.org/Awards/MAO_Awards_Kalin.htm website]
* [[Mu Alpha Theta]] offers several scholarships annually. [http://www.mualphatheta.org/Scholarships/Scholarships.aspx website]
* [[National High School Calculus Competition]] [http://www.math.ucdavis.edu/%7Ecalculus/prize2005.html website]
* [[National High School Calculus Competition]] [http://www.math.ucdavis.edu/%7Ecalculus/prize2005.html website] (NOTE: website from 2005, currently no plans for future competitions)
* [[Yau High School Mathematics Awards (overseas)]] for math projects [https://www.yau-science-awards.org/ website]
=== Scholarships to mathematics summer programs ===
=== Scholarships to mathematics summer programs ===
* [[Davidson Young Scholars Program]] [http://www.ditdservices.org/Articles.aspx?ArticleID=24&NavID=0_0 website]
* [[Davidson Young Scholars Program]] [http://www.ditdservices.org/Articles.aspx?ArticleID=24&NavID=0_0 website]
* [[AwesomeMath]] grants some scholarships to top performing [[MathCounts]] students.
*[[Spirit of Ramanujan STEM Talent Initiative]] offers grants up to $5000 for students to participate in enrichment programs related to Mathematics, including summer programs and research mentorship. [https://spiritoframanujan.com/home/ website]
* All expenses are paid for all students invited to the prestigeous [[Mathematical Olympiad Summer Program]]
* [[AwesomeMath]] grants some scholarships to top performing [[MathCounts]] students.  
* All expenses are paid for all students invited to the prestigious [[Mathematical Olympiad Summer Program]]
* [[Canada/USA MathCamp]] grants scholarships to top performing [[USAMTS]] students and offers generous need-based aid for many of its students.
* [[MathPath]] grants some scholarships to top performing [[MathCounts]] students and offers generous financial aid for many of its students.
* [[MathPath]] grants some scholarships to top performing [[MathCounts]] students and offers generous financial aid for many of its students.
* [[Mu Alpha Theta]] also offers summer grants. [http://www.mualphatheta.org/Scholarships/MAO_Summer_Grants.htm website]
* [[Mu Alpha Theta]] also offers summer grants. [http://www.mualphatheta.org/Scholarships/SummerGrants.aspx website]
* [[PROMYS]] offers [http://www.promys.org/ several scholarships]
* [[PROMYS]] offers [http://www.promys.org/ full and partial need-based financial aid and several scholarships]
=== Study abroad scholarships ===
=== Study abroad scholarships ===
* [[Math in Moscow]] Scholarship [http://www.ams.org/employment/mimoscow.html website]
* Math in Moscow Scholarship [http://www.ams.org/employment/mimoscow.html website] (NOTE: was not offered in 2010 - no longer funded)
=== Actuarial scholarships ===
=== Actuarial scholarships ===
* [[BeAnActuary]] scholarships [http://www.beanactuary.org/college/scholarships.cfm website]
* BeAnActuary scholarships [http://www.beanactuary.org/college/scholarships.cfm website]
=== Graduate school scholarship programs ===
* [[Department of Homeland Security]] Graduate Fellowships [http://www.orau.gov/dhsed/05grad.htm website]
== University specific mathematics scholarships ==
The [[National Science Foundation]] (NSF) funds many scholarships for math, science, and engineering students in the United States.  These scholarships are often award through specific universities including many of the scholarships listed below.
Note that [[CSEMS]] stands for Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics.
=== Graduate mathematics scholarships ===
* [[University of Leeds]] [http://www.maths.leeds.ac.uk/school/postgraduate/IntSchol.html Scholarships for international students seeking their PhDs in Mathematics]
* [[University of Western Australia]] [http://www.ecm.uwa.edu.au/for/students/schols Mathematics Scholarships]
=== Undergraduate mathematics scholarships ===
=== Teaching fellowships and grants ===
* [[Appalachian State University]] [http://www.melt.appstate.edu/cainform.pdf Mathematics Scholarships]
* Newton Fellowship Program -- Math for America offers generous stipends for up to $90,000 for students training to teach math at a New York City high school. [http://www.mathforamerica.org/home website]
* [[Ball State University]] [http://www.bsu.edu/web/math/edwards.htm Edwards Memorial Scholarships]
* Indiana Department of Education [http://www.doe.in.gov/olt/ttf/welcome.html Teacher Technology Fellowships - Math]
* [[Brigham Young University]] [http://opsf.byu.edu/ Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[California State University, Chico]] [http://www.csuchico.edu/math/scholarships.shtml Mathematics and Statistics Scholarships]
* [[California State University, East Bay]] [http://www.sci.csuhayward.edu/ Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[California State University, Fullerton]] [http://www.fullerton.edu/financialaid/scholar/nsmbody.htm Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[California State University, Sacramento]] [http://www.csus.edu/math/scholarships/ Mathematics & Statistics Scholarships]
* [[Carleton University]] [http://www.math.carleton.ca/ Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[City College of New York]] [http://www.sci.ccny.cuny.edu/math/resources/scholarship/ScholarshipPage.htm Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[City College of San Francisco]] [http://www.ccsf.edu/Departments/Math/schol.htm Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Clarion University]] [http://math.clarion.edu/Scholarships.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Colorado State University]] [http://www.math.colostate.edu/info/Scholarship.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Concordia University]] [http://www.mathstat.concordia.ca/ScholAwards.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Curtin University of Technology]] [http://www.maths.curtin.edu.au/scholarships/index.cfm Mathematics and Statistics Scholarships]
* [[Dowling College]] [[NSF]] funded [http://www.dowling.edu/fin_aid/csms/ Computer Science and Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Duke University]] [[A.B. Duke Scholarship Competition]] is not strictly for students of mathematics, though many talented math students have won this full tuition scholarship that includes a stipend and other benefits. [http://www.duke.edu/web/abduke/ website]
* [[East Central University]] [http://www.ecok.edu/academics/schools/ms/Math_Science_scholarships.asp Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Eastern Kentucky University]] [http://www.math.eku.edu/nsf.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Eastern Michigan University]] [http://www.math.emich.edu/scholarshipdescriptions.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Eastern New Mexico University]] [http://www.enmu.edu/academics/undergrad/colleges/las/math/CSEMS/index.shtml Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Eastfield College]] [http://www.efc.dcccd.edu/RCD/CSEMS/ Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Florida A&M University]] [http://www.famu.edu/acad/colleges/cas/math/scholarships/csems.html CSEMS Scholarships]
* [[Furman University]] -- [http://math.furman.edu/resources/scholarships.html Wylie Scholarship Program] for Mathematics.  Up to $7500/annually.
* [[Illinois State University]] [http://www.math.ilstu.edu/resources/scholarships_mathematics.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[James Madison University]] [http://www.math.jmu.edu/csems/ CSEMS Scholarships]
* [[John Carroll University]] [http://www.jcu.edu/math/students/schlrshp.htm Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Kansas State University]] [http://www.math.ksu.edu/main/ugrad/sfa/schblurb.htm Mathematics Scholarships] including one for the high school seniors in [[Kansas]] with high [[AMC 12]] scores.
* [[Kent State University]] [http://www.math.kent.edu/math/Undergraduate/awards-and-scholarships.cfm Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Kentucky State University]] [http://www.kysu.edu/colleges_schools/cmsth/mathematics_sciences/math_science_scholarships.cfm Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Louisiana State University]] [http://www.math.lsu.edu/ugrad/porcelli.php Pasquale Porcelli Undergraduate Scholarships] in Mathematics.
* [[Millersville University]] [http://marauder.millersville.edu/%7Emath/scholar.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Montana State University]] [http://www.msun.edu/stuaffairs/finaid/scholarships/mathsci.htm Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[North Carolina State University]] [http://www4.ncsu.edu/%7Enjrose/Special/HistoryItems/Awards.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[North Dakota State University]] [http://www.ndsu.edu/scimath/scholarships.shtml#Mathematics Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Northern State University]] [http://www.northern.edu/math/scholarships.htm Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Northwest Missouri State University]] [http://info.nwmissouri.edu/%7Emath/scholarships.htm Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Northwestern Michigan College]] [http://www.nmc.edu/science-math/SciMathScholarship/scholarawards.htm Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Oklahoma State University]] awards scholarships to top students at their [http://www.math.okstate.edu/%7Ehsc/ math contest]
* [[Plymouth State University]] [http://www.plymouth.edu/development/schol_math.htm Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Point Loma Nazarene University]] [http://www.ptloma.edu/giving/WillsTrusts/Scholarships/mathematics_computerscience_scholarships.htm Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Purdue University]] [http://www.math.purdue.edu/academic/undergrad/faq/#scholarship Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[St. Cloud State University]] [http://www.stcloudstate.edu/math/scholarships.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[San Francisco State University]] [http://www.sfsu.edu/%7Efinaid/scholarships/search/309.htm L.A. Chang Phd Memorial Mathematics Scholarship]
* [[South Dakota State University]] [http://www3.sdstate.edu/Academics/CollegeOfEngineering/MathematicsandStatistics/Scholarships/Index.cfm Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Southeastern Louisiana University]] [http://www.selu.edu/Academics/Depts/Math/scholarships.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Southeast Missouri State University]] [http://www.semo.edu/study/math/scholarships.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Southern Methodist University]] [http://www.smu.edu/math/undergrad.html#sch Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Southwest Baptist University]] [http://www.sbuniv.edu/cosm/scholar.htm Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Southwest Missouri State University]] [http://math.smsu.edu/scholars.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Sul Ross State University]] [http://www.sulross.edu/print/3969.asp Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Tennessee Technological University]] [http://www.math.tntech.edu/scholarships.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Texas A&M University]] [http://www.cehd.tamu.edu/servlets/sfs;jsessionid=0031F430F9BB9885B8A97D6CF2B98B86?s=rktj6UpPSeWOeeSMu&t=/contentManager/selectCatalog&i=1120071126721&ParentID=1125450181659&intro=1/math.php Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Thomas More College]] [http://www2.thomasmore.edu/mathematics/scholarships.cfm?group2=Scholarships Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Towson State University]] [http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/schools/senecavalleyhs/math/pdf/towson.pdf COSMIC Scholarships] funded by the NSF.
* [[Truman State University]] [https://secure.truman.edu/isupport-s/masterareas.asp?listArea=Math%2Band%2BComputer%2BScience Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of Akron]] [http://www.math.uakron.edu/scholarships.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of Alabama]] [http://www.math.ua.edu/maawards.htm Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of Alabama at Birmingham]] [http://main.uab.edu/nsm/show.asp?durki=65442&site=1121&return=62617 Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of Alaska, Fairbanks]] [http://www.uaf.edu/outreach/clearinghouse/browse.html?activities=20 Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of Arizona]] [http://math.arizona.edu/ugprogram/opportunities/awards/recipients.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of California, San Diego]] [http://math.ucsd.edu/programs/undergraduate/math_scholarships/ Mathematics Scholarships] in [http://math.ucsd.edu/%7Emathclub/resources/scholarships.html Math-related fields].
* [[University of Canterbury]] [http://www.math.canterbury.ac.nz/php/scholarships/ Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of Kansas]] [http://www.math.ku.edu/undergraduate/scholarships.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of Massachusetts, Boston]] [http://www.cs.umb.edu/%7Erfc/csems/ Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth]] [http://www.umassd.edu/engineering/csems/description.cfm CSEMS Scholarships]
* [[University of Michigan]] [http://www.math.lsa.umich.edu/undergrad/scholguid.shtml Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of Michigan-Dearborn]] [http://www.umd.umich.edu/casl/math/Pages/nsf.htm NSF Scholarships]
* [[University of Montana, Missoula]] [http://www.umt.edu/math/ Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of Nevada, Reno]] [http://www.unr.edu/cla/math.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of New South Wales]] [http://web.maths.unsw.edu.au/info/scholarships.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of Richmond]] [http://math.richmond.edu/special/scholarships.htm Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of South Alabama]] [http://www.southalabama.edu/mathstat/non-css-scholarships.shtml Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of South Dakota]] [http://www.usd.edu/math/scholarship.cfm Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of Southern Mississippi]] [http://www.usm.edu/math/scholarships/scholarships.htm Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of Tennessee]] [http://www.math.utk.edu/%7Erdavis/Scholarships.htm Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of Texas at Arlington]] [http://www.uta.edu/ubmathsci/index.php?p=scholarship Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of Toledo]] [http://www.math.utoledo.edu/General_Math_Scholarship_form.pdf Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of Utah]] [http://www.math.utah.edu/ugrad/scholarships.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of Waterloo]] [http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/navigation/Prospective/entrance.shtml Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of Western Australia]] [http://www.ecm.uwa.edu.au/for/students/schols Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of Winnipeg]] [http://mathstat.uwinnipeg.ca/awards.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[University of Wyoming]] [http://math.uwyo.edu/Undergrad_home/scholars.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Valparaiso Univerity]] [http://www.valpo.edu/mathcs/scholarships.php Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Virginia Commonwealth Univerity]] [http://www.math.vcu.edu/scholarships.html Mahtematics Scholarships]
* [[Washburn University]] [http://www.washburn.edu/cas/math/scholarships.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Washington State University]] [http://www.sci.wsu.edu/math/students/schol.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Washington University in St. Louis]] [[Arthur Holly Compton Fellowships in the Physical Sciences and Mathematics]] include up to full tuition and stipend. [http://admissions.wustl.edu/admissions/ua.nsf/3rd%20Level%20Pages_Scholarships_scholarship_CAS.htm?OpenPage&charset=iso-8859-1 website]
* [[Western Illinois University]] [http://www.wiu.edu/users/mimath/scholar/scholar-intro.htm Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Western Kentucky University]] [http://www.wku.edu/Mathematics/awards.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Western Michigan University]] [http://www.wmich.edu/finaid/Publication/department/CAS-Mathematics.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Western State College of Colorado]] [http://www.western.edu/math/scholarships.html Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Western Washington University]] [http://www.wwu.edu/depts/math/ Mathematics Scholarships]
* [[Wilfred Laurier University]] [http://info.wlu.ca/%7Ewwwmath/scholarships.shtml Mathematics Scholarships]
== See also ==
== See also ==
* [[Mathematics, science, and technology scholarships]]
* [[Academic scholarships]]
* [[Academic scholarships]]
* [[Mathematics competitions]]
* [[Mathematics competitions]]
* [[Mathematics study abroad programs]]
* [[Mathematics study abroad programs]]
* [[Mathematics summer programs]]
* [[Mathematics summer programs]]
* [[Academic competitions]]

Latest revision as of 02:16, 11 December 2024

The following list of mathematics scholarships is primarily for American students. This list can be reorganized to incorporate scholarship programs in other countries. Just make that reorganization as clear and as clean as possible.

Additions to this list are welcomed and encouraged. Please don't be stingy about letting students in on how they can finance their educations!

National mathematics scholarship competitions

Major scholarship programs

  • MathCounts -- Many scholarships are awarded at state and national level MathCounts competitions. website

Other scholarship programs

Scholarships to mathematics summer programs

Study abroad scholarships

  • Math in Moscow Scholarship website (NOTE: was not offered in 2010 - no longer funded)

Actuarial scholarships

Teaching fellowships and grants

  • Newton Fellowship Program -- Math for America offers generous stipends for up to $90,000 for students training to teach math at a New York City high school. website
  • Indiana Department of Education Teacher Technology Fellowships - Math

See also