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Revision as of 11:15, 18 August 2011

Um. Hello. I am the heartyface.

I have no idea how you got to this page, but you're probably a random searcher or a stalker.... hm.

Well so you probably came here trying to know about me.

There are several things very special about me:

'Heartyface' can be typed using only lefthand

I am Asian. Yes, hah. I am Asian. ASIAN!!!!

I can memorize 60 digits of pi... well prob nothing special in this site but.... well at least it distinguishes me from some of the people

I like bears.

I like math

And yes, I do have heartyface. I am asian so I have heart-face, and yes, I smile a lot so I am a hearty-face.

Heartyface is a random word I created, and there are several other sites which I use it as! Look it up! But some dork already created it on gmail. T.T

As childish as I may seem, I am actually very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very old. I am a lofty 16 yr old.

I randomly started to type this 'article' because I felt the sudden urge of randomness after solving some problems for Math Prize for Girls

And yes, as you could have guessed, I am a girl.

I'll type some more when I feel more random! See yah! :)