2017 IMO Problems/Problem 5

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An integer $N \ge 2$ is given. A collection of $N(N + 1)$ soccer players, no two of whom are of the same height, stand in a row. Sir Alex wants to remove $N(N - 1)$ players from this row leaving a new row of $2N$ players in which the following $N$ conditions hold:

($1$) no one stands between the two tallest players,

($2$) no one stands between the third and fourth tallest players,


($N$) no one stands between the two shortest players.

Show that this is always possible.


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The answer is $\boxed{2016}$. Clearly, if we erase less than $2016$ terms, then some term will appear on both sides by the pigeonhole principle, thereby causing a real root. Now, we show how we can erase $2016$ terms and have no real roots.

Let $f(x)=(x-1)(x-4)$ and $g(x)=(x-2)(x-3)$. It is not hard to see that we can erase $2016$ terms to get the equation \[f(x)f(x-4)\cdots f(x-2012) = g(x)g(x-4)\cdots g(x-2012).\] We now show this has no real solutions. Clearly, none of $1,2,\ldots,2016$ are solutions, since plugging them in causes one side to be $0$ and one side to not be $0$. Therefore, letting $h(x)=g(x)/f(x)$, our solution must satisfy \[S:=h(x)h(x-4)\cdots h(x-2012)=1.\] It is not hard to see that $h(x)>1$ for $x<1$ and $x>4$, and the maximum value of $h$ in $(1,4)$ is $1/9$. Now, if our root $x$ is an interval of the form $(4k,4k+1)$, then all the $h(x-4j)$ values are bigger than $1$, which can't be. Thus, we have that $x\in(4k+1,4k+4)$ for some $k$. Also, its not too hard to show that $h(x-4j)\le h(4|k-j|+1)$ (we do casework on whether $k>j$ or $k<j$). But \[\alpha(|k-j|):=h(4|k-j|+1) = 1 + \frac{1}{2|k-j|(4|k-j|-3)}.\] We see that $\alpha$ is a decreasing function, so the product of all the $h(x-4j)$ terms besides $h(x-4k)$ is at most \[\alpha(1)^2\alpha(2)^2\cdots\alpha(1007)^2\alpha(1008),\] so the entire product $S$ is at most \[\frac{1}{9}\alpha(1)^2\alpha(2)^2\cdots\alpha(1007)^2\alpha(1008).\] It suffices to show that this is less than $1$. Note that $\log(1+y)<y$ for all positive $y$, so we have that \[\log(\alpha(x)) < \frac{1}{2x(4x-3)}=:\beta(x).\] Note that logSlog9+2x=11008log(α(x))<log9+x=120181x(4x3)<log9+1+x=21x(4x4)=log9+1+14=log9+5/4, so $S<\frac{1}{9}e^{5/4}<1$. Therefore, $S\not=1$, so there are no roots, as desired

See Also

2017 IMO (Problems) • Resources
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Problem 4
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Problem 6
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