Search results
Create the page "2021 CIME I Problems/Problem 4" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- ...k contains the full set of test problems. The rest contain each individual problem and its solution. * [[2020 CIME II Problems|Entire Test]]1 KB (134 words) - 00:48, 5 September 2020
- {{CIME Problems|year=2020|n=II}} ==Problem 1==8 KB (1,298 words) - 18:32, 7 January 2021
- ...dots +1=e+1=\binom{e+1}{1}</math>. Then <math>F_3(p^e)=\sum_{i=0}^e \binom{i+1}{1} =\binom{e+2}{2}</math> by the [[hockey stick identity|Hockey Stick Id ...frac{2023 \cdot 2022 \cdot 2021 \cdot 2020 \cdot 2019 \cdot 24}{2022 \cdot 2021 \cdot 2020 \cdot 2019 \cdot 120} = 2023 \cdot \frac{24}{120} = \frac{2023}{2 KB (264 words) - 17:57, 4 October 2020
- ...k contains the full set of test problems. The rest contain each individual problem and it’s solution. *[[2021 CIME I Problems]]904 bytes (112 words) - 16:22, 16 January 2021