Search results

  • ...ret AoPS community pages. EDIT: AoPS is just Gmaas's elaborately concealed blog. 372. Gmaas has designed most of the AMC tests. EDIT: He didn't design them in 2015 because he was hibernating too long.
    69 KB (11,805 words) - 20:49, 18 December 2019
  • ...ers, but here you can find some tailored to those who want to design their blog with CSS. * [ CodeSchool Website Design]
    1 KB (178 words) - 22:20, 15 December 2016
  • ==How to use blog layout in your CSS== ...e. On the other hand, <code>div</code>s that occur multiple times, like a blog entry, have a class. You can specify a class like this:
    5 KB (661 words) - 12:31, 6 November 2020
  • 'Note: this dives more into HTML and is not necessary for blog designers' ...cify all the space and elements within a <code> div </code> with an ID of "blog", I would use:
    7 KB (1,174 words) - 21:20, 14 November 2016
  • pages. EDIT: AoPS is just Almighty Gmaas's elaborately concealed blog. 372. Almighty Gmaas has designed most of the AMC tests. EDIT: He didn't design them in 2015 because he was hibernating too long.
    85 KB (14,079 words) - 22:15, 19 March 2025
  • ...ret AoPS community pages. EDIT: AoPS is just Gmaas's elaborately concealed blog. 372. Gmaas has designed most of the AMC tests. EDIT: He didn't design them in 2015 because he was hibernating too long.
    89 KB (15,007 words) - 15:02, 19 February 2025