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  • ...igh school algebra. [[Group]]s, [[ring]]s, [[field]]s, [[module]]s, and [[vector space]]s are common objects of study in higher algebra.
    6 KB (846 words) - 20:30, 13 February 2025
  • ...igh school algebra. [[Group]]s, [[ring]]s, [[field]]s, [[module]]s, and [[vector space]]s are common objects of study in higher algebra.
    3 KB (360 words) - 09:31, 21 February 2025
  • Let <math> (a,b)</math> denote a [[normal vector]] of the side containing <math> A</math>. Note that <math>\overline{AC}, \o
    3 KB (561 words) - 14:11, 18 February 2018
  • ...{(I-G) \cdot P}{|P|}</math>, where G is any point on the plane, and P is a vector perpendicular to ABC. A vector <math>P</math> perpendicular to plane <math>ABC</math> can be found as <mat
    8 KB (1,241 words) - 13:47, 1 October 2024
  • ====4.1.2: Eigenvalue/vector bash==== ...he domain of <math>\hat{T}</math> where everything gets mapped to the null vector.
    15 KB (2,406 words) - 23:56, 23 November 2023
  • ...clidean 3-D space, the surface of the Earth, or any [[real number|real]] [[vector space]]) the diameter of a [[bounded]] set of points is the [[supremum]] of
    1 KB (174 words) - 19:12, 16 January 2025
  • ''normal stable subgroup'' if it is a [[normal subgroup]] and a [[field]]s, and [[vector space]]s)&mdash;are special cases of this
    1 KB (234 words) - 23:30, 18 May 2009
  • An [[eigenvector]] <math>\bold{v} \in K^n</math> is a non-zero vector that satisfies the relation <math>A\bold{v} = \lambda\bold{v}</math>, for s Hence, there exists a non-zero vector <math>\bold{v} = (v_1, v_2, \ldots, v_n) \in K^n</math> such that <math>(\l
    19 KB (3,412 words) - 14:57, 21 September 2022
  • The vector <math>\vec{PQ}=\langle 6,0,-3\rangle</math> and <math>\vec{PR}=\left\langle ...he result <math>-9\sqrt{3}i -15j -18\sqrt{3} k</math>. Therefore, a normal vector of the plane of the solar panel is <math>\left\langle -9\sqrt{3},-15,-18\sq
    10 KB (1,706 words) - 01:52, 17 September 2024
  • ...y]]. In terms of university course listings, it is common to use the word "vector calculus" synonymously with [[Multivariable calculus|multivariable calculus ...In particular, one can describe the [[Euler equations]] via the methods of vector analysis.
    9 KB (1,488 words) - 00:07, 20 January 2025
  • A set of [[vector]]s <math>\{v_k\}</math> is '''orthonormal''' if its elements <math>v_k</mat ...refers to the fact that the norm (magnitude) <math>||v_k||</math> of every vector in the set is one, since <math>||v_k||^2 = v_k \cdot v_k = 1</math>.
    3 KB (518 words) - 22:17, 26 June 2023
  • ...~(4,5,0)\), C (0,5,8), and D (4,0,8). Then the plane BCD has a normal ...that <math>\overrightarrow{AB}\times\overrightarrow{AC}</math> is a normal vector of the <math>\Delta ABC</math> because the cross product of two vectors is
    17 KB (2,703 words) - 13:04, 3 February 2025
  • know that <math>f(a)=81a+108\sqrt{16-a^2}</math>, and can proceed with normal calculus. ==Solution 2a (Cauchy-Schwartz and vector algebra)==
    15 KB (2,354 words) - 05:21, 25 February 2025