1985 IMO Problems/Problem 1

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A circle has center on the side $\displaystyle AB$ of the cyclic quadrilateral $\displaystyle ABCD$. The other three sides are tangent to the circle. Prove that $\displaystyle AD + BC = AB$.


Let the circle have center $\displaystyle O$ and radius $\displaystyle r$, and let its points of tangency with $\displaystyle BC, CD, DA$ be $\displaystyle E, F, G$, respectively. Since $\displaystyle OEFC$ is clearly a cyclic quadrilateral, the angle $\displaystyle COE$ is equal to half the angle $\displaystyle GAO$. Then

$\begin{matrix} {CE} & = & r \tan(COE) \\ & = & \displaystyle r \left( \frac{1 - \cos (GAO)}{\sin(GAO)} \right) \\ & = & AO - AG \\ \end{matrix}$

Likewise, $\displaystyle DG = OB - EB$. It follows that

$\displaystyle {EB} + CE + DG + GA = AO + OB$,
