2006 Romanian NMO Problems/Grade 9/Problem 2

Revision as of 16:01, 13 October 2006 by JBL (talk | contribs)


Let $\displaystyle ABC$ and $\displaystyle DBC$ be isosceles triangles with the base $\displaystyle BC$. We know that $\displaystyle \angle ABD = \frac{\pi}{2}$. Let $\displaystyle M$ be the midpoint of $\displaystyle BC$. The points $\displaystyle E,F,P$ are chosen such that $\displaystyle E \in (AB)$, $\displaystyle P \in (MC)$, $\displaystyle C \in (AF)$, and $\displaystyle \angle BDE = \angle ADP = \angle CDF$. Prove that $\displaystyle P$ is the midpoint of $\displaystyle EF$ and $\displaystyle DP \perp EF$.


This problem needs a solution. If you have a solution for it, please help us out by adding it.

See also