2021 USAMO Problems/Problem 6

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Problem 6

Let $ABCDEF$ be a convex hexagon satisfying $\overline{AB} \parallel \overline{DE}$, $\overline{BC} \parallel \overline{EF}$, $\overline{CD} \parallel \overline{FA}$, and\[AB \cdot DE = BC \cdot EF = CD \cdot FA.\]Let $X$, $Y$, and $Z$ be the midpoints of $\overline{AD}$, $\overline{BE}$, and $\overline{CF}$. Prove that the circumcenter of $\triangle ACE$, the circumcenter of $\triangle BDF$, and the orthocenter of $\triangle XYZ$ are collinear.


2021 USAMO 6b.png

We construct two equal triangles, prove that triangle $XYZ$ is the medial triangle of both this triangles, use property of medial triangle and prove that circumcenters of constructed triangles coincide with given circumcenters.

Denote $A' =  C + E – D, B' = D + F – E, C' =  A+ E – F,$ $D' =  F+ B – A, E' =  A + C – B, F' =  B+ D – C.$ Then $A' – D'  =  C + E – D –  ( F+ B – A) = (A + C + E ) – (B+ D + F).$ Denote $D' – A' = 2\vec V.$

Symilarly we get $B' – E' = F' – C' =  D' – A'  \implies$ $\triangle ACE = \triangle BDF,$ and the translation vector is $2\vec {V.}$ $X = \frac {A+D}{2} =  \frac { (A+ E – F) + (D + F – E)}{2} =  \frac {C' + B'}{2} = \frac {E' + F'}{2},$

so $X$ is midpoint of $AD, B'C',$ and $E'F'.$ Symilarly $Y$ is the midpoint of $BE, A'F',$ and $C'D', Z$ is the midpoint of $CF, A'B',$ and $D'E'.$ $Z + V =  \frac {A' + B'}{2}+ \frac {D' – A'}{2} =  \frac {B' + D'}{2} = Z'$ is the midpoint of $B'D'.$ Symilarly $X' = X + V$ is the midpoint of $B'F',Y'= Y + V$ is the midpoint of $D'F',$ so $X'Y'Z'$ is the medial triangle of $\triangle B'D'F',$ translated on $– \vec {V}.$ It is known (see diagram) that circumcenter of triangle coincite with orthocenter of the medial triangle. Therefore orthocenter $H$ of $\triangle XYZ$ is circumcenter of $\triangle B'D'F'$ translated on $– \vec {V}.$ It is the midpoint of segment $OO'$ connected circumcenters of $\triangle B'D'F'$ and $\triangle A'C'E'.$