
Revision as of 08:18, 25 July 2011 by Azjps (talk | contribs) (if you don't want anyone to use it, don't put it on the wiki)
Asymptote (Vector Graphics Language)
Getting Started - Basics - Drawing - Labeling - Filling - Useful functions - Examples - Macros and Packages

Help - Reference - Advanced Asymptote - 3D Graphics - CSE5 Package - How to


[asy] import contour; import graph; real f(real x) { return x^2-1.333; } draw(graph(f,-1.5,1.5),blue+linewidth(0.5),Arrows); size(75); real f(real x, real y) {return abs(x^3) + abs(y^3);} draw(contour(f,(-6,-6),(6,6), new real[] {5}),red+linewidth(1)); label("$Auto\;Graph$",(0,0.3),red); label("$V-4\beta$",(0,-0.3),red); dot((1.5,0),red); dot((0,1.5),red); dot((0,-1.5),red); dot((-1.5,0),red);[/asy] Autograph is a piece of code written in Asymptote that graphs functions. The user must only set the function, and optionally

  • the x and y maximums and minimums
  • the color of the graph line
  • the density of the ticks
  • whether to show the grid or not
  • wether to mark lattice points or not
  • the ratio of x to y
  • the width of the line

It is targeted to beginners in asymptote who don't want to learn all of it, but still want to make nice graphs.


Some pretty graphs: [asy] /* AUTO-GRAPH V-4 beta by PythonNut*/  /* Customizations: feel free to edit */ import math; import graph; /* x maximum and minimum */ int X_max = 10; int X_min =-10; /* y maximum and minimum */ int Y_max = 10; int Y_min = -10; /* linewidth */ real line_width = 0.75; /* graph color */ pen graph_color = heavygreen; /* special */ bool mark_lattice = true; bool show_grid = true; real X_tick_density = 1; real Y_tick_density = 1; real ratio = 1; real resolution = 0.0001; int size = 300; /* graph function */ real f(real x)    {    return 2x^3-6x^2+3x-1; /* type function to be graphed here */ }  /* The Code. Do not disturb unless you know what you are doing */  size(size);unitsize(size*ratio,size);Label l;l.p=fontsize(6); xaxis("$x$",X_min,X_max,Ticks(l,X_tick_density,(X_tick_density/2),NoZero),Arrows); yaxis("$y$",Y_min,Y_max,Ticks(l,Y_tick_density,(Y_tick_density/2),NoZero),Arrows);// if (show_grid){add(shift(X_min,Y_min)*grid(X_max-X_min,Y_max-Y_min));} real temp = X_min; while (! (f(temp) <= Y_max && f(temp) >= Y_min && temp < X_max)) {temp += resolution;} real Temp1 = temp; while (f(Temp1) <= Y_max && f(Temp1) >= Y_min && Temp1 < X_max) {Temp1 += resolution;} real Temp2 = temp; while (f(Temp2) <= Y_max && f(Temp2) >= Y_min && Temp2 > X_min) {Temp2 -= resolution;} draw(graph(f,Temp2,Temp1,n=2400),graph_color+linewidth(line_width),Arrows); temp = Temp1+resolution; while (temp <= X_max) {while (! (f(temp) <= Y_max && f(temp) >= Y_min) && temp < X_max) {temp += resolution;} real Temp1 = temp; while (f(Temp1) <= Y_max && f(Temp1) >= Y_min && Temp1 < X_max) {Temp1 += resolution;} real Temp2 = temp; while (f(Temp2) <= Y_max && f(Temp2) >= Y_min && Temp2 > X_min) {Temp2 -= resolution;} if (Temp1 <= X_max) {draw(graph(f,Temp2,Temp1,n=2400),graph_color+linewidth(line_width),Arrows);} temp = Temp1+resolution; continue;} temp = X_max; while (f(temp) <= Y_max && f(temp) >= Y_min && temp >= X_min) {temp -= resolution;} if (f(X_max) <= Y_max && f(X_max) >= Y_min) {draw(graph(f,temp,X_max,n=2400),graph_color+linewidth(line_width),Arrows);} if (mark_lattice) {for (real temp = X_min; temp <= X_max; ++temp) {if (f(temp)%1==0 && f(temp)<=Y_max && f(temp)>=Y_min) {dot((temp,f(temp)),graph_color+linewidth(line_width*4));}}} dot((0,0)); /* Property of "PythonNut" 2011*/ [/asy] [asy] /* AUTO-GRAPH V-4 beta by PythonNut*/  /* Customizations: feel free to edit */ import math; import graph; /* x maximum and minimum */ int X_max = 10; int X_min =-10; /* y maximum and minimum */ int Y_max = 1; int Y_min = -1; /* linewidth */ real line_width = 0.75; /* graph color */ pen graph_color = blue; /* special */ bool mark_lattice = false; bool show_grid = true; real X_tick_density = 1; real Y_tick_density = 1; real ratio = 1; real resolution = 0.0001; int size = 300; /* graph function */ real f(real x)    {    return sin(x); /* type function to be graphed here */ }  /* The Code. Do not disturb unless you know what you are doing */  size(size);unitsize(size*ratio,size);Label l;l.p=fontsize(6); xaxis("$x$",X_min,X_max,Ticks(l,X_tick_density,(X_tick_density/2),NoZero),Arrows); yaxis("$y$",Y_min,Y_max,Ticks(l,Y_tick_density,(Y_tick_density/2),NoZero),Arrows);// if (show_grid){add(shift(X_min,Y_min)*grid(X_max-X_min,Y_max-Y_min));} real temp = X_min; while (! (f(temp) <= Y_max && f(temp) >= Y_min && temp < X_max)) {temp += resolution;} real Temp1 = temp; while (f(Temp1) <= Y_max && f(Temp1) >= Y_min && Temp1 < X_max) {Temp1 += resolution;} real Temp2 = temp; while (f(Temp2) <= Y_max && f(Temp2) >= Y_min && Temp2 > X_min) {Temp2 -= resolution;} draw(graph(f,Temp2,Temp1,n=2400),graph_color+linewidth(line_width),Arrows); temp = Temp1+resolution; while (temp <= X_max) {while (! (f(temp) <= Y_max && f(temp) >= Y_min) && temp < X_max) {temp += resolution;} real Temp1 = temp; while (f(Temp1) <= Y_max && f(Temp1) >= Y_min && Temp1 < X_max) {Temp1 += resolution;} real Temp2 = temp; while (f(Temp2) <= Y_max && f(Temp2) >= Y_min && Temp2 > X_min) {Temp2 -= resolution;} if (Temp1 <= X_max) {draw(graph(f,Temp2,Temp1,n=2400),graph_color+linewidth(line_width),Arrows);} temp = Temp1+resolution; continue;} temp = X_max; while (f(temp) <= Y_max && f(temp) >= Y_min && temp >= X_min) {temp -= resolution;} if (f(X_max) <= Y_max && f(X_max) >= Y_min) {draw(graph(f,temp,X_max,n=2400),graph_color+linewidth(line_width),Arrows);} if (mark_lattice) {for (real temp = X_min; temp <= X_max; ++temp) {if (f(temp)%1==0 && f(temp)<=Y_max && f(temp)>=Y_min) {dot((temp,f(temp)),graph_color+linewidth(line_width*4));}}} dot((0,0)); /* Property of "PythonNut" 2011*/ [/asy] [asy] /* AUTO-GRAPH V-4 beta by PythonNut*/  /* Customizations: feel free to edit */ import math; import graph; /* x maximum and minimum */ int X_max = 8; int X_min =-8; /* y maximum and minimum */ int Y_max = 16; int Y_min = 0; /* linewidth */ real line_width = 0.75; /* graph color */ pen graph_color = heavygreen; /* special */ bool mark_lattice = true; bool show_grid = true; real X_tick_density = 2; real Y_tick_density = 1; real ratio = 1; real resolution = 0.0001; int size = 300; /* graph function */ real f(real x)    {    return x^2; /* type function to be graphed here */ }  /* The Code. Do not disturb unless you know what you are doing */  size(size);unitsize(size*ratio,size);Label l;l.p=fontsize(6); xaxis("$x$",X_min,X_max,Ticks(l,X_tick_density,(X_tick_density/2),NoZero),Arrows); yaxis("$y$",Y_min,Y_max,Ticks(l,Y_tick_density,(Y_tick_density/2),NoZero),Arrows);// if (show_grid){add(shift(X_min,Y_min)*grid(X_max-X_min,Y_max-Y_min));} real temp = X_min; while (! (f(temp) <= Y_max && f(temp) >= Y_min && temp < X_max)) {temp += resolution;} real Temp1 = temp; while (f(Temp1) <= Y_max && f(Temp1) >= Y_min && Temp1 < X_max) {Temp1 += resolution;} real Temp2 = temp; while (f(Temp2) <= Y_max && f(Temp2) >= Y_min && Temp2 > X_min) {Temp2 -= resolution;} draw(graph(f,Temp2,Temp1,n=2400),graph_color+linewidth(line_width),Arrows); temp = Temp1+resolution; while (temp <= X_max) {while (! (f(temp) <= Y_max && f(temp) >= Y_min) && temp < X_max) {temp += resolution;} real Temp1 = temp; while (f(Temp1) <= Y_max && f(Temp1) >= Y_min && Temp1 < X_max) {Temp1 += resolution;} real Temp2 = temp; while (f(Temp2) <= Y_max && f(Temp2) >= Y_min && Temp2 > X_min) {Temp2 -= resolution;} if (Temp1 <= X_max) {draw(graph(f,Temp2,Temp1,n=2400),graph_color+linewidth(line_width),Arrows);} temp = Temp1+resolution; continue;} temp = X_max; while (f(temp) <= Y_max && f(temp) >= Y_min && temp >= X_min) {temp -= resolution;} if (f(X_max) <= Y_max && f(X_max) >= Y_min) {draw(graph(f,temp,X_max,n=2400),graph_color+linewidth(line_width),Arrows);} if (mark_lattice) {for (real temp = X_min; temp <= X_max; ++temp) {if (f(temp)%1==0 && f(temp)<=Y_max && f(temp)>=Y_min) {dot((temp,f(temp)),graph_color+linewidth(line_width*4));}}} dot((0,0)); [/asy]

The code

The code is:

/* AUTO-GRAPH V-4 beta by PythonNut*/

/* Customizations: feel free to edit */
import math;
import graph;
/* x maximum and minimum */
int X_max = 10;
int X_min =-10;
/* y maximum and minimum */
int Y_max = 10;
int Y_min = -10;
/* linewidth */
real line_width = 0.75;
/* graph color */
pen graph_color = heavygreen;
/* special */
bool mark_lattice = false;
bool show_grid = true;
real X_tick_density = 1;
real Y_tick_density = 1;
real ratio = 1;
real resolution = 0.0001;
int size = 300;
/* graph function */
real f(real x)
   return 2x^3-6x^2+3x-1; /* type function to be graphed here */

/* The Code. Do not disturb unless you know what you are doing */
bool ib(real t){ return (Y_min <= f(t) && f(t) <= Y_max); }

size(size);unitsize(size*ratio,size);Label l;l.p=fontsize(6);
if (show_grid){add(shift(X_min,Y_min)*grid(X_max-X_min,Y_max-Y_min));}

real t, T1, T2;

for (T1 = X_min ; T1 <= X_max ; T1 += resolution){
    while (! ib(T1) && T1 <= X_max){T1 += resolution;}
    if(T1 > X_max){break;}
    T2 = T1; 
    while (  ib(T1) && T1 <= X_max){T1 += resolution;}
    T1 -= resolution;

if (mark_lattice){
    for (t = X_min; t <= X_max; ++t){
        if (f(t)%1==0 && ib(t)){

Autograph Micro

[asy] import contour; import graph; real f(real x) { return x^2-1.333; } draw(graph(f,-1.5,1.5),blue+linewidth(0.5),Arrows); size(75); real f(real x, real y) {return abs(x^3) + abs(y^3);} draw(contour(f,(-6,-6),(6,6), new real[] {5}),red+linewidth(1)); label("$Auto\;Graph$",(0,0.3),red); label("$micro$",(0,-0.3),red); dot((1.5,0),red); dot((0,1.5),red); dot((0,-1.5),red); dot((-1.5,0),red);[/asy] Autograph micro is a version of autograph made to fit in the AoPS classroom character limit.

[asy]int X=10,x=-10,Y=10,y=-10;
real f(real x){return 11*sin(x);}
size(300); Label l;l.p=fontsize(6);dot((0,0));

Autograph implicit

[asy] import contour; import graph; real f(real x) { return x^2-1.333; } draw(graph(f,-1.5,1.5),blue+linewidth(0.5),Arrows); size(75); real f(real x, real y) {return abs(x^3) + abs(y^3);} draw(contour(f,(-6,-6),(6,6), new real[] {5}),red+linewidth(1)); label("$Auto\;Graph$",(0,0.3),red); label("$implict$",(0,-0.3),red); dot((1.5,0),red); dot((0,1.5),red); dot((0,-1.5),red); dot((-1.5,0),red);[/asy] Autograph implicit Is a version of Autograph used to graph implicit functions such as $x^{13}+5\cdot x^5\cdot y^3+x\cdot y^5+y^5=2.5$ [asy] /* AUTO-GRAPH implict by PythonNut*/ /* Customizations: feel free to edit */ import math; import graph; import contour; /* x maximum and minimum */ int X_max = 10; int X_min =-10; /* y maximum and minimum */ int Y_max = 10; int Y_min = -10; /* graph color */ pen graph_line = heavygreen+linewidth(0.75); /* special */ bool show_grid = true; real X_tick_density = 1; real Y_tick_density = 1; real ratio = 1; int size = 300; real value = 2.5; /* value to set to */ /* graph function */ real f(real x, real y) { return x^13+5*x^5*y^3+x*y^5+y^5; /* type function to be graphed here */ } /* The Code. Do not disturb unless you know what you are doing */ size(size);unitsize(size*ratio,size);Label l;l.p=fontsize(6); xaxis("$x$",X_min,X_max,Ticks(l,X_tick_density,(X_tick_density/2),NoZero),Arrows); yaxis("$y$",Y_min,Y_max,Ticks(l,Y_tick_density,(Y_tick_density/2),NoZero),Arrows);// if (show_grid){add(shift(X_min,Y_min)*grid(X_max-X_min,Y_max-Y_min));} draw(contour(f,(X_min,Y_min),(X_max,Y_max), new real[] {value}),graph_line);[/asy] The code is

/* AUTO-GRAPH implict by PythonNut*/
/* Customizations: feel free to edit */
import math;
import graph;
import contour;
/* x maximum and minimum */
int X_max = 10;
int X_min =-10;
/* y maximum and minimum */
int Y_max = 10;
int Y_min = -10;
/* graph color */
pen graph_line = heavygreen+linewidth(0.75);
/* special */
bool show_grid = true;
real X_tick_density = 1;
real Y_tick_density = 1;
real ratio = 1;
int size = 300;
real value = 2.5; /* value to set to */
/* graph function */
real f(real x, real y)
return x^13+5*x^5*y^3+x*y^5+y^5; /* type function to be graphed here */
/* The Code. Do not disturb unless you know what you are doing */
size(size);unitsize(size*ratio,size);Label l;l.p=fontsize(6);
if (show_grid){add(shift(X_min,Y_min)*grid(X_max-X_min,Y_max-Y_min));}
draw(contour(f,(X_min,Y_min),(X_max,Y_max), new real[] {value}),graph_line);[/asy]