Ongoing Mathematical Tournaments and Marathons on AoPS

Revision as of 11:57, 24 April 2013 by JigglykongisFUM16 (talk | contribs) (Ongoing Tournaments)

Ongoing Tournaments

<url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=531069 Mathcounts Simulation </url> Tournament Mod: mathman523

<url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=530714 AMC simulation </url> Torunament Mod: IceBeam

<url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=529084 Mock National Mathcounts Competition </url> Tournament Mod: forthegreatergood

<url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=529557 AMC Series </url> Tournament Mod: sunny2000

<url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=529885 AZ's NEW Math tournament </url> Tournament Mod : Urinvalid

<url> Math Tournament AIME to USAMO level, proof based </url> Tournament Mod: mathman98

Ongoing Marathons

<url>viewtopic.php?f=532&t=524105 Problem of the Day Marathon </url> Mod: Mrdavid445