Ptolemy's Inequality

Revision as of 22:11, 24 November 2006 by Boy Soprano II (talk | contribs) (reworded statement in a more general way)

Ptolemy's Inequality states that in for four points $\displaystyle A, B, C, D$ in the plane,

$\displaystyle AB \cdot CD + BC \cdot DA \ge AC \cdot BD$,

with equality iff. $\displaystyle ABCD$ is a cyclic quadrilateral with diagonals $\displaystyle AC$ and $\displaystyle BD$.


We construct a point $\displaystyle P$ such that the triangles $\displaystyle APB, \; DCB$ are similar and have the same orientation. In particular, this means that

$BD = \frac{BA \cdot DC }{AP} \; (*)$.

But since this is a spiral similarity, we also know that the triangles $\displaystyle ABD, \; PBC$ are also similar, which implies that

$BD = \frac{BC \cdot AD}{PC} \; (**)$.

Now, by the triangle inequality, we have $\displaystyle AP + PC \ge AC$. Multiplying both sides of the inequality by $\displaystyle BC$ and using $\displaystyle (*)$ and $\displaystyle (**)$ gives us

$BA \cdot DC + BC \cdot AD \ge AC \cdot BC$,

which is the desired inequality. Equality holds iff. $\displaystyle A$, $\displaystyle P$, and $\displaystyle {C}$ are collinear. But since the angles $\displaystyle BAP$ and $\displaystyle BDC$ are congruent, this would imply that the angles $\displaystyle BAC$ and $\displaystyle BPC$ are congruent, i.e., that $\displaystyle ABCD$ is a cyclic quadrilateral.