Specimen Cyprus Seniors Provincial/2nd grade/Problems

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Problem 1

Let $\text{A}\text{B}\Gamma\Delta$ be a parallelogram. Let $(\epsilon)$ be a straight line passing through $\text{A}$ without cutting $\text{A}\text{B}\Gamma\Delta$. If $\text{B} ', \Gamma ', \Delta '$ are the projections of $\text{B}, \Gamma, \Delta$ on $(\epsilon)$ respectively, show that

a) the distance of $\Gamma$ from $(\epsilon)$ is equal to the sum of the distances $\text{B}$ , $\Delta$ from $(\epsilon)$.

b) $\text{Area}(\text{B}\Gamma\Delta)=\text{Area}(\text{B} '\Gamma '\Delta ')$.


Problem 2

If $\alpha=\sin x_{1}$,$\beta=\cos x_{1}\sin x_{2}$, $\gamma=\cos x_{1}\cos x_{2} \sin x_{3}$ and $\delta=\cos x_{1}\cos x_{2}\cos x_{3}$ prove that $\alpha^2+\beta^2+\gamma^2+\delta^2=1$


Problem 3

Prove that if $\kappa, \lambda, \nu$ are positive integers, then the equation $x^2-(\nu +2)\kappa\lambda x+\kappa^2\lambda^2 = 0$ has irrational roots.


Problem 4

If $\rho_{1}, \rho_{2}$ are the roots of equation $x^2-x+1=0$ then:

a) Prove that $\rho_{1}^3=\rho_{2}^3 = -1$ and

b) Calculate the value of: $\rho_{1}^{2006} + \rho_{2}^{2006}$.


See also