
Revision as of 15:17, 20 October 2012 by Testingtesting (talk | contribs)

Welcome to my wiki page

I like using the Binomial Theorem as much as I possibly can. I'll fill the rest of this page with inside jokes that nobody will get unless you are certain people. Try to guess where these quotes came from and who said them. 10 brownie points for each right answer.

Guess who said it game

Canada is cool. Don't ******* curse! Wait, we get cheerleaders AND asian girls AT THE SAME CAMP!!!!???? :) I think I may be dead before the time you are ready for this class. Wait, what? Justin is irreducible. Anybody that doesn't understand this material please go get me markers. Don't worry about there being violence in this movie, it's only rated R. Wait, I already have your pin, never mind I don't want to trade with you. PLEASE HELP ME BEFORE NEW YORK COMES I"M IN MY PAJAMAS AND MY ROOMMATE LOCKED ME OUT OF MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!