
Revision as of 13:25, 24 January 2021 by Centslordm (talk | contribs)

Facts about The Lord of the ¢:

0. centslordm has an epic blog with cewl CSS here

1. centslordm owns everything in the world, second only to the great GMAAS.

2. centslordmwants you to call him ¢, it makes sense.

3. ¢ is the embodiment of stupidity.

4. ¢ says the word "intriguing" a lot. A LOT.

5. ¢ has said the word "intriguing" ∞ * TREE(3) times in 3 seconds.

6. ¢ has over 4,000 upvotes received. He is one of only a few users to have done so, even with about only ~2,200 posts.

7. ¢ is bad at Brawl Stars. He can't even get a rank 30.

His nicknames include:

- cents - ¢ - Burning Water - Embodiment of Stupidity - DollarGod - MyNameIsNot - EatYeetDeleteRepeat - The Dum One - simp lord