
Revision as of 00:20, 27 October 2008 by Dojo (talk | contribs) (Music)

My name is Dojo and I currently am 13, and live in Washington.

My interests are math, technology, solving rubiks cubes, cello, piano, composing, track, cross country and tennis, just to name a few.



Here are some of the things I do in my spare time:



My musical side?

At a young age, I was not the most talented musician. I couldn't sing, I could move my fingers seperately but here I am now. Playing the cello and piano with (in my opinion) very fluid actions. I have perfect pitch and when I sing, I sing in tune. Its just the quality that is... less than perfect. (Sounds like a duck that swallowed a harmonica.)

For all you less musically knowing, a cello is well described here.

Lets hope you know what a piano is. :)
