Y by jonyj1005, brainpopper, math101010, econaxis, chessdude2015, Cardinals2014, Kwow, boompenguinz, sw993, Altamira140, nihao4112, bigmath, MathArt4, claserken, wlm2, Math-Ninja, pifinity, Carpemath, TheEvaluator, nsd08, fry8, JDejesus, cardesigner06, Jomity, MrMustache, surferdude11, foxtrot3, NoDealsHere, FIREDRAGONMATH16, Lcz, mathleticguyyy, asdf334, dori_vinnie, os31415, OlympusHero, capitanhanbo, samrocksnature, challengeitmath, Adventure10, Mango247
This is a Pre-Algebra Marathon and I would like to ask you to enter your answers with
Sorry if it is had to understand cause this is my first time posting.
Also, I would be more than glad if someone messaged me on how to use LaTex.
Here's the first problem:
This is a Pre-Algebra Marathon and I would like to ask you to enter your answers with
and problems with P[#ofproblem]
.Sorry if it is had to understand cause this is my first time posting.
Also, I would be more than glad if someone messaged me on how to use LaTex.
Here's the first problem:
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edited by StarGalaxy457, Aug 15, 2015, 10:06 AM
Reason: I edited the post because I was fixing some minor things
Reason: I edited the post because I was fixing some minor things