Foreword-AoPS Edition

Welcome to the AoPS Edition of How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python 3!

This ebook is designed for use with the Art of Problem Solving’s Introduction to Programming with Python and Intermediate Programming with Python courses. We assume that students taking the Introduction course have no prior programming experience, and that students taking the Intermediate course have a basic knowledge of Python.

This ebook merges material from two sources:

We have, by and large, taken the text from the first source above and added the interactive tools from the second source. This means that the people listed above did 90% of the work for us, and for that we are very grateful. Our work consisted mostly of making some edits of the book’s content to make it more suitable for our AoPS audience, and changing a few features of the interactive tools to meet the content needs.

If you have any comments about this ebook, or if you have any errors to report, please send them to