A Joint Venture To Neuberg Problem

by RSM, Jun 18, 2012, 5:27 AM

Here I will post solution to a problem which I and Potla were trying for more than a month. Last night we solved the problem.

So, let me state the problem at first:-

Given a triangle $ ABC $ and a point $ P $, suppose, $ A',B',C' $ are the reflections of $ P $ on $ BC,CA,AB $. Prove that $ AA',BB',CC' $ are concurrnt iff $ PP^* $ is parallel to the Euler line of $ ABC $ where $ P^* $ is the isogonal conjugate of $ P $ wrt $ ABC $.

The locus of such point $ P $ is the Neuberg Cubic of $ ABC $. But in our proof we will not use any property of cubics. So let's call the locus of points $ P $ which satisfies the above concurrency fact as Neuberg locus(we are avoiding the term cubic).

At first we will prove 3 properties of the Neuberg locus. The properties are as follows:-

Property 1:-

Given a triangle $ ABC $, if a point $ P $ lies on the Neuberg locus of $ ABC $, then isogonal conjugate of $ P $ wrt $ ABC $ also lies on the Neuberg locus of $ ABC $.


Suppose, $ A',B',C' $ are the reflections of $ P $ on $ BC,CA,AB $. Suppose, $ A_1=PA'\cap \odot A'B'C' $. Similarly define $ B_1,C_1 $. Under inversion wrt $ P $ with power $ PA'.PA_1 $, $ A $ goes to the reflection of $ P $ on $ B_1C_1 $ and similar for others. Now note that, if $ A_2,B_2,C_2 $ are the reflections of $ P^* $ on $ BC,CA,AB $, then $ \Delta A_2B_2C_2 $ is homothetic to $ \Delta A_1B_1C_1 $. So if $ A_3,B_3,C_3 $ are the reflections of $ P^* $ on $ B_2C_2, C_2A_2,A_2B_2 $, then $ \odot P^*A_2A_3, \odot P^*B_2B_3, \odot P^*C_2C_3 $ are co-axial. But the center of $ \odot P^*A_2A_3 $ is the intersection point of $ B_2C_2 $ and $ BC $ and similar for others. So $ B_2C_2\cap BC,C_2A_2\cap CA,A_2B_2\cap AB $ are collinear. So by Desargues' Theorem, $ \Delta ABC $ and $ \Delta A_2B_2C_2 $ are perspective. So $ P^* $ lies on the Neuberg locus of $ ABC $.

Property 2:-

Given a triangle $ ABC $ and a point $ P $, prove that $ P $ lies on the Neuberg locus of $ ABC $ iff $ P $ lies on the Neuberg locus of the pedal triangle of $ P $ wrt $ ABC $.


Suppose, $ P^* $ is the isogonal conjugate of $ P $ wrt $ ABC $. $ A',B',C' $ be the reflections of $ P^* $ on $ BC,CA,AB $. Note that, $ P $ is the circumcenter of $ \Delta A'B'C' $. $ P' $ be the isogonal conjugate of $ P^* $ wrt $ A'B'C' $. $ A_1,B_1,C_1 $ be the circumcenters of $ \Delta B'P'C', \Delta C'P'A', \Delta A'P'B' $. By some simple angle-chasing we get that $ PA_1.PA=PA'^2 $. So $ A'A_1 $ is the isogonal conjugate of $ A'A $ wrt $ \angle B'A'C' $ and similar for others. But from property 1, if $ P $ lies on the Neuberg locus of $ \Delta ABC $ iff so does $ P^* $. So $ A'A,B'B,C'C $ concurr. So $ A'A_1,B'B_1,C'C_1 $ concurr. So $ P' $ lies on the Neuberg locus of $ \Delta A_1B_1C_1 $. Now note that, if $ A_2B_2C_2 $ is the pedal triangle of $ P $ wrt $ ABC $ and $ Q $ is the isogonal conjugate of $ P $ wrt $ A_2B_2C_2 $, then the configuration $ A_2B_2C_2Q $ is homothetic to the configuration $ A_1B_1C_1P' $. So $ Q $ lies on the Neuberg locus of $ \Delta A_2B_2C_2 $. So again using property 1, we get that $ P $ lies on the Neuberg locus of $ \Delta A_2B_2C_2 $.


Given a triangle $ ABC $ and a point $ P $ on its Neuberg Locus, suppose, $ P_a,P_b,P_c $ are the circumcenters of $ \Delta BPC,\Delta CPA,\Delta APB $. Prove that, $ AP_a,BP_b,CP_c $ are concurrent. Call that concurrency point as $ Q $. If $ P^* $ is the isogonal conjugate of $ P $ wrt $ ABC $, then define $ Q^* $ for $ P^* $ similarly. Then $ Q $ and $ Q^* $ are isogonal conjugates wrt $ ABC $.

Property 3:-

Given a triangle $ ABC $ and a point $ P $, prove that $ P $ lies on the Neuberg locus(or circumcircle or line at infinity) of $ ABC $ iff the Euler lines of $ \Delta BPC,\Delta CPA,\Delta APB $ are concurrent.


Let's ignore the case when $ P $ lies on circumcircle and line at infinity.
Let $G_a, G_b, G_c$ be the centroids of the triangles $BPC,CPA,APB.$ and $ O_a,O_b,O_c $ are the their circumcenters. Then we have $G_bG_c\parallel BC$ and $BG_c\cap CG_b=\text{midpoint}(AP).$ So, the homothety that maps $G_bG_c$ to $BC$ maps $O_bO_c\cap G_bG_c\equiv K_1$ to $O_bO_c\cap BC\equiv K_1'.$ Thus, $\frac{G_cK_1}{G_bK_1}=\frac{BK'_1}{CK'_1}.$
Since the triangles $G_aG_bG_c$ and $O_aO_bO_c$ are perspective, so we get $\prod_{cyc}\frac{G_cK_1}{G_bK_1}=-1,$ which leads to $\prod_{cyc}\frac{BK_1'}{CK_1'}=-1,$ so that $ABC$ and $O_aO_bO_c$ are perspective. So using the corollary of Property 2 we get that $ P $ lies on the Neuberg cubic of $ \Delta ABC $.

Before going to the proof of the main problem we will mention some lemmas that we will use in the proof.

Lemma 1:-

Given two triangles $ ABC $ and $ A'B'C' $(not homothetic), consider the set of all triangles(no two of them homothetic), so that both $ ABC $ and $ A'B'C' $ are orthologic to them. Then the locus of the center of orthology of $ ABC $ and this set of triangles lie on a conic passing through $ A,B,C $ or the line at infinity.


On the sides of $ BC,CA,AB $ take points $ C_1,A_1,B_1 $ so that $ \Delta A_1B_1C_1 $ is homothetic to $ \Delta A'B'C' $. Through $ C_1 $ draw parallel to $ AC $ to intersect $ AB $ at $ A_2 $. Cyclically define $ B_2,C_2 $ on $ BC,AC $. Applying the converse of Pascal's theorem on the hexagon $ A_1C_2B_1A_2C_1B_2 $ we get that $ A_1,B_1,C_1,A_2,B_2,C_2 $ lie on a conic(call this conic $ \Gamma(A_1B_1C_1) $). $ A_3=A_2C_1\cap B_2A_1, B_3=B_2A_1\cap B_1C_2, C_3=C_2B_1\cap A_2C_1 $. Clearly, $ ABC $ and $ A_3,B_3,C_3 $ are homothetic. So $ AA_3,BB_3,CC_3 $ concurr. Since $ A_2A_1 $ is the harmonic conjugate of $ AA_3 $ wrt $ AB,AC $, so if we draw parallels to $ A_1A_2,B_1B_2,C_1C_2 $ through $ A,B,C $, then they intersect $ BC,CA,AB $ at three collinear points. So there exists a conic passing through $ A,B,C $ so that the tangent at $ A $ is parallel to $ A_1A_2 $ and similar for $ B,C $. Call this conic $ \Gamma(ABC) $. Take any point $ X $ on $ \Gamma(ABC) $. Through $ A_1 $ draw a line $ l_a $ parallel to $ AX $ and similarly define $ l_b,l_c $. Note that $ (l_a,A_1A_2;A_1C_2,A_1B_2)=(AX,A_1A_2;AC,AB) $ $ =(BX,BA;BC,B_1B_2)=(l_b,B_1A_2;B_1C_2,B_1B_2) $. So $ l_a\cap l_b $ lies on $ \Gamma(A_1B_1C_1) $ and similar for others. So $ l_a,l_b,l_c $ concurr on $ \Gamma(A_1B_1C_1) $. Its easy to prove that its not true if $ X $ doesn't lie on $ \Gamma(ABC) $.

Lemma 2(Sondat's Theorem):-

Given two triangles $ ABC $ and $ A'B'C' $, such that they are orthologic and perspective, prove that the two centers of orthology are collinear with the center of perspectivity.


Suppose, $ AP\perp B'C', BP\perp C'A', CP\perp A'B' $. Similarly define $ P' $ such that $ A'P'\perp BC, B'P'\perp CA, C'P'\perp AB $. Suppose, $ AA',BB',CC' $ concur at some point $ Q $.
Note that, if we define $ \Gamma(ABC) $ wrt $ \Delta A'B'C' $ using Lemma 1, then we get that, its the rectangular hyperbola passing through $ A,B,C,P $ and the orthocenter of $ ABC $. Now note that, $ BPC $ and $ B'P'C' $ are orthologic and $ A,A' $ are the two centers of orthology. Note that, $ \Gamma(ABC) $ passes through the orthocenter of $ \Delta BPC $, but $ \Gamma(BPC) $ wrt $ \Delta B'P'C' $ is the rectangular hyperbola passing through $ B,C,P,A $ and the orthocenter of $ \Delta BPC $. So $ \Gamma(BPC) $ wrt $ \Delta B'P'C' $ is same as $ \Gamma(ABC) $ wrt $ \Delta A'B'C' $. But note that, $ Q $ lies on $ \Gamma(ABC) $. So $ Q $ lies on $ \Gamma(BPC) $ wrt $ B'P'C' $. So $ PQ\parallel P'Q $. So $ P,P',Q $ are collinear.

Lemma 3:-

Given two points $ P,Q $ and their isogonal conjugates wrt $ ABC $ be $ P',Q' $, then suppose, $ X=PQ'\cap QP' $ and $ Y=PQ\cap P'Q' $, then $ Y $ is the isogonal conjugate of $ X $ wrt $ ABC $.


So if the transformation in property 11 takes $ P' $ to $ Q $, then it takes $ Q' $ to $ P $. So $ (P'A,P'B;P'C,P'Q')=(QA,QB;QC,QP) $ $ \implies (P'A,P'B;P'C,P'Y)=(QA,QB;QC,QY) $. So $ A,B,C,Q,Y,P' $ lie on the same conic, which is the isogonal conjugate of $ PQ' $ wrt $ ABC $. So isogonal conjugate of $ Y $ lies on $ PQ' $ and similarly it lies on $ QP' $. So $ X $ is the isogonal conjugate of $ Y $.
Also note that, if two points $ X,Y $ are on $ PQ' $ and $ PQ $, such that $ X,Y $ are isogonal conjugates, then $ X=PQ'\cap QP' $ and $ Y=PQ\cap P'Q' $.

Some Observations:-

1. Given a triangle $ ABC $ and a point $ P $, if the Euler lines of $ BPC,CPA,APB $ are concurrent, then they concur on the Euler line of $ ABC $.


Suppose, $ O_a,O_b,O_c $ are the circumcenters of $ \Delta BPC, \Delta CPA,\Delta APB $. $ G_a,G_b,G_c $ be the centroids of $ \Delta BPC,\Delta CPA,\Delta APB $. Suppose, $ O_aG_a,O_bG_b,O_cG_c $ concur at some point $ X $. Note that, $ \Delta O_aO_bO_c $ and $ \Delta G_aG_bG_c $ are perspective. Also note that, the perpendiculars from $ O_a,O_b,O_c $ to the sides of $ \Delta G_aG_bG_c $ concur at the circumcenter of $ ABC $ and the perpendiculars from $ G_a,G_b,G_c $ to the sides of $ O_aO_bO_c $ concur at the centroid of $ \Delta ABC $. So by Sondat's Theorem $ O_aG_a,O_bG_b,O_cG_c $ concur on the Euler line of $ ABC $.

2. In the corollary of Property 2, we mentioned two points $ Q,Q^* $. Using Sondat's theorem we get that, $ Q $ lies on $ OP $ and $ Q^* $ lies on $ OP^* $. But since $ Q $ and $ Q^* $ are isogonal conjugates, so using Lemma 3, we get that $ Q=OP\cap HP^* $ and $ Q^*=OP^*\cap HP $ where $ H $ is the orthocenter of $ ABC $.

Proof of The Neuberg Problem:-

Given a triangle $ ABC $ and a point $ P $, suppose, $ P^* $ is the isogonal copnjugate of $ P $ wrt $ ABC $. $ P_a,P_b,P_c $ be the circumcenters of $ \Delta BPC,\Delta CPA,\Delta APB $. $ P^*_a,P^*_b,P^*_c $ be the circumcenters of $ \Delta BP^*C,\Delta CP^*A,\Delta AP^*B $. Suppose, $  P $ lies on the Neuberg locus of $ \Delta P_aP_bP_c $. So $ AP_a,BP_b,CP_c $ are concurrent. Clearly, it implies $ AP^*_a,BP^*_b,CP^*_c $ are concurrent. Suppose, $ O $ is the circumcenter of $ \Delta ABC $. Note that, the triangle formed by the circumcenters of $ \Delta OP_bP_c,\Delta OP_cP_a,\Delta OP_aP_b $ is homothetic to $ \Delta ABC $. So if we draw parallels to the Euler lines of $ \Delta OP_bP_c,\Delta OP_cP_a,\Delta OP_aP_b $ through $ A,B,C $ they will meet at some point $ Q $. Similarly define $ Q^* $ for $ P^* $. Now note that, $ P_bP_c $ is anti-parallel to $ P^*_b,P^*_c $ wrt $ \angle P_bOP_c $. So the Euler line of $ \Delta OP_bP_c $ is anti-parallel to the Euler line of $ \Delta OP^*_bP^*_c $ wrt $ \angle P_bOP_c $. Similar for others. So $ Q^* $ is the isogonal conjugate of $ Q $ wrt $ ABC $. Note that, the triangle formed by the centroids of $ \Delta OP_bP_c,\Delta OP_cP_a,\Delta OP_aP_b $ is homothetic to $ \Delta P_aP_bP_c $. So if we draw parallels to $ AQ,BQ,CQ $ through $ P_a,P_b,P_c $, then they will concurr. So using lemma 1 we get that, $ Q $ lies on $ \Gamma(ABC) $ wrt $ \Delta P_aP_bP_c $ which is the rectangular hyperbola passing through $ A,B,C,H,P $ where $ H $ is the orthocenter of $ \Delta ABC $. So $ Q^* $ lies on $ OP^* $. Similarly, $ Q $ lies on $ OP $. So using lemma 3, we get that, $ Q=OP\cap HP^* $ and $ Q^*=OP^*\cap HP $. Now note that, if $ R $ is the concurreny point of $ AP_a,BP_b,CP_c $ and $ R^* $ is the concurrency point of $ AP^*_a,BP^*_b,CP^*_c $, then from Observation 2, we have $ R=OP\cap HP^* $ and $ R^*=OP^*\cap HP $. So $ R\equiv Q $ and $ R^*\equiv Q^* $. From Observation 1, we get that the $ PQ $ is parallel to the Euler line of $ \Delta P_aP_bP_c $. But now we have, $ Q $ lies on $ OP $. $ O $ is the isogonal conjugate of $ P $ wrt $ P_aP_bP_c $. So the line joining $ P $ and isogonal conjugate of $ P $ wrt $ P_aP_bP_c $ is parallel to the Euler line of $ P_aP_bP_c $. So done.

The proof may look long, but the idea is very small. You can easily realize that after reading the proof.

Property 4:-

If $ P $ lies on the Neuberg locus of $ ABC $, then $ A $ lies on the Neuberg Locus of $ BPC $ and similarly.


Note that, we have proved if the Euler lines of $ PBC,PCA,PAB $ are concurrent, then they concurr on the Euler line of $ ABC $. So using property 3, we get that $ A $ lies on the Neuberg cubic of $ PBC $.

Property 5:-

Given a triangle $ ABC $ and a point $ P $, suppose, $ A_1,B_1,C_1 $ are the intersection points of $ AP,BP,CP $ with $ \odot PBC, \odot PCA, \odot PAB $. $ H_a,H_b,H_c $ are the orthocenters of $ \Delta A_1BC, \Delta B_1CA, \Delta C_1AB $. Prove that $ AH_a,BH_b,CH_c $ are concurrent iff $ P $ lies on the Neuberg cubic of $ \Delta ABC $ or the circles with diameter $ BC,CA,AB $ or the line at infinity.


Suppose, $ O_a,O_b,O_c $ are the circumcnters of $ PBC,PCA,PAB $. Note that, $ CO_a,CH_b $ are isogonal conjugates wrt $ \angle ACB $ and similar for others. Suppose, $ A'=BH_c\cap CH_b $. Similarly, define $ B',C' $. Consider the case when $ P $ lies on the Neuberg cubic of $ ABC $. Clearly, $ AO_a,BO_b,CO_c $ concurr at some point $ Q $. $ Q^* $ be the isogonal conjugate of $ Q $ wrt $ ABC $. Note that, $ AA',BB',CC' $ concurr at $ Q^* $. So applying converse of Brianchan's theorem on $ BA'CB'AC' $ we get that, there exists a conic touching $BH_a,H_aC,CH_b, H_bA,AH_c,H_cB $. So applying Brianchan's theorem on $ AH_cBH_aCH_b $ we get that $ AH_a,BH_b,CH_c $ are concurrent.
The other two cases are just special cases which can be verified easily.

Property 6(Concurrency of Brocard axes):-

Given a triangle $ ABC $ and point $ P $, prove that Brocard axes of $ PBC,PCA,PAB $ are concurrent iff $ P $ lies on the Neuberg cubic of $ ABC $ or the circumcircle of $ ABC $ or the line at infinity.

Note that, the last two cases are trivial cases, so we will prove the first case only.


Before proving the problem we will prove two lemmas.

Lemma 1:-

Isotomic line of the Leomine axis of a triangle $ ABC $ is perpendicular to the Euler line of $ ABC $.


Suppose, $ A'B'C' $ is the Lemoine axis of $ ABC $. Consider the circles with diameter $ AA',BB',CC' $. Clearly, the orthocenter of $ ABC $(call it $ H $) lies on their radical axis. Also the circumcenter of $ ABC $(call it $ O $) lies on their radical axis. So they are co-axial with $ OH $ as radical axis. But using Gaussian line theorem we get that the line joining the midpoints of $ AA',BB',CC' $ is parallel to the isotomic line of $ A'B'C' $ wrt $ ABC $. So the isotomic line of $ A'B'C' $ wrt $ ABC $ is perpendicular to $ OH $.

Lemma 2:-

Let $ABC$ be a triangle, and let $A_1B_1C_1$ and $A_2B_2C_2$ be two isotomic lines such that $A_1,A_2\in BC$ and similars. Show that, if $L$ is the point where the line through $A$ parallel to $BC$ meets $A_1B_1C_1$ then we have $ \frac{B_1L}{C_1L}=\frac{A_2B_2}{A_2C_2}$.

Note that, $ \frac {B_1L}{C_1L}=\frac {AB_1}{AC_1}.\frac {AB}{AC} $. And also $ \frac {B_2A_2}{A_2C_2}=\frac {B_2C}{C_2B}.\frac {AB}{AC} $. But since $ B_1,B_2 $ are isotomic points wrt $ A $, so $ AB_1=CB_2 $ and $ AC_1=BC_2 $. SO $ \frac {B_1L}{LC_1}=\frac {B_2A_2}{A_2C_2} $.

Back to Main problem:-

Suppose, $ O_a,H_a,K_a $ are the circumcenter,orthocenter and symmedian point of $ PBC$. Let $ O $ be the circumcenter of $ ABC $. Note that, its enough to prove that, $ \prod_{cyc} (O_aO_b,O_aO_c;O_aP,O_aK_a)=1 $. Suppose, $ P'B'C' $ is the Lemoine axis of $ PBC $. Then note that, $ (O_aO_b,O_aO_c;O_aP,O_aK_a)=(PC,PB;PP',B'C')=\frac {C'P'}{B'P'} $. $ P_1B_1C_1 $ be the isotomic line of $ P'B'C' $. A line through $ P $ parallel to $ BC $ intersects $ B_1C_1 $ at $ U $. Using lemma 2 we get that, $ \frac {B_1U}{C_1U}=\frac {B'P'}{P'C'} $. So $ (PB,PC;PU,B_1C_1)=(PB,PC;PP',B'C') $. But $ (PB,PC;PU,B_1C_1)=(O_aO_c,O_aO_b;O_aO,O_aH_a) $. So $ (O_aO_c,O_aO_b;O_aO,O_aH_a)=(O_aO_c,O_aO_b;O_aP,O_aK_a) $. But since the lines $ O_aH_a $ are concurrent, so $ \prod_{cyclic} (O_aO_c,O_aO_b;O_aO,O_aH_a)=1 $. So we are done.
This post has been edited 8 times. Last edited by levans, Jul 10, 2015, 5:04 PM




  • nice blog!

    by wardtnt1234, Aug 18, 2024, 10:38 AM

  • Leaving this comment as a bookmark…nice blog!

    by gabrupro, Nov 20, 2023, 5:59 PM

  • bumpity bump

    by samrocksnature, Jan 27, 2023, 7:02 PM

  • Nice Blog!

    by Functional_equation, Aug 8, 2020, 6:13 PM

  • Nice!!!!

    by A-Thought-Of-God, Jul 9, 2020, 11:25 AM

  • Dada tumi kothay, keno math chere dile? :(

    by amar_04, Mar 2, 2020, 8:38 AM

  • Cool blog tho

    by usernameyourself, Jan 12, 2020, 12:31 PM

  • this is a depressingly dead blog

    by cocohearts, Jan 5, 2020, 1:59 AM

  • hello my post is too short so I have to write this unnecessary message

    by Maffeseater, Apr 17, 2019, 6:00 AM

  • Looks too much interesting, but it's really complex. :D

    Nice blog BTW. :)

    by integrated_JRC, Apr 29, 2018, 6:05 PM

  • This blog is a few lightyears above my head :D But unfortunately it's dead dead dead dead dead ...

    by Kayak, Dec 13, 2017, 9:49 AM

  • Great job....

    by Surajit123, Apr 16, 2013, 9:46 AM

  • I use Geogebra

    by RSM, Jun 5, 2012, 6:52 PM

  • can you suggest any tool(software) for digital geometrical drawings?

    by utsab001, Jun 5, 2012, 5:55 PM

  • Very nice blog with geometry, thank you :)!

    by buratinogigle, May 26, 2012, 5:11 AM

  • WOW, this stuff is complex! :o

    by littlejones, Apr 17, 2012, 5:29 AM

  • Most of the things have gone one mile above my head :( :o
    But surely an excellent blog I believe for people with sound knowledge of geometry. :)

    by a123, Apr 14, 2012, 6:28 AM

  • this blog has gave me a brief knowledge about the projective transformation. Awesome as usual! :lol:

    by BBAI, Mar 12, 2012, 4:07 PM

  • Wow.... I see he is targetting us...

    by iarnab_kundu, Mar 8, 2012, 5:51 AM

  • Did the elephatns make the place for the text smaller or not? I hope to find yet time to look more deeply in the texts of this big blog as told lost of times

    by SCP, Feb 19, 2012, 8:26 PM

  • Awesome, as usual. You should become an author of some journal very soon, it will help people.

    by Potla, Feb 13, 2012, 4:07 PM

  • I was really looking for projective transformation....
    great blog Chandan!!!!! :D :lol:

    by r1234, Feb 13, 2012, 11:53 AM

  • The matter's really dense here.

    by Dranzer, Dec 31, 2011, 7:03 AM

  • Hey!

    I started a website, Teen Thinkers, where I'm hoping to get a whole community of intellectually curious people to contribute. I have a math section, but there's not much really going on, would you like to help me vamp up that section?

    Thx pm alexgnow

    by alexgnow, Nov 19, 2011, 3:57 AM

  • :D :lol:
    Awesome blog

    by Carolstar9, Oct 20, 2011, 11:58 PM

  • :D nice chandan

    by sandeepreddy, Sep 6, 2011, 5:22 AM

  • :D
    great blog,chandan.
    as i told u at the camp

    by abhinavzandubalm, Aug 1, 2011, 2:25 PM

  • Awesome! Nice blog, Kosnita RSM!

    by Potla, Jun 22, 2011, 6:53 PM

  • 1st shout!

    by Goutham, Mar 31, 2011, 7:31 PM

29 shouts
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