[LeetCode] Guess Number Higher or Lower II

by zkw, Jul 17, 2016, 4:13 PM

First, here is a trivial DP solution with $O(n^{3})$. Let $f(a,b)$ be the minimum worst-case cost to guess a number $a\le n\le b$, then we have $$
f(a,b)=\min_{a\le k\le b}\Big(\max\big\{ f(a,k-1),f(k+1,b)\big\}+k\Big)\ .
$$Enumerate $k$ and we are done. To optimize the computation, let $$
k_{0}(a,b)=\max\{k:f(a,k-1)\le f(k+1,b)\}\ ,
$$then \begin{align*}
 & \max\big\{ f(a,k-1),f(k+1,b)\big\}\\
= & \begin{cases}
f(k+1,b) & \text{if }a\le k\le k_{0}(a,b)\\
f(a,k-1) & \text{if }k_{0}(a,b)<k\le b
\end{align*}Therefore, \begin{align*}
f(a,b) & =\min\big\{ f_{1}(a,b),f_{2}(a,b)\big\}\\
f_{1}(a,b) & =\min_{a\le k\le k_{0}(a,b)}\big(f(k+1,b)+k\big)\\
f_{2}(a,b) & =\min_{k_{0}(a,b)<k\le b}\big(f(a,k-1)+k\big)\\
 & =f\big(a,k_{0}(a,b)\big)+k_{0}(a,b)+1\ .
\end{align*}Notice that $k_{0}(a_{1},b)\le k_{0}(a_{2},b)$ when $a_{1}\le a_{2}$. So we can compute $k_{0}(a,b)$ in amortized $O(1)$ time. Then we need the sliding minimum of $g(k,b)=f(k+1,b)+k$ with $b$ fixed and $a\le k\le k_{0}(a,b)$. This can be done using an increasing deque, and it takes amortized $O(1)$ time to get the desired minimum. We need to compute $O(n^{2})$ values of $f$, and each takes $O(1)$ time, so in all $O(n^{2})$.
Program (in C++)
This post has been edited 10 times. Last edited by zkw, Jul 21, 2016, 9:46 AM


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Can you help to solve rotate matrix problem from Interviewbit?

by codo0, Aug 18, 2018, 11:46 AM


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