by Wiggle Wam, Feb 15, 2019, 6:12 PM
...because I'm at a slightly awkward time in my life. So of course, the only sensible thing to do in such a time is to overshare on the internet.
I suppose that on this site there are people around my age with similar interests as me, so hopefully some of this stuff will be relatable? I'll probably talk about my thoughts/feelings/discoveries that arise as I attempt to properly "human," and also other random stuff that I feel like sharing.
This super-creative (not) title is a pun of sorts on my name, which if you don't know, you can probably guess. I'm also on instagram as @nottheivyleague, so if you would like to see the occasional awkward, forced, trying-way-too-hard picture of me, give me a follow.
I hope this blog provides some comic relief, if anything. Enjoy.
This post has been edited 2 times. Last edited by Wiggle Wam, Feb 15, 2019, 6:13 PM