A number theory problem from Mathematical Reflections
by XmL, Jul 4, 2014, 4:52 AM
Problem(MR5 2013 O.285):Let
be the sequence of integers defined as
. Prove that
A super long solution

A super long solution
Lemma 1:
are positive integer,
Proof: The if part is
, for the only if part: let
are integers and
, hence
. Since
, hence
Original problem: We will first show that
by induction:
Base case:
Inductive step: assume that the statement is true for all
up to
, we will show that it's true for
. Indeed:
and by Lemma 1
which is true by assumption.
Next we will show with induction again that if an odd prime
, then
We go straight to the step: Assuming that
, we will show 
. By the result above
for all
. By a well known lemma:
(note that
), therefore
Finally we are going to show
is an odd prime
together using induction.
Base case:
Inductive Step: Assuming that the statement is true up to
and all odd primes(not 3) less than
, we proceed in two steps:
Step 1: If
is a prime, then we have to show
. Since by our assumption that
and it's well known that
, hence
and we are done.
Step 2: Whether
is a prime or not, we will show
by first proving all odd prime powers but
, denoted by
, divide
, in other words
, which is equivalent to
. Since
is obvious, we just have to worry about 
By our assumption:
, we will prove
, hence giving
. We have to prove
which is true shown in*.
Now we will deal with primes
is straight forward:
, as we've seen, it doesn't divide
, hence we have
. We want to prove
which is true for
and we are done.
*To show that
is true, for convinience let
which is true for our scenario.

Proof: The if part is

Original problem: We will first show that

Base case:

Inductive step: assume that the statement is true for all

Next we will show with induction again that if an odd prime

We go straight to the step: Assuming that

Finally we are going to show

Base case:

Inductive Step: Assuming that the statement is true up to

Step 1: If

Step 2: Whether

By our assumption:

Now we will deal with primes


*To show that

This post has been edited 4 times. Last edited by XmL, Aug 12, 2014, 11:15 PM