AMC registration??
by junbeom01pd2020, Nov 24, 2017, 6:50 AM
amc registration stuff
happy thanks giving! no school today!!!
EDIT: just got a reply from the hongkong proctor and they aren't doing it either gg
As you guys know I live in China and the AMCs are offered again! Unfortunately, they are only offering the AMC A version. This sucks because if my score is not that high then my chances of making jmo will decrease and I'll also be more pressured for AIME...Anyways I've been trying to see if I could take it in another country but Korea isn't doing it either. Luckily my uncle lives in hongkong so I might be able to take it there but I'm not sure about this.
I've been looking into taking f=ma next year (so in 2019). I heard it isn't too hard to qualify for usapho, and my study plan rn is just to do the book by Halliday and some other books and then spam problems. Tbh I dont rly know any physics rn but I do have a full year to prepare so let's see how it goes
I started all 4 awesomemath books I bought and they're all very helpful. Here's my progress so far:
112 combo
113 geo ineq
108 alg
lemmas in oly geo
Unfortunately basketball is a huge time commitment and I usually get home at 7 and sometimes even later after a game. Then I do my hw and it's usually like 10 by then. Then I do like 1-2 hours of math until 12. To deal with this situation, I started bringing my math books to school to work on them during breaks and flexi lel.
112 combo
I'm almost done with chapter 9 rn and although I know most of the things in this book (concept-wise) the problems are extremely helpful.
113 geo ineq
Idk why but this book takes me the most time to work through. It probably has to do with the fact that I never really did problems like this before. Anyways, I'm learning a lot from this book and hopefully there are some geo inequality problems on the aime xD
108 alg
great book. I haven't been doing too much algebra problems lately and this is helping me get back my intuition in solving algebra problems
lemmas in oly geo
ok so I started chapter 1 (lel) but I haven't done too much because I am still working of EGMO. I finished chapter 4 of EGMO and now I'm deciding between finishing egmo or working on lemmas. Ill most likely finish section 2 of EGMO and then start working more on lemmas
Unfortunately basketball is a huge time commitment and I usually get home at 7 and sometimes even later after a game. Then I do my hw and it's usually like 10 by then. Then I do like 1-2 hours of math until 12. To deal with this situation, I started bringing my math books to school to work on them during breaks and flexi lel.
happy thanks giving! no school today!!!
EDIT: just got a reply from the hongkong proctor and they aren't doing it either gg
This post has been edited 2 times. Last edited by junbeom01pd2020, Nov 24, 2017, 1:51 PM
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