LMT (I know finally).
by Dr4gon39, Jun 25, 2016, 12:28 AM
So I'm really bored right now because you know, summer...
So I thought I'd finally post on LMT, as requested.
Forgive me y'all if my memory is kinda fuzzy.
LMT was my last ever middle school math competition.
So our school decided to send two teams, the A team consisting of Me, willwin4sure, dckx15, supermath7676 and redsoxfan. We also sent a B team but none of them really use AoPS so they're really quite irrelevant. I also tried to get cedric-the-reindeer to sign up but he/she didn't so whatever.
So we got there like, tooooooo early. We sat in the auditorium for a while and talked and took some pictures *cough* adults *cough*. Then our friends from flame math came and we made some small talk and whatnot. Then Clarke 1 came in, and they asked us where ghghghghghghghgh was. Benstien was there, but janabel (that's her username, I promise) wasn't because she was at like this orchestra thing. That's also why Doherty didn't send a team, so we didn't see OpalSeaDrag0n9 or ilikepie2003. But anyways it was kinda cool that Clarke 1 came to talk to us and flame math. (Sidenote on Clarke: Me and my friends have pretended that we're in a rivalry with Clarke ever since 6th grade, but in reality, we know we're rather insignificant in comparison to Jonas Clarke, so its kind of a quasi-pseudo-rivalry at most. But anyways, its been fun competing with you guys for the past three years, watching you guys blow us all away for the past three years. If you read this, best of luck in the future, and know that there's this little school in Andover vying to usurp your dominance one day (heheheheh just kidding, lets all be friends, am I right?))
But then the competition started, so we went into the testing room.
Individual round was hard. I think I only answered like 12 or 13 of the 20 (I think) questions.
But then came theme round.
Theme round was crazy...
One of the themes was about bijections, injections and surjections, and the explanation given wasn't exactly the best....
Also, all of the other problems seemed impossible too besides a few.... But yeah everyone did horribly on it.
Then came team round.
Me and willwin4sure went and did the proofs, but they were pretty hard. It was cool that I knew my proctor, because she did science bowl with ABCDE a few years back, but I promise there was no cheating. In the end we also worked on the potpourri with the other three guys, and we didn't do that good, but it wasn't that bad either. I just want to complain that they did put limits in the potpourri, but whatever, the problem wasn't hard.... Anyways, this group is usually pretty functional during team round.....
Then we had lunch. I had a lot of pizza. My friends know how much I eat. During lunch we all felt pretty terrible because we all thought that we did horribly during the rounds because all the questions were pretty hard, especially theme.... But anyways pizza was good.
Then came guts round. We got into the auditorium early, and me and dckx15 talked for a while with this LHS person who was running the competition about science bowl for a while which was pretty fun. Then we situated ourselves in the back of the auditorium and got ready for guts. The live scoreboard was pretty nerve racking. Of course, clarke 1 established a clear lead, and my team sort of floated around 3-6. Then we got down to the last two sets of problems and they shut down the scoreboard for "suspense reasons". The second to last set was extremely hard, because the problems were all related to each other, so we just put down 0 for all of them. Then we got to the last set, which was three estimation problems, that we did not get right.....
Then we waited for results.
I got 7th for individual round, which wasn't too bad (willwin4sure also got 8th). I got 10th for individual composite which wasn't bad at all considering my abysmal theme showing.... For team round we got 5th which also wasn't bad. Then guts round. OMIGOSH. We got 2nd. Crazy. Second Place. Just being Jonas. Which sort of makes it 1st place. Pretty cool if you ask me. Uhhhhh we also only got 9th for team score, which was slightly weird, but I guess its because half to eh team score is individual, so I guess some of our team members didn't perform up to standards on the individual rounds *hacking cough hacking cough*. But yeah the results weren't bad, especially with the 2nd place guts snag.
Overall, pretty good day if you ask me.
So I thought I'd finally post on LMT, as requested.
Forgive me y'all if my memory is kinda fuzzy.
LMT was my last ever middle school math competition.
So our school decided to send two teams, the A team consisting of Me, willwin4sure, dckx15, supermath7676 and redsoxfan. We also sent a B team but none of them really use AoPS so they're really quite irrelevant. I also tried to get cedric-the-reindeer to sign up but he/she didn't so whatever.
So we got there like, tooooooo early. We sat in the auditorium for a while and talked and took some pictures *cough* adults *cough*. Then our friends from flame math came and we made some small talk and whatnot. Then Clarke 1 came in, and they asked us where ghghghghghghghgh was. Benstien was there, but janabel (that's her username, I promise) wasn't because she was at like this orchestra thing. That's also why Doherty didn't send a team, so we didn't see OpalSeaDrag0n9 or ilikepie2003. But anyways it was kinda cool that Clarke 1 came to talk to us and flame math. (Sidenote on Clarke: Me and my friends have pretended that we're in a rivalry with Clarke ever since 6th grade, but in reality, we know we're rather insignificant in comparison to Jonas Clarke, so its kind of a quasi-pseudo-rivalry at most. But anyways, its been fun competing with you guys for the past three years, watching you guys blow us all away for the past three years. If you read this, best of luck in the future, and know that there's this little school in Andover vying to usurp your dominance one day (heheheheh just kidding, lets all be friends, am I right?))
But then the competition started, so we went into the testing room.
Individual round was hard. I think I only answered like 12 or 13 of the 20 (I think) questions.
But then came theme round.
Theme round was crazy...
One of the themes was about bijections, injections and surjections, and the explanation given wasn't exactly the best....
Also, all of the other problems seemed impossible too besides a few.... But yeah everyone did horribly on it.
Then came team round.
Me and willwin4sure went and did the proofs, but they were pretty hard. It was cool that I knew my proctor, because she did science bowl with ABCDE a few years back, but I promise there was no cheating. In the end we also worked on the potpourri with the other three guys, and we didn't do that good, but it wasn't that bad either. I just want to complain that they did put limits in the potpourri, but whatever, the problem wasn't hard.... Anyways, this group is usually pretty functional during team round.....
Then we had lunch. I had a lot of pizza. My friends know how much I eat. During lunch we all felt pretty terrible because we all thought that we did horribly during the rounds because all the questions were pretty hard, especially theme.... But anyways pizza was good.
Then came guts round. We got into the auditorium early, and me and dckx15 talked for a while with this LHS person who was running the competition about science bowl for a while which was pretty fun. Then we situated ourselves in the back of the auditorium and got ready for guts. The live scoreboard was pretty nerve racking. Of course, clarke 1 established a clear lead, and my team sort of floated around 3-6. Then we got down to the last two sets of problems and they shut down the scoreboard for "suspense reasons". The second to last set was extremely hard, because the problems were all related to each other, so we just put down 0 for all of them. Then we got to the last set, which was three estimation problems, that we did not get right.....
Then we waited for results.
I got 7th for individual round, which wasn't too bad (willwin4sure also got 8th). I got 10th for individual composite which wasn't bad at all considering my abysmal theme showing.... For team round we got 5th which also wasn't bad. Then guts round. OMIGOSH. We got 2nd. Crazy. Second Place. Just being Jonas. Which sort of makes it 1st place. Pretty cool if you ask me. Uhhhhh we also only got 9th for team score, which was slightly weird, but I guess its because half to eh team score is individual, so I guess some of our team members didn't perform up to standards on the individual rounds *hacking cough hacking cough*. But yeah the results weren't bad, especially with the 2nd place guts snag.
Overall, pretty good day if you ask me.
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edited by Dr4gon39, Jun 25, 2016, 12:31 AM