Awesomemath books finally here!+Update
by junbeom01pd2020, Nov 1, 2017, 11:20 AM
BOOKS+Plan for contest prep
School life
I'll also be doing COMC this friday, but I'm not even canadian so it's just for fun.
Finally got 108 Algebra, 112 combo, 113 geo ineq, and lemmas in oly geo today. All four books look great, except 112 combo seems like it might not be as hard as I wanted it to be (I may be wrong since I just got a quick glimpse of it). I'm working through chapter 4 of EGMO, I will be starting lemmas soon and work on both at the same time. Oops I haven't done any egmo since like summer
. I'll just work through all 4 books + EGMO and do random problems (HMMT, PUMAC, National Olympiads). My mom also bought some other books for me, including Weapons of Math Destruction. The author of that book, Cathy O'Neil, is actually an hcssim alum and gave a talk about it when I was there this summer.
I am planning on doing math for at least 1.5 hours a day, and much more during the weekends. This might be hard to follow because:
1. AP world reading
2. school basketball team practice ends at 5:30, meaning that it's usually 6:40 when I get home (traffic)
but I'll try my best to stick to the plan.

I am planning on doing math for at least 1.5 hours a day, and much more during the weekends. This might be hard to follow because:
1. AP world reading
2. school basketball team practice ends at 5:30, meaning that it's usually 6:40 when I get home (traffic)
but I'll try my best to stick to the plan.
School life
None of my classes
1. Orchestra
2. AP world
3. Chinese
4. english 10
5.ap calc bc
6. 10th grade bio
7. PE
are hard (as u can tell from the lack of APs), and I have a pretty safe grade in all of them. The reason I have much less AP classes compared to those of u in the us is because my school in China only allows 1 ap class in 10th grade. Whatever who cares about school, right? 2. AP world
3. Chinese
4. english 10
5.ap calc bc
6. 10th grade bio
7. PE

I'll also be doing COMC this friday, but I'm not even canadian so it's just for fun.
This post has been edited 1 time. Last edited by junbeom01pd2020, Nov 1, 2017, 11:21 AM