A beautiful theorem about tangency of circles

by math_pi_rate, Aug 19, 2018, 2:22 PM

So a week before I went for the Sharygin Finals, I striked upon this beautiful theorem, called Casey's Theorem (also known as Generalised Ptolemy's Theorem). So here is the theorem, in all its might:

THEOREM (Casey) Given four circles $\omega_i, i=1,2,3,4$, let $t_{ij}$ denote the length of a common tangent (either internal or external) between $\omega_i$ and $\omega_j$. Then the four circles are tangent to a fifth circle $\Gamma$ (or line) if and only if for appropriate choice of signs, $t_{12} \cdot t_{34} \pm t_{13} \cdot t_{42} \pm t_{14} \cdot t_{23}=0$.

For a proof, see this handout by Luis Gonzales or have a look at Problem 239 and 240 of Problems in Plane Geometry by I. F. Sharygin.

Anyway, I'll just post a few problems which are reduced to mere computations by this theorem (mainly the if part).

PROBLEM 1 (Sharygin Finals 2017 Problem 9.4) Points $M$ and $K$ are chosen on lateral sides $AB,AC$ of an isosceles triangle $ABC$ and point $D$ is chosen on $BC$ such that $AMDK$ is a parallelogram. Let the lines $MK$ and $BC$ meet at point $L$, and let $X,Y$ be the intersection points of $AB,AC$ with the perpendicular line from $D$ to $BC$. Prove that the circle with center $L$ and radius $LD$ and the circumcircle of triangle $AXY$ are tangent.


PROBLEM 2 (Tuymaada 2018 Senior/Junior League Problem 8) Quadrilateral $ABCD$ with perpendicular diagonals is inscribed in a circle with centre $O$. The tangents to this circle at $A$ and $C$ together with line $BD$ form the triangle $\Delta$. Prove that the circumcircles of $BOD$ and $\Delta$ are tangent.


PROBLEM 3 (Source=buratinogigle) Let $ABC$ be a triangle inscribed in circle $(O).$ The circle $(X)$ passes through $A,O$ with $X$ is on perpendicular bisector of $BC.$ Similarly, we have the circles $(Y)$ and $(Z). $ Prove that the circle is tangent to $(X),$ $(Y)$ and $(Z)$ internally then is tangent to $(O)$.


PROBLEM 4 (Source=buratinogigle) Let $ABC$ be a triangle inscribed in circle $(O)$ with altitude $AH$. Incircle $(I)$ touches $BC$ at $D$. $K$ is midpoint of $AH$. $L$ is projection of $K$ on $ID$. Prove that circle $(L,LD)$ is tangent to $(O)$.


PROBLEM 5 (Source=buratinogigle) Let $ABC$ be a triangle with circumcenter $O$ and altitude $AH.$ $AO$ meets $BC$ at $M$ and meets the circle $(BOC)$ again at $N.$ $P$ is the midpoint of $MN.$ $K$ is the projection of $P$ on line $AH.$ Prove that the circle $(K,KH)$ is tangent to the circle $(BOC)$.

This post has been edited 3 times. Last edited by math_pi_rate, Sep 27, 2018, 12:57 PM

Geo Geo everywhere, nor a point to see.


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  • Hi everyone! Sorry but I doubt if I'll be reviving this anytime soon :oops:

    I might post something if I find anything interesting, but they'll mostly be short posts, unlike the previous ones!

    by math_pi_rate, Nov 7, 2020, 7:39 PM

  • @below be patient. He must be busy with some other work. :)

    by amar_04, Oct 22, 2020, 10:23 AM

  • Advanced is over now, please revive this please!

    by Geronimo_1501, Oct 12, 2020, 5:10 AM

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  • Try this: Prove that a two colored cow has an odd number of Agis Phesis

    by Synthetic_Potato, Apr 18, 2020, 5:29 PM

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