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Educational Enrichment


Highlights from Math History: Charles Babbage and His Difference Engine

Charles Babbage is one of the pioneers of modern computing, we discuss the math behind his "difference engine".

How to Help Your Advanced Learners Be Successful This Year: Advice from AoPS Founder Richard Rusczyk

AoPS founder Richard Rusczyk has 3 top recommendations for preparing your advanced learner to return to school after the pandemic.

What Is Alcumus, And Why We Called It That

Named for a figure from the Odyssey, Alcumus is the free adaptive learning system at AoPS that helps students practice challenging material and improve their problem solving skills.

Don’t Fall into the Calculus Trap

For an avid student with great math skills, rushing through the standard curriculum is not the best answer. Take advantage of our online community and online classes to keep your student truly challenged.