Angle chasing with ellipses [Part 2]
by p_square, Jun 13, 2021, 8:51 AM
As promised, this post will mainly feature in-ellipses, and isogonal conjugates in quadrilaterals.
This post is going to be slightly hi-tech, pre-requisites include miquel points, inversion, and my previous post.
Before we dive right in, let's prove a quick lemma about the configuration we had before.
Let the tangents at
to an ellipse intersect at
. If
is the centre of the ellipse, then
. (Over here, [] denotes the area)
When one looks at the figure, the point
really stands out. We know absolutely nothing about this point so far. Thus, it is only natural to try and convert these areas into the areas involving
instead of
. Then, remembering how nice reflections of focii across tangents were, we add in
which is
reflected across
, and
which is
reflected across
. These points just make the whole proof come together:
![$$2[BPO] = [BPF_1] + [BPF_2] = [BPF_1] + [BPH] = [F_1PH]$$](//
import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.3, min = 1, a = 1.4, b=0.3;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair A = point(el,a), B = point(el,b);
pair P = extension(A+dir(el,a), A, B, B+dir(el, b));
pair G = 2*foot(F2, P, A) - F2, H = 2*foot(F1, P, B) - F1;
pair O = (F1 + F2)/2;
draw(F1--P--G--F1, royalblue);
draw(F2--P--H--F2, purple);
draw(P--O--A--P--B--O, brown);
dot("$F_1$", F2, S);
dot("$P$",P, dir(P));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$H$", H, dir(H));
dot("$G$", G, dir(G));
All that is left to show, is that
, but that's clear, the two triangles are simply congruent.
Consider any quadrilateral
with an in-ellipse tangent to sides
, be the focii and centre of the ellipse respectively. The first interesting result is that
and the second is that
lies on the gauss line of quadrilateral
Slightly restated, we want to show that
, and that
The proofs of both of these results are pretty similar. The idea in a nutshell is to split and rearrange. [Another eerily similar idea is used to prove that the sums of opposite sides of a quadrilateral which has an incircle are equal]
import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.15, min = 1, w = 3.0, x=1.9, y = 1.3, z = 0.3;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair W = point(el,w), X = point(el,x), Y = point(el, y), Z = point(el, z);
pair A = extension(X, X+dir(el,x), W+dir(el,w),W);
pair B = extension(dir(el,x)+X,X,Y,Y+dir(el,y));
pair C = extension(Z, Z+dir(el,z), Y+dir(el,y), Y);
pair D = extension(dir(el,z) + Z, Z, W, W+dir(el, w));
draw(A--B--C--D--A, royalblue);
draw(A--F2--B, purple);
draw(C--F2--D, purple);
draw(W--F2--Y, brown);
draw(X--F2--Z, brown);
draw(anglemark(B,F2,A), orange);
draw(anglemark(D,F2,C), orange);
dot("$W$", W, dir(W));
dot("$X$", X, dir(X));
dot("$Y$", Y, dir(Y));
dot("$Z$", Z, dir(Z));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$C$", C, dir(C));
dot("$D$", D, dir(D));
dot("$F_1$", F2, S);
For the first theorem:

import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.15, min = 1, w = 3.0, x=1.9, y = 1.3, z = 0.3;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair W = point(el,w), X = point(el,x), Y = point(el, y), Z = point(el, z);
pair A = extension(X, X+dir(el,x), W+dir(el,w),W);
pair B = extension(dir(el,x)+X,X,Y,Y+dir(el,y));
pair C = extension(Z, Z+dir(el,z), Y+dir(el,y), Y);
pair D = extension(dir(el,z) + Z, Z, W, W+dir(el, w));
pair O = (0,0);
draw(A--B--C--D--A, royalblue);
draw(A--O--B, purple);
draw(C--O--D, purple);
draw(W--O--Y, brown);
draw(X--O--Z, brown);
dot("$W$", W, dir(W));
dot("$X$", X, dir(X));
dot("$Y$", Y, dir(Y));
dot("$Z$", Z, dir(Z));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$C$", C, dir(C));
dot("$D$", D, dir(D));
dot("$O$",O, dir(D-C));
For the second theorem:
[AOB] + [COD] &= [AOX] + [XOB] + [COZ] + [ZOD] \\
&= [AOW] + [YOB] + [COY] + [EOD] \\
&= [AOD] + [BOC]
Also, something that follows from the triangle case, is that the
points which are the feet of altitudes from
are all concyclic, and are centred around the
. The proof is also exactly the same. In fact, for any tangent, the foot of
to that tangent has some fixed distance to
We'll now discuss a few seemingly unrelated things.
be a quadrilateral, and let point
be arbitrary. Suppose
meet at
meet at
. Then, circles
concur. This concurrency point is called the clawson schmidt conjugate of
with respect to
import math;
import olympiad;
pair A = dir(205), B = 0.7*dir(155), C = 0.8*dir(70), D = dir(-25);
pair E = (-0.34, -0.2), F, G, H;
F = 2*foot(E, circumcenter(E,A,B), circumcenter(E,C,D)) - E;
G = 2*foot(E, circumcenter(E,A,D), circumcenter(E,B,C)) - E;
H = 2*foot(F, circumcenter(B,F,C),circumcenter(A,F,D)) - F;
draw(A--B--C--D--A, royalblue);
draw(circumcircle(A,H,B), purple);
draw(circumcircle(B,E,C), springgreen);
draw(circumcircle(A,E,D), springgreen);
draw(circumcircle(D,H,C), purple);
draw(circumcircle(D,E,C), fuchsia);
draw(circumcircle(A,F,D), brown);
draw(circumcircle(A,E,B), fuchsia);
draw(circumcircle(B,F,C), brown);
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$C$", C, dir(C));
dot("$D$", D, dir(D));
dot("$E$", E, dir(E));
dot("$F$", F, dir(F));
dot("$G$", G, dir(G));
dot("$H$", H, dir(H));
path square = (-1.8, -1) -- (1.8, -1) -- (1.8, 1.2) -- (-1.8, 1.2) -- cycle;
clip(currentpicture, square);
We first prove that the schmidt conjugate exists.
The main thing to notice in the diagram is that there are many circles. In fact there are wayy too many circles. Seeing so many circles, we realize we just _need_ to invert, and since we need to pick a point, let's just invert across
with arbitrary radius. The result is surprising, let me let the diagram speak for itself:
import math;
import olympiad;
pair A = dir(205), B = 0.9*dir(155), C = 0.3*dir(70), D = 0.4*dir(-25);
pair E = (-0.34, -0.2), F, G = (0,0), H = (0,0);
F = extension(A,B,D,C);
G = extension(A,D,B,C);
H = 2*foot(F, circumcenter(B,F,C),circumcenter(A,F,D)) - F;
draw(A--F--D, fuchsia);
draw(circumcircle(H,B,C), brown);
draw(circumcircle(H,A,D), brown);
draw(circumcircle(H,D,C), purple);
draw(circumcircle(H,A,B), purple);
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$C$", C, dir(C));
dot("$D$", D, dir(D));
dot("$E$", E, dir(E));
dot("$F$", F, dir(F));
dot("$G$", G, dir(G));
dot("$H$", H, dir(H));
(In case someone can't speak diagram-ese,
just turns out to be the miquel point of
in the inverted figure! Also I've colour coded it so that it is hopefully easy to see which circle/line is the inverse of which circle)
Keeping in mind that the clawson-schmidt conjugate exists, we now turns towards _yet_ another seeming unrelated thing. Yes, I promise that we're getting somewhere and it's not just a wild goose chase.
There is a common inversion/reflection that often appears in quadrilateral olympiad geometry :-
Take quadrilateral
, with miquel point
. Then, the transformation is as follows: for a point
, invert it with radius
, and reflect it across the bisector of
. The nice thing about this, is that since
is the spiral centre of
, that
, and that
share an angle bisector. Thus in this transformation,
swap, and the other vertices of the complete quadrilateral also swap. We say call this transformation as "miquel inverting"
import math;
import olympiad;
pair A = dir(205), B = 0.7*dir(155), C = 0.8*dir(70), D = dir(-25);
pair E = (-0.34, -0.2), F, G = (0,0), H = (0,0);
F = extension(A,B,D,C);
G = extension(A,D,B,C);
H = 2*foot(F, circumcenter(B,F,C),circumcenter(A,F,D)) - F;
draw(C--G--D, royalblue);
draw(A--F--D, royalblue);
draw(circumcircle(H,B,C), brown+dotted);
draw(circumcircle(H,A,D), brown+dotted);
draw(circumcircle(H,D,C), brown+dotted);
draw(circumcircle(H,A,B), brown+dotted);
draw(A--H--C, fuchsia);
draw(B--H--D, orange);
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$C$", C, dir(C));
dot("$D$", D, dir(D));
dot("$M$", H, dir(H));
Now that we've introduced enough seemingly random thingsand probably hopelessly confused whoever is reading this, let's actually relate some of them.
The first surprising result; Miquel inverting is the same as taking the clawson schmidt conjugate!!
Suppose after inverting
went to the point
, we'll show that both
satisfy some set of properties that uniquely determine the point, i.e. that will show that
. Despite the short length of the proof, it is somewhat tricky, since one needs to choose the angle condition carefully.
For instance, if we simply suppose we pick
. From the inversion, we know that that
. However, if we try to show that
, we'll get hopelessly stuck. This is because, (as of now at least), we have absolutely no way of talking about
, or really any angle which involves line segment
import math;
import olympiad;
pair A = dir(205), B = 0.7*dir(155), C = 0.8*dir(70), D = dir(-25);
pair E = (-0.36, -0.2), F, G, H;
F = 2*foot(E, circumcenter(E,A,B), circumcenter(E,C,D)) - E;
G = 2*foot(E, circumcenter(E,A,D), circumcenter(E,B,C)) - E;
H = 2*foot(F, circumcenter(B,F,C),circumcenter(A,F,D)) - F;
draw(A--B--C--D--A, royalblue);
pair P, Q = (0,0), M = (0,0);
P = extension(A,B,D,C);
Q = extension(A,D,B,C);
M = 2*foot(P, circumcenter(B,P,C),circumcenter(A,P,D)) - P;
draw(circumcircle(D,E,C), fuchsia);
draw(circumcircle(A,F,D), brown);
draw(circumcircle(A,E,B), fuchsia);
draw(circumcircle(B,F,C), brown);
draw(D--H--C, springgreen);
draw(M--H, springgreen);
draw(A--E--B, purple);
draw(E--M, purple);
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$C$", C, dir(C));
dot("$D$", D, dir(D));
dot("$E$", E, dir(E));
dot("$F$", F, dir(F));
dot("$H$", H, dir(H));
dot("$M$", M, dir(M));
path square = (-1.8, -1) -- (1.8, -1) -- (1.8, 1.2) -- (-1.8, 1.2) -- cycle;
clip(currentpicture, square);
Instead, the key idea is to try and evaluate
and compare it to
. (or try and get

On the other hand,

Thus these two angles are equal. Since this must be true when any other side of the quadrilateral is picked, (Not just
), we get that
. QED.
This means that clawson schmidt conjugation, and miquel inversion are the same transformation.
Now, we're finally ready for the main result.
Suppose a point
in quadrilateral
has an isogonal conjugate. Then, it's isogonal conjugate must be its clawson schmidt conjugate!
The proof is similar to the above one. Suppose
is the isogonal conjugate of
, and
is the clawson schmidt conjugate. As we've shown above,
. On the other hand,
. This, and the other symmetric equations prove the desired result!
It's pretty astounding, how isogonal conjugation, clawson schmidt conjugation, and miquel inverting appear very different at first sight, but they are actually identical.
A couple of misc things about the above setup; especially the section provides a new interesting way to think about miquel points. Suppose we have a set of pairs
, of size at least
. We say that
is the miquel point of the above set, if there is some inversion across
followed by reflection across the line through
, which swaps
. The nice thing about this definition is that
is themiquel point of quadrilateral
as per the usual definition. This is because
is the centre of the spiral similarity taking
. Also,
are clawson schmidt conjugates in quadrilateral
. Of course, the set needn't be finite or even countable.
One interesting corollary of this is 'miquel nesting'
Suppose quadrilateral
has pairs of clawson conjugates
. Then
are clawson conjugates in
as well.
We can go along this thought process a little further, and talk about isogonal nesting.
Suppose we have a set of pairs
, of size at least
, for which a miquel point exists. We call this as isogonal pair set, if the midpoints of
all lie on a straight line. The reason for this will become clear shortly.
Consider any pairs
from this isogonal set. Note that
are clawson schmidt conjugates in
. Further since their midpoint lies on the gauss line, by the converse of the first theorem we showed (We haven't proved the converse, but it should not be too hard),
are isogonal conjugates in
Again, one interesting corollary of this is 'isogonal nesting'
Suppose quadrilateral
has pairs of isogonal conjugates
. Then
are isogonal conjugates in
as well.
I'll also soon (after IOI tgh) post a part 3 of this, where I showcase some oly problems which fall to these methods.
This post is going to be slightly hi-tech, pre-requisites include miquel points, inversion, and my previous post.
Before we dive right in, let's prove a quick lemma about the configuration we had before.
Let the tangents at

![$[APO] = [BPO]$](
When one looks at the figure, the point

![$$2[APO] = [APF_1] + [APF_2] = [APG] + [APF_2] = [GPF_2]$$](
![$$2[BPO] = [BPF_1] + [BPF_2] = [BPF_1] + [BPH] = [F_1PH]$$](
import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.3, min = 1, a = 1.4, b=0.3;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair A = point(el,a), B = point(el,b);
pair P = extension(A+dir(el,a), A, B, B+dir(el, b));
pair G = 2*foot(F2, P, A) - F2, H = 2*foot(F1, P, B) - F1;
pair O = (F1 + F2)/2;
draw(F1--P--G--F1, royalblue);
draw(F2--P--H--F2, purple);
draw(P--O--A--P--B--O, brown);
dot("$F_1$", F2, S);
dot("$P$",P, dir(P));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$H$", H, dir(H));
dot("$G$", G, dir(G));
All that is left to show, is that
![$[APF_2] = [BPF_1]$](
Consider any quadrilateral


Slightly restated, we want to show that

![$[AOB] + [COD] = [AOD] + [BOC]$](
The proofs of both of these results are pretty similar. The idea in a nutshell is to split and rearrange. [Another eerily similar idea is used to prove that the sums of opposite sides of a quadrilateral which has an incircle are equal]
import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.15, min = 1, w = 3.0, x=1.9, y = 1.3, z = 0.3;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair W = point(el,w), X = point(el,x), Y = point(el, y), Z = point(el, z);
pair A = extension(X, X+dir(el,x), W+dir(el,w),W);
pair B = extension(dir(el,x)+X,X,Y,Y+dir(el,y));
pair C = extension(Z, Z+dir(el,z), Y+dir(el,y), Y);
pair D = extension(dir(el,z) + Z, Z, W, W+dir(el, w));
draw(A--B--C--D--A, royalblue);
draw(A--F2--B, purple);
draw(C--F2--D, purple);
draw(W--F2--Y, brown);
draw(X--F2--Z, brown);
draw(anglemark(B,F2,A), orange);
draw(anglemark(D,F2,C), orange);
dot("$W$", W, dir(W));
dot("$X$", X, dir(X));
dot("$Y$", Y, dir(Y));
dot("$Z$", Z, dir(Z));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$C$", C, dir(C));
dot("$D$", D, dir(D));
dot("$F_1$", F2, S);
For the first theorem:

import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.15, min = 1, w = 3.0, x=1.9, y = 1.3, z = 0.3;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair W = point(el,w), X = point(el,x), Y = point(el, y), Z = point(el, z);
pair A = extension(X, X+dir(el,x), W+dir(el,w),W);
pair B = extension(dir(el,x)+X,X,Y,Y+dir(el,y));
pair C = extension(Z, Z+dir(el,z), Y+dir(el,y), Y);
pair D = extension(dir(el,z) + Z, Z, W, W+dir(el, w));
pair O = (0,0);
draw(A--B--C--D--A, royalblue);
draw(A--O--B, purple);
draw(C--O--D, purple);
draw(W--O--Y, brown);
draw(X--O--Z, brown);
dot("$W$", W, dir(W));
dot("$X$", X, dir(X));
dot("$Y$", Y, dir(Y));
dot("$Z$", Z, dir(Z));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$C$", C, dir(C));
dot("$D$", D, dir(D));
dot("$O$",O, dir(D-C));
For the second theorem:
[AOB] + [COD] &= [AOX] + [XOB] + [COZ] + [ZOD] \\
&= [AOW] + [YOB] + [COY] + [EOD] \\
&= [AOD] + [BOC]
Also, something that follows from the triangle case, is that the

We'll now discuss a few seemingly unrelated things.

import math;
import olympiad;
pair A = dir(205), B = 0.7*dir(155), C = 0.8*dir(70), D = dir(-25);
pair E = (-0.34, -0.2), F, G, H;
F = 2*foot(E, circumcenter(E,A,B), circumcenter(E,C,D)) - E;
G = 2*foot(E, circumcenter(E,A,D), circumcenter(E,B,C)) - E;
H = 2*foot(F, circumcenter(B,F,C),circumcenter(A,F,D)) - F;
draw(A--B--C--D--A, royalblue);
draw(circumcircle(A,H,B), purple);
draw(circumcircle(B,E,C), springgreen);
draw(circumcircle(A,E,D), springgreen);
draw(circumcircle(D,H,C), purple);
draw(circumcircle(D,E,C), fuchsia);
draw(circumcircle(A,F,D), brown);
draw(circumcircle(A,E,B), fuchsia);
draw(circumcircle(B,F,C), brown);
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$C$", C, dir(C));
dot("$D$", D, dir(D));
dot("$E$", E, dir(E));
dot("$F$", F, dir(F));
dot("$G$", G, dir(G));
dot("$H$", H, dir(H));
path square = (-1.8, -1) -- (1.8, -1) -- (1.8, 1.2) -- (-1.8, 1.2) -- cycle;
clip(currentpicture, square);
We first prove that the schmidt conjugate exists.
The main thing to notice in the diagram is that there are many circles. In fact there are wayy too many circles. Seeing so many circles, we realize we just _need_ to invert, and since we need to pick a point, let's just invert across

import math;
import olympiad;
pair A = dir(205), B = 0.9*dir(155), C = 0.3*dir(70), D = 0.4*dir(-25);
pair E = (-0.34, -0.2), F, G = (0,0), H = (0,0);
F = extension(A,B,D,C);
G = extension(A,D,B,C);
H = 2*foot(F, circumcenter(B,F,C),circumcenter(A,F,D)) - F;
draw(A--F--D, fuchsia);
draw(circumcircle(H,B,C), brown);
draw(circumcircle(H,A,D), brown);
draw(circumcircle(H,D,C), purple);
draw(circumcircle(H,A,B), purple);
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$C$", C, dir(C));
dot("$D$", D, dir(D));
dot("$E$", E, dir(E));
dot("$F$", F, dir(F));
dot("$G$", G, dir(G));
dot("$H$", H, dir(H));
(In case someone can't speak diagram-ese,

Keeping in mind that the clawson-schmidt conjugate exists, we now turns towards _yet_ another seeming unrelated thing. Yes, I promise that we're getting somewhere and it's not just a wild goose chase.
There is a common inversion/reflection that often appears in quadrilateral olympiad geometry :-
Take quadrilateral

import math;
import olympiad;
pair A = dir(205), B = 0.7*dir(155), C = 0.8*dir(70), D = dir(-25);
pair E = (-0.34, -0.2), F, G = (0,0), H = (0,0);
F = extension(A,B,D,C);
G = extension(A,D,B,C);
H = 2*foot(F, circumcenter(B,F,C),circumcenter(A,F,D)) - F;
draw(C--G--D, royalblue);
draw(A--F--D, royalblue);
draw(circumcircle(H,B,C), brown+dotted);
draw(circumcircle(H,A,D), brown+dotted);
draw(circumcircle(H,D,C), brown+dotted);
draw(circumcircle(H,A,B), brown+dotted);
draw(A--H--C, fuchsia);
draw(B--H--D, orange);
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$C$", C, dir(C));
dot("$D$", D, dir(D));
dot("$M$", H, dir(H));
Now that we've introduced enough seemingly random things
The first surprising result; Miquel inverting is the same as taking the clawson schmidt conjugate!!
Suppose after inverting

For instance, if we simply suppose we pick

import math;
import olympiad;
pair A = dir(205), B = 0.7*dir(155), C = 0.8*dir(70), D = dir(-25);
pair E = (-0.36, -0.2), F, G, H;
F = 2*foot(E, circumcenter(E,A,B), circumcenter(E,C,D)) - E;
G = 2*foot(E, circumcenter(E,A,D), circumcenter(E,B,C)) - E;
H = 2*foot(F, circumcenter(B,F,C),circumcenter(A,F,D)) - F;
draw(A--B--C--D--A, royalblue);
pair P, Q = (0,0), M = (0,0);
P = extension(A,B,D,C);
Q = extension(A,D,B,C);
M = 2*foot(P, circumcenter(B,P,C),circumcenter(A,P,D)) - P;
draw(circumcircle(D,E,C), fuchsia);
draw(circumcircle(A,F,D), brown);
draw(circumcircle(A,E,B), fuchsia);
draw(circumcircle(B,F,C), brown);
draw(D--H--C, springgreen);
draw(M--H, springgreen);
draw(A--E--B, purple);
draw(E--M, purple);
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$C$", C, dir(C));
dot("$D$", D, dir(D));
dot("$E$", E, dir(E));
dot("$F$", F, dir(F));
dot("$H$", H, dir(H));
dot("$M$", M, dir(M));
path square = (-1.8, -1) -- (1.8, -1) -- (1.8, 1.2) -- (-1.8, 1.2) -- cycle;
clip(currentpicture, square);
Instead, the key idea is to try and evaluate

On the other hand,

Thus these two angles are equal. Since this must be true when any other side of the quadrilateral is picked, (Not just

This means that clawson schmidt conjugation, and miquel inversion are the same transformation.
Now, we're finally ready for the main result.
Suppose a point

The proof is similar to the above one. Suppose

It's pretty astounding, how isogonal conjugation, clawson schmidt conjugation, and miquel inverting appear very different at first sight, but they are actually identical.
A couple of misc things about the above setup; especially the section provides a new interesting way to think about miquel points. Suppose we have a set of pairs

One interesting corollary of this is 'miquel nesting'
Suppose quadrilateral

We can go along this thought process a little further, and talk about isogonal nesting.
Suppose we have a set of pairs

Consider any pairs

Again, one interesting corollary of this is 'isogonal nesting'
Suppose quadrilateral

I'll also soon (after IOI tgh) post a part 3 of this, where I showcase some oly problems which fall to these methods.
This post has been edited 2 times. Last edited by p_square, Jun 13, 2021, 3:18 PM