Angle chasing with ellipses [Part 1]
by p_square, May 24, 2021, 4:48 PM
Let's start with a classic puzzle. Imagine the following scenario. You stand at a point
on the Euclidean plane. A picturesque straight river lies within your view, its nearer shore some line
. A thirsty cat longs for water at some point
on the same side of the river as you. What's the shortest path you can take to aid the cat with some water? A bit more mathematically, what's the shortest path from
which touches some line
import math;
import olympiad;
pair C = dir(30), P = dir(180), Q = dir(0), F2 = dir(-30), F1 = dir(-110);
pair A = extension(F1, C, P, Q);
pair A1 = A + (-0.3, 0);
pair P1 = P + (0,0.1), Q1 = Q + (0,0.1), P2 = P+(0,0.05), Q2 = Q+(0,0.05);
draw(P--Q, blue);
draw(P1--Q1, blue);
draw(P2--Q2, blue);
label("You",F1 - (0,0.2));
label("Cat",F2 - (0,0.2));
First observe that the path can be broken down into two straight lines, your trip to some point on the river (let's call that point
), and then the rush back towards the cat.
There are two very fundamentally different ways to approach this question.
Let's start with the more common one, and the one that provides the more satisfactory answer. Assume that there is another cat which stands at the reflection of
. (on the other side of the river). Let's denote this point by
. There's an interesting correspondence between paths that bring the original cat water, and paths to this new cat
: The correspondence being to reflect the portion of the path where you're carrying water across
. Any path from
which crosses
is the same length as a path from
.This implies that the length of your path is at least the distance between
. Conversely, it's easy to come up with a path that has a length
. Take the straight line
, and simply reflect the section of it lying on the other side of the river across
import math;
import olympiad;
pair C = dir(30), P = dir(180), Q = dir(0), F2 = dir(-30), F1 = dir(-110);
pair A = extension(F1, C, P, Q);
pair A1 = A + (-0.3, 0);
pair P1 = P + (0,0.1), Q1 = Q + (0,0.1);
draw(P--Q, blue);
draw(F1--A--F2, fuchsia);
draw(A--C, fuchsia + dashed);
draw(F1--A1--F2, springgreen);
draw(A1--C, springgreen + dashed);
As a side, note that since
is the reflection of
, that
is the external angle bisector of
, that is
There's a completely different way of trying to find what the point
on line
should be. Let's pick a real number
, and see if there is a point
on line
, such that
(ie if your path length could possibly have distance
). Or, slightly rephrased, whether the ellipse with focii
and focal distance
, intersect
. The smallest
for which it does intersect line
, is the shortest path length possible. Notice however, that for the smallest such
, the ellipse will intersect the path at precisely one point, i.e.
will be tangent to the ellipse!
This gives us an interesting setup. An ellipse with focii
is tangent to
at some point
. And since we know that
is the point on
with distance
minimal, from the first part, we know that
is the external angle bisector of
. And since by choosing
, the ellipse could be arbitrary, this angle bisector property is true for every ellipse and tangent to that ellipse! Some people might recognize this as the so-called 'optical property'. It's pretty amazing how this tiny co-incidence, that just offers one pair of unexpected equal angles in an ellipse, paves way for many more.
import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.3, min = 1, a = 0.8, b;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair A = point(el,a);
pair P =A+1.3*dir(el, a), Q = A-1.3*dir(el,a);
pair G = 2*foot(F1, P, Q)-F1;
draw(P--Q, blue);
draw(A--G, dashed+brown);
draw(F1--G, orange);
draw(F2--A--F1, brown);
dot("$F_1$", F2, S);
dot("$Q$", Q, dir(Q));
dot("$P$",P, dir(P));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$G$", G, dir(G));
If there's one thing to take away from the previous thought experiment, it's that thirsty cats will themselves walk towards the river to drink water, if you delay too long lost in mathematical thought. Another, equally profound, more mathematical take away could be that reflections of the focii over tangents to an ellipse are nice and deserve further investigation. Let's try a similar trick, this time with two tangents.
In the diagram below, the two tangents are
, and
are the reflections of
over these lines respectively. From the previous setup we see that
are collinear.
There's a lot of stuff going on in this diagram. Since
were reflections, we know that
. Also, again from the previous diagram we had that
. these together imply that
is the angle bisector of
!! The neat angle condition that arises from this, is that
! The result also of course holds for the other focus as well, that is
import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.3, min = 1, a = 1.3, b=0.6;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair A = point(el,a), B = point(el,b);
pair P = extension(A+dir(el,a), A, B, B+dir(el, b));
pair G = 2*foot(F2, P, A) - F2, H = 2*foot(F2, P, B) - F2;
draw(H--F1--G, brown);
draw(H--F2--G, royalblue);
draw(F1--P, purple);
draw(P--((G+H)/2), purple+dashed);
draw(G--H, springgreen);
draw(P--foot(F2,A,P), fuchsia);
draw(B--foot(F2,B,P), fuchsia);
draw(G--P--H, orange);
draw(F2--P, orange);
dot("$F_1$", F2, S);
dot("$P$",P, dir(P));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$H$", H, dir(H));
dot("$G$", G, dir(G));
A brief side before we look at the third angle property, we see that
are respectively the angle bisectors of
respectively, or
is the incentre (excentre?) of self intersecting quadrilateral
. That's in itself quite a cool result.
import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.3, min = 1, a = 1.3, b=0.6;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair A = point(el,a), B = point(el,b);
pair P = extension(A+dir(el,a), A, B, B+dir(el, b));
draw(A--F2--B--F1--A, royalblue);
draw(A--foot(P,A,F2), royalblue);
draw(B--foot(P,B,F1), royalblue);
draw(circumcircle(foot(P,A,F1),foot(P,A,F2),foot(P,B,F1)), brown);
dot("$F_1$", F2, S);
dot("$P$",P, dir(P));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
This also gives a very rich configuration when
passes though
! The excentre result translates to
, and to
being the excentre of
import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.3, min = 1, a = 1.1, b=0.6;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair A = point(el,a);
real ipt[] = intersect(el, (F2--(6F2-5A)));
b = ipt[0];
pair B = point(el, b);
pair P = extension(A+dir(el,a), A, B, B+dir(el, b));
draw(circumcircle(foot(P,A,F1),foot(P,A,F2),foot(P,B,F1)), brown);
draw(A--B--F1--A, royalblue);
draw(P--F2, orange);
dot("$F_2$", F2, S);
dot("$P$",P, dir(P));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
Last time, we reflected the same focus across both the tangents. This time we will reflect
across one tangent (
) to get
, and
across the other (
) to get
. The surprise lying in store for us this time, is a pair of congruent triangles. In particular, it turns out that
is congruent to
. [the respective sides can easily be shown to be equal]
What's even more interesting is the pair of equal angles that emerges from this. Since
, we know that
, and dividing by
import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.3, min = 1, a = 1.4, b=0.3;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair A = point(el,a), B = point(el,b);
pair P = extension(A+dir(el,a), A, B, B+dir(el, b));
pair G = 2*foot(F2, P, A) - F2, H = 2*foot(F1, P, B) - F1;
draw(F1--P--G--F1, royalblue);
draw(F2--P--H--F2, purple);
draw(A--P--B, brown);
dot("$F_1$", F2, S);
dot("$P$",P, dir(P));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$H$", H, dir(H));
dot("$G$", G, dir(G));
Here's all three angles conditions in a master diagram. Make sure that you're fairly comfortable with the diagram; For the rest of the post, I'll freely use all the three angle properties.
import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.3, min = 1, a = 1.4, b=0.3;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair A = point(el,a), B = point(el,b);
pair P = extension(A+dir(el,a), A, B, B+dir(el, b));
pair Pa = 2*A - P, Pb = 2*B - P;
draw((1.4B-0.4P)--P--(1.5A-0.5P), fuchsia);
draw(A--F2--B--F1--A, royalblue);
draw(F2--P--F1, brown);
draw(anglemark(A,P,F2), royalblue);
draw(anglemark(F1,P,B), royalblue);
draw(anglemark(P,F2,A), springgreen);
draw(anglemark(B,F1,P), fuchsia);
draw(anglemark(P,F1,A), fuchsia);
draw(anglemark(B,F2,P), springgreen);
draw(anglemark(Pa, A, F2), brown);
draw(anglemark(F1, A, P), brown);
draw(anglemark(P, B, F2));
draw(anglemark(F1, B, Pb));
dot("$F_1$", F2, S);
dot("$P$",P, dir(P));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
The last property in particular, helps immensely when we seek characteristics of in-ellipses of polygons. Before we dive into what in-ellipses of triangles look like, a few definitions. Consider an arbitrary angle, say
. Two points
are said to be isogonal in
, iff
lies on the reflection of
over the angle bisector of
. The isogonal of
is the the reflection of
across the bisector of
A point
the isogonal conjugate of
with respect to triangle
, if it lies on all three isogonals i.e.
is the unique point which lies on the
Let the
-isogonal of
, and
isogonal of
meet at
. We'll show that
also lies on the third isogonal. For this, consider the ellipse with foci
tangent to
at some point
. Let the other tangent from
to the ellipse touch the ellipse at
, and let the other tangent from
to the ellipse touch the ellipse at
. Since we have that
, we see that
are collinear, and similarly
are collinear.
is the intersection of tangent from
to the ellipse, and
to the ellipse. This literally spells out
, this is exactly the third isogonality which we wanted to prove!
import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.2, min = 1, a = 2.8, b=0.3, c = 1.5;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair X = point(el,a), Y = point(el,b), Z = point(el, c);
pair A = extension(Y, dir(el, b)+Y, dir(el, c) + Z, Z);
pair B = extension(Z, dir(el, c) + Z, X+dir(el, a), X);
pair C = extension(X, X+dir(el, a), Y+dir(el, b), Y);
draw(A--B--C--A, royalblue);
draw(F2--A--F1, orange);
draw(F2--B--F1, brown);
draw(F2--C--F1, brown);
dot("$F_2$", F2, S);
dot("$C$",C, dir(C));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$X$",X, dir(X));
dot("$Y$", Y, dir(Y));
dot("$Z$", Z, dir(Z));
The above also gives a nicer definition of the isogonal conjugate. The isogonal conjugate of a point
in triangle
, is the unique point
, such that there is an inellipse of
with foci
We'll also now claim, that the 6 feet of altitudes, from the two foci to the three the sides of a triangle lie on a circle. (This is called the pedal circle). We'll further show that this circle is centered at the centre of the ellipse,
import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.4, min = 1, a = 2.9, b=0.3, c = 1.5;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair X = point(el,a), Y = point(el,b), Z = point(el, c);
pair A = extension(Y, dir(el, b)+Y, dir(el, c) + Z, Z);
pair B = extension(Z, dir(el, c) + Z, X+dir(el, a), X);
pair C = extension(X, X+dir(el, a), Y+dir(el, b), Y);
pair U = foot(F1,B,C);
pair V = 2*U - F1;
pair O = (0,0);
draw(A--B--C--A, royalblue);
draw(F2--A--F1, orange);
draw(F2--B--F1, orange);
draw(F2--C--F1, orange);
draw(O--U, brown);
draw(F2--V, purple);
draw(circumcircle(U, foot(F1,A,B), foot(F1,A,C)), brown);
draw(F1--foot(F1,C,A), dotted);
draw(F1--foot(F1,B,A), dotted);
draw(F1--V, dotted);
draw((-maj,0)--(maj,0), brown);
draw(F2--foot(F2,C,A), dotted);
draw(F2--foot(F2,B,A), dotted);
draw(F2--foot(F2,C,B), dotted);
dot("$F_2$", F2, S);
dot("$C$",C, dir(C));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$X$",X, dir(X));
dot("$Y$", Y, dir(-Y));
dot("$Z$", Z, dir(-Z));
dot("$O$",O, dir(90));
dot("$U$", U, dir(U));
dot("$V$", V, dir(V));
be the reflection of
and let
be the foot of altitude from
. Remember that
are collinear, and that
. Dilating by
, we see that
. Since this quantity will be constant whichever focus we take, and whichever side we drop the altitude to, we get that all six points fomed by dropping a perpendicular from the focii to the sides are concyclic.
Isogonal conjugates and inellipses become even more interesting in quadrilaterals (and I'll definitely write a post on those too soon!), but let's come back to those later.
Let's for now move on to a few more elementary properties. Suppose that we have two parallel chords
. Let
be the midpoints of
. Then,
passes through the centre of the ellipse!
To see this, we first need a new way of thinking about ellipses. It's popularly known that an ellipse can be formed by cutting a cone with a plane. [this is probably the most standard definition] What's slightly less commonly heard of, but as neat, is that the intersection of a cylinder and plane is also an ellipse! This intuitively ought to be true, because in a sense, an infinite cylinder is the limiting case of a cone, just imagine taking the top vertex of a cone and sliding it to infinity. The proof that the figure that emerges is an ellipse is also exactly the same.
import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.2, min = 1, a = 2.85, b=1.35, c = 0.4, d;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair A = point(el, a), B = point(el, b), C = point(el, c);
real ipt[] = intersect(el, (C+0.1A-0.1B)--(C+5A-5B));
d = ipt[0];
pair D = point(el, d), O = (0,0);
pair M = (A+B)/2;
pair N = (C+D)/2;
draw(A--B, brown);
draw(C--D, brown);
draw(M--N, royalblue);
dot("$F_2$", F2, S);
dot("$C$",C, dir(C));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$D$",D, dir(D));
Now that we have that, let's think of our ellipse as being such an intersection, and let's consider projecting the ellipse down to a plane perpendicular to the cylinder. The ellipse gets projected down to a circle, and the parallel chords remain parallel chords. It's also easy to check that midpoints go to midpoints, and so does the line through the midpoints. To finish, we just need to show the theorem for a circle. This luckily is really easy. The line joining the midpoints of parallel chords in a circle is just the perpendicular bisector and that definitely passes through the centre of the circle.
import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1, min = 1, a = 2.85, b=1.35, c = 0.4, d;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair A = point(el, a), B = point(el, b), C = point(el, c);
real ipt[] = intersect(el, (C+0.1A-0.1B)--(C+5A-5B));
d = ipt[0];
pair D = point(el, d), O = (0,0);
pair M = (A+B)/2;
pair N = (C+D)/2;
draw(A--B, brown);
draw(C--D, brown);
draw(M--N, royalblue);
dot("$C$",C, dir(C));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$D$",D, dir(D));
In case the 3d-geo above was difficult to follow, there's a nice alternative way of thinking about the transformation we just did. Take the ellipse and it's chords, and forcefully squish it down into a circle. More formally, first ensure that the major axis of the ellipse is parallel to the
axis. We'll pick some constant
, and send the point with co-ordinates
to the point with co-ordinates
. Wisely picking
changes the ellipse to a circle, and the definition of every other point in the figure remains the same.
Leaving ellipses aside, let's now consider parabolas.
Formally, a parabola is the locus of points which are equidistant from some point
and some line
. In an informal non-rigorous sense, a parabola is an ellipse, with one focus at infinity Don't quote me on this, ok?. If we take
to be the point at infinity along the line perpendicular to
, and let
be a variable point on the parabola, speaking informally,
should be the fixed distance from
to line
. [As an interesting side note, this intuition about parabolas being the same as ellipses can actually be realized by shifting to the projective plane]
Formalities set aside however, the various angle conditions and various properties we discussed for ellipses also hold true for parabolas too!
Here is a figure with all three angle properties. Convince yourself that all marked pairs of angles are the same.
import math;
import olympiad;
import graph;
real f(real x)
return x*x;
path el = graph(f, -1.2, 1.2);
pair F1 = (0, 0.25);
pair D1 = (-1.4, -0.25), D2 = (1.4, -0.25);
path d = D1--D2;
draw(el, fuchsia);
draw(d, fuchsia);
real a = 20, b = 95;
pair A = point(el,a), B = point(el,b);
pair P = extension(A+dir(el,a), A, B, B+dir(el, b));
pair P0 = 1.4*F1 - 0.4*P;
pair Af = foot(A,D1,D2), Bf = foot(B, D1, D2), Ff = foot(F1, D1, D2), Pf = foot(P, D1, D2);
draw(A--Af, dashed);
draw(P--Pf, dashed);
draw(B--Bf, dashed);
draw(A--P--B, royalblue);
draw(A--F1--B, orange);
draw(P--P0, brown);
draw(anglemark(P,A,F1), brown);
draw(anglemark(P,B,Bf), brown);
draw(anglemark(P0,F1,A), springgreen);
draw(anglemark(B,F1,P0), springgreen);
draw(anglemark(F1,P,A), fuchsia);
draw(anglemark(B,P,Pf), fuchsia);
dot("$F_1$", F1, N);
dot("$P$",P, dir(P));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
In fact, since a parabola in some sense is a very special ellipse, some additional properties are true too! [and some previously stated properties become even nicer]
be arbitrary points on some parabola with focus
, and directrix
, and let the tangents create some triangle
. For convenience, let the point at infinity along line perpendicular to
. Remember that
is the isogonal conjugate of
in triangle
? Since in a parabola
is at infinity,
are concyclic! Further, by Simson line, the reflections of F_1 across
and the orthocenter of
are collinear. Since by optical property and definition of a parabola, the first three points lie on the directrix, we see that the orthocenter of
lies on the directrix.
import math;
import olympiad;
import graph;
real f(real x)
return x*x;
path el = graph(f, -1.3, 1.3);
pair F1 = (0, 0.25);
pair D1 = (-1.5, -0.25), D2 = (1.5, -0.25);
path d = D1--D2;
draw(el, fuchsia);
draw(d, fuchsia);
real a = 55, b = 94, c = 10;
pair X = point(el,a), Y = point(el,b), Z = point(el, c);
pair A = extension(Y, dir(el, b)+Y, Z, dir(el, c) + Z);
pair B = extension(Z, dir(el, c) + Z, X+dir(el, a), X);
pair C = extension(X, X+dir(el, a), Y, Y+dir(el, b));
draw(circumcircle(A,B,C), brown);
pair H = orthocenter(A,B,C);
draw(Z--A--Y, royalblue);
draw(B--C, royalblue);
dot("$F_1$", F1, N);
dot("$C$",C, dir(C));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$Z$",Z, dir(Z));
dot("$X$", X, dir(X));
dot("$Y$", Y, dir(Y));
dot("$H$", H, dir(H));
To be truthful, this topic isn't very relevant to olympiad geometry and readers will at best stumble across 3-4 questions which have a solution using the theory discussed here. I still think that the topic is quite fun and interesting though, hence the blog post.
To me, when I first saw all of this, it was surprising that angle conditions could be true in conics at all, since I used to feel that projective geometry was the only way of dealing with conics. There might be few applications of this apart from maybe giving thirsty cats water in an optimal way, but it's still a pretty beautiful piece of math.
That said, it's not completely useless, and in the following post, I'll definitely showcase a few oly geo problems where knowing angle chasing in conics helps. (Including IMO 18/6!)
To end with, a couple of exercises/theorems on ellipses/parabolas that will lead into part 2. There are some fancy names in this part which I have not bothered to define, just look those up if necessary.

import math;
import olympiad;
pair C = dir(30), P = dir(180), Q = dir(0), F2 = dir(-30), F1 = dir(-110);
pair A = extension(F1, C, P, Q);
pair A1 = A + (-0.3, 0);
pair P1 = P + (0,0.1), Q1 = Q + (0,0.1), P2 = P+(0,0.05), Q2 = Q+(0,0.05);
draw(P--Q, blue);
draw(P1--Q1, blue);
draw(P2--Q2, blue);
label("You",F1 - (0,0.2));
label("Cat",F2 - (0,0.2));
First observe that the path can be broken down into two straight lines, your trip to some point on the river (let's call that point

There are two very fundamentally different ways to approach this question.
Let's start with the more common one, and the one that provides the more satisfactory answer. Assume that there is another cat which stands at the reflection of

import math;
import olympiad;
pair C = dir(30), P = dir(180), Q = dir(0), F2 = dir(-30), F1 = dir(-110);
pair A = extension(F1, C, P, Q);
pair A1 = A + (-0.3, 0);
pair P1 = P + (0,0.1), Q1 = Q + (0,0.1);
draw(P--Q, blue);
draw(F1--A--F2, fuchsia);
draw(A--C, fuchsia + dashed);
draw(F1--A1--F2, springgreen);
draw(A1--C, springgreen + dashed);
As a side, note that since

There's a completely different way of trying to find what the point

This gives us an interesting setup. An ellipse with focii

import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.3, min = 1, a = 0.8, b;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair A = point(el,a);
pair P =A+1.3*dir(el, a), Q = A-1.3*dir(el,a);
pair G = 2*foot(F1, P, Q)-F1;
draw(P--Q, blue);
draw(A--G, dashed+brown);
draw(F1--G, orange);
draw(F2--A--F1, brown);
dot("$F_1$", F2, S);
dot("$Q$", Q, dir(Q));
dot("$P$",P, dir(P));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$G$", G, dir(G));
If there's one thing to take away from the previous thought experiment, it's that thirsty cats will themselves walk towards the river to drink water, if you delay too long lost in mathematical thought. Another, equally profound, more mathematical take away could be that reflections of the focii over tangents to an ellipse are nice and deserve further investigation. Let's try a similar trick, this time with two tangents.
In the diagram below, the two tangents are

There's a lot of stuff going on in this diagram. Since

import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.3, min = 1, a = 1.3, b=0.6;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair A = point(el,a), B = point(el,b);
pair P = extension(A+dir(el,a), A, B, B+dir(el, b));
pair G = 2*foot(F2, P, A) - F2, H = 2*foot(F2, P, B) - F2;
draw(H--F1--G, brown);
draw(H--F2--G, royalblue);
draw(F1--P, purple);
draw(P--((G+H)/2), purple+dashed);
draw(G--H, springgreen);
draw(P--foot(F2,A,P), fuchsia);
draw(B--foot(F2,B,P), fuchsia);
draw(G--P--H, orange);
draw(F2--P, orange);
dot("$F_1$", F2, S);
dot("$P$",P, dir(P));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$H$", H, dir(H));
dot("$G$", G, dir(G));
A brief side before we look at the third angle property, we see that

import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.3, min = 1, a = 1.3, b=0.6;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair A = point(el,a), B = point(el,b);
pair P = extension(A+dir(el,a), A, B, B+dir(el, b));
draw(A--F2--B--F1--A, royalblue);
draw(A--foot(P,A,F2), royalblue);
draw(B--foot(P,B,F1), royalblue);
draw(circumcircle(foot(P,A,F1),foot(P,A,F2),foot(P,B,F1)), brown);
dot("$F_1$", F2, S);
dot("$P$",P, dir(P));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
This also gives a very rich configuration when

import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.3, min = 1, a = 1.1, b=0.6;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair A = point(el,a);
real ipt[] = intersect(el, (F2--(6F2-5A)));
b = ipt[0];
pair B = point(el, b);
pair P = extension(A+dir(el,a), A, B, B+dir(el, b));
draw(circumcircle(foot(P,A,F1),foot(P,A,F2),foot(P,B,F1)), brown);
draw(A--B--F1--A, royalblue);
draw(P--F2, orange);
dot("$F_2$", F2, S);
dot("$P$",P, dir(P));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
Last time, we reflected the same focus across both the tangents. This time we will reflect

What's even more interesting is the pair of equal angles that emerges from this. Since

import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.3, min = 1, a = 1.4, b=0.3;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair A = point(el,a), B = point(el,b);
pair P = extension(A+dir(el,a), A, B, B+dir(el, b));
pair G = 2*foot(F2, P, A) - F2, H = 2*foot(F1, P, B) - F1;
draw(F1--P--G--F1, royalblue);
draw(F2--P--H--F2, purple);
draw(A--P--B, brown);
dot("$F_1$", F2, S);
dot("$P$",P, dir(P));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$H$", H, dir(H));
dot("$G$", G, dir(G));
Here's all three angles conditions in a master diagram. Make sure that you're fairly comfortable with the diagram; For the rest of the post, I'll freely use all the three angle properties.
import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.3, min = 1, a = 1.4, b=0.3;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair A = point(el,a), B = point(el,b);
pair P = extension(A+dir(el,a), A, B, B+dir(el, b));
pair Pa = 2*A - P, Pb = 2*B - P;
draw((1.4B-0.4P)--P--(1.5A-0.5P), fuchsia);
draw(A--F2--B--F1--A, royalblue);
draw(F2--P--F1, brown);
draw(anglemark(A,P,F2), royalblue);
draw(anglemark(F1,P,B), royalblue);
draw(anglemark(P,F2,A), springgreen);
draw(anglemark(B,F1,P), fuchsia);
draw(anglemark(P,F1,A), fuchsia);
draw(anglemark(B,F2,P), springgreen);
draw(anglemark(Pa, A, F2), brown);
draw(anglemark(F1, A, P), brown);
draw(anglemark(P, B, F2));
draw(anglemark(F1, B, Pb));
dot("$F_1$", F2, S);
dot("$P$",P, dir(P));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
The last property in particular, helps immensely when we seek characteristics of in-ellipses of polygons. Before we dive into what in-ellipses of triangles look like, a few definitions. Consider an arbitrary angle, say

A point

- reflection of
over bisector of
- reflection of
over bisector of
, and
- reflection of
over bisector of
Let the

import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.2, min = 1, a = 2.8, b=0.3, c = 1.5;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair X = point(el,a), Y = point(el,b), Z = point(el, c);
pair A = extension(Y, dir(el, b)+Y, dir(el, c) + Z, Z);
pair B = extension(Z, dir(el, c) + Z, X+dir(el, a), X);
pair C = extension(X, X+dir(el, a), Y+dir(el, b), Y);
draw(A--B--C--A, royalblue);
draw(F2--A--F1, orange);
draw(F2--B--F1, brown);
draw(F2--C--F1, brown);
dot("$F_2$", F2, S);
dot("$C$",C, dir(C));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$X$",X, dir(X));
dot("$Y$", Y, dir(Y));
dot("$Z$", Z, dir(Z));
The above also gives a nicer definition of the isogonal conjugate. The isogonal conjugate of a point

We'll also now claim, that the 6 feet of altitudes, from the two foci to the three the sides of a triangle lie on a circle. (This is called the pedal circle). We'll further show that this circle is centered at the centre of the ellipse,

import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.4, min = 1, a = 2.9, b=0.3, c = 1.5;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair X = point(el,a), Y = point(el,b), Z = point(el, c);
pair A = extension(Y, dir(el, b)+Y, dir(el, c) + Z, Z);
pair B = extension(Z, dir(el, c) + Z, X+dir(el, a), X);
pair C = extension(X, X+dir(el, a), Y+dir(el, b), Y);
pair U = foot(F1,B,C);
pair V = 2*U - F1;
pair O = (0,0);
draw(A--B--C--A, royalblue);
draw(F2--A--F1, orange);
draw(F2--B--F1, orange);
draw(F2--C--F1, orange);
draw(O--U, brown);
draw(F2--V, purple);
draw(circumcircle(U, foot(F1,A,B), foot(F1,A,C)), brown);
draw(F1--foot(F1,C,A), dotted);
draw(F1--foot(F1,B,A), dotted);
draw(F1--V, dotted);
draw((-maj,0)--(maj,0), brown);
draw(F2--foot(F2,C,A), dotted);
draw(F2--foot(F2,B,A), dotted);
draw(F2--foot(F2,C,B), dotted);
dot("$F_2$", F2, S);
dot("$C$",C, dir(C));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$X$",X, dir(X));
dot("$Y$", Y, dir(-Y));
dot("$Z$", Z, dir(-Z));
dot("$O$",O, dir(90));
dot("$U$", U, dir(U));
dot("$V$", V, dir(V));

Isogonal conjugates and inellipses become even more interesting in quadrilaterals (and I'll definitely write a post on those too soon!), but let's come back to those later.
Let's for now move on to a few more elementary properties. Suppose that we have two parallel chords

To see this, we first need a new way of thinking about ellipses. It's popularly known that an ellipse can be formed by cutting a cone with a plane. [this is probably the most standard definition] What's slightly less commonly heard of, but as neat, is that the intersection of a cylinder and plane is also an ellipse! This intuitively ought to be true, because in a sense, an infinite cylinder is the limiting case of a cone, just imagine taking the top vertex of a cone and sliding it to infinity. The proof that the figure that emerges is an ellipse is also exactly the same.
import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1.2, min = 1, a = 2.85, b=1.35, c = 0.4, d;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair A = point(el, a), B = point(el, b), C = point(el, c);
real ipt[] = intersect(el, (C+0.1A-0.1B)--(C+5A-5B));
d = ipt[0];
pair D = point(el, d), O = (0,0);
pair M = (A+B)/2;
pair N = (C+D)/2;
draw(A--B, brown);
draw(C--D, brown);
draw(M--N, royalblue);
dot("$F_2$", F2, S);
dot("$C$",C, dir(C));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$D$",D, dir(D));
Now that we have that, let's think of our ellipse as being such an intersection, and let's consider projecting the ellipse down to a plane perpendicular to the cylinder. The ellipse gets projected down to a circle, and the parallel chords remain parallel chords. It's also easy to check that midpoints go to midpoints, and so does the line through the midpoints. To finish, we just need to show the theorem for a circle. This luckily is really easy. The line joining the midpoints of parallel chords in a circle is just the perpendicular bisector and that definitely passes through the centre of the circle.
import math;
import olympiad;
real maj = 1, min = 1, a = 2.85, b=1.35, c = 0.4, d;
path el = ellipse((0,0),maj,min);
draw(el, fuchsia);
pair F1 = (sqrt(maj*maj - min*min),0);
pair F2 = -F1;
pair A = point(el, a), B = point(el, b), C = point(el, c);
real ipt[] = intersect(el, (C+0.1A-0.1B)--(C+5A-5B));
d = ipt[0];
pair D = point(el, d), O = (0,0);
pair M = (A+B)/2;
pair N = (C+D)/2;
draw(A--B, brown);
draw(C--D, brown);
draw(M--N, royalblue);
dot("$C$",C, dir(C));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$D$",D, dir(D));
In case the 3d-geo above was difficult to follow, there's a nice alternative way of thinking about the transformation we just did. Take the ellipse and it's chords, and forcefully squish it down into a circle. More formally, first ensure that the major axis of the ellipse is parallel to the

Leaving ellipses aside, let's now consider parabolas.
Formally, a parabola is the locus of points which are equidistant from some point

Formalities set aside however, the various angle conditions and various properties we discussed for ellipses also hold true for parabolas too!
Here is a figure with all three angle properties. Convince yourself that all marked pairs of angles are the same.
import math;
import olympiad;
import graph;
real f(real x)
return x*x;
path el = graph(f, -1.2, 1.2);
pair F1 = (0, 0.25);
pair D1 = (-1.4, -0.25), D2 = (1.4, -0.25);
path d = D1--D2;
draw(el, fuchsia);
draw(d, fuchsia);
real a = 20, b = 95;
pair A = point(el,a), B = point(el,b);
pair P = extension(A+dir(el,a), A, B, B+dir(el, b));
pair P0 = 1.4*F1 - 0.4*P;
pair Af = foot(A,D1,D2), Bf = foot(B, D1, D2), Ff = foot(F1, D1, D2), Pf = foot(P, D1, D2);
draw(A--Af, dashed);
draw(P--Pf, dashed);
draw(B--Bf, dashed);
draw(A--P--B, royalblue);
draw(A--F1--B, orange);
draw(P--P0, brown);
draw(anglemark(P,A,F1), brown);
draw(anglemark(P,B,Bf), brown);
draw(anglemark(P0,F1,A), springgreen);
draw(anglemark(B,F1,P0), springgreen);
draw(anglemark(F1,P,A), fuchsia);
draw(anglemark(B,P,Pf), fuchsia);
dot("$F_1$", F1, N);
dot("$P$",P, dir(P));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
In fact, since a parabola in some sense is a very special ellipse, some additional properties are true too! [and some previously stated properties become even nicer]

import math;
import olympiad;
import graph;
real f(real x)
return x*x;
path el = graph(f, -1.3, 1.3);
pair F1 = (0, 0.25);
pair D1 = (-1.5, -0.25), D2 = (1.5, -0.25);
path d = D1--D2;
draw(el, fuchsia);
draw(d, fuchsia);
real a = 55, b = 94, c = 10;
pair X = point(el,a), Y = point(el,b), Z = point(el, c);
pair A = extension(Y, dir(el, b)+Y, Z, dir(el, c) + Z);
pair B = extension(Z, dir(el, c) + Z, X+dir(el, a), X);
pair C = extension(X, X+dir(el, a), Y, Y+dir(el, b));
draw(circumcircle(A,B,C), brown);
pair H = orthocenter(A,B,C);
draw(Z--A--Y, royalblue);
draw(B--C, royalblue);
dot("$F_1$", F1, N);
dot("$C$",C, dir(C));
dot("$A$", A, dir(A));
dot("$B$", B, dir(B));
dot("$Z$",Z, dir(Z));
dot("$X$", X, dir(X));
dot("$Y$", Y, dir(Y));
dot("$H$", H, dir(H));
To be truthful, this topic isn't very relevant to olympiad geometry and readers will at best stumble across 3-4 questions which have a solution using the theory discussed here. I still think that the topic is quite fun and interesting though, hence the blog post.

That said, it's not completely useless, and in the following post, I'll definitely showcase a few oly geo problems where knowing angle chasing in conics helps. (Including IMO 18/6!)
To end with, a couple of exercises/theorems on ellipses/parabolas that will lead into part 2. There are some fancy names in this part which I have not bothered to define, just look those up if necessary.
- Show that any in-ellipse of a quadrilateral has its centre on the Newton-Gauss line
HintConsider the setup as part of a tilted plane, and project it onto a perpendicular plane to convert the ellipse into a circle. [Similar to how we proved the theorem involving the line through midpoints of parallel chords.] - Prove that the focus of the parabola tangent to four sides of a quadrilateral, is the quadrilateral's Miquel point.
HintSimply show that it lies on the corresponding 4 circles. - Prove that the directrix of a parabola tangent to four sides of a quadrilateral is the Gauss-Bodenmiller line.
Hint4 orthocentres lie on the gauss-bodenmiller line. Find them.
This post has been edited 2 times. Last edited by p_square, Jun 13, 2021, 3:05 PM