Experience at Sharygin Finals 2019, Ratmino, Russia
by AlastorMoody, Aug 5, 2019, 6:07 PM
Ohk Let's keep this detailed
Also I'll share everything from my perspective, sorry if I missed anything in my absence 
So this year,
students were selected out of which only
came to the Finals
from Mumbai,
from Delhi,
from Kota,
from Mangalore and
from Chennai. Many knew each other already. I knew no one (me total noob)
28th July, 2019: 2:00 PM flight from Mumbai to Delhi.
out of
decided to meet at Delhi and then travel together. I met e_plus_pi (Satyam) and his teacher at the airport, bid farewell to my parents and went inside (Me, Satyam and his Teacher). Satyam in no time found my true identity
He cracked some jokes (on me
) and made me feel much more relieved
We discussed about many AoPSer's, MO's, etc. In all this we forgot discuss geo problems
I was earlier having some good hopes and confidence to bag something at Sharygin this year and then Satyam said something which killed me the next moment! He talked about the configuration issues those Russian Juries put poor, innocent students in. I was completely doomed! I had never practiced Directed angles in my life 
Then slowly out of nowhere popped up things which were never there in my life: Directed Lengths, Signed Areas, etc. I got terrified
Now All hopes and those Best Of Luck's down the gutter. Even if I manage to solve 1 problem I would be happy. I made up my mind to just enjoy geo and damm this contest
I knew I didn't stand a chance now
Anyways Contest Aside, We reached the airport and waited in the visitor's lounge. There were many beds and me excited with my shoes flying here and there and me jumping on the bed
We solved some easy trivial geo.
I solved many by invoking Phantom Points and reverse constructing the properties of the points. Satyam called me a "Reverse Engineer"
We then thought to do some Tough geo for challenge. I picked up an RMM SL 2018 geo. And Dammm... Another Bomb Dropped! It was too tough to do on paper. I realised there was never a time I was without my BFF GeoGebra. Now, I knew I am gonna mess up the contest and It would be impossible for me to even get a single problem...So I somehow convinced my mind to remove the word "Sharygin Olympiad" from my dictionary.
Plus, A *Nuclear Bomb Dropped*, Satyam told that this problem was trivial with complex numbers!!!!! I realised I never read Chp 6 & 7 EGMO (Complex Numbers/Bary) seriously
Now dammmm....Everything messed up. I could literally see my parents' money spend on this trip flying up in the air. Somehow I for the next 3 hours I kept on trying this problem synthetically but not much significant progress. Damm leave! It was around 7:30 PM, SHREYAS333 (Shreyas) with his grandmother reached the airport, met us and we all went and sat on benches near the check-in counter. I was- like revising EGMO, which I never did at Home
Soon we met Pluto1708 (Shashwat) and started solving problems on HSO...
In no time, the check-in counter opened and we all rushed there like madman
(Joking) Later, we were put into many government security issues due to which, we (Me,Satyam,His teacher) who were first in the queue became last
For the next 2 hours we were inquired too much due to security issues and all the other students were chilling. I was feeling too sleepy. We discussed about some ISL geos and appreciated many solutions on the ISL threads.
29th July, 2019: We met others and I didn't know who was who, 'coz I knew only Satyam, Shreyas and Shashwat till now
1:25 AM flight, we boarded it and somehow time flew by. We played mobile cricket, chess, some sorta' weirdo' snake game ,etc. in the flight. We reached at Moscow about
6:00 AM. It was too cold and too much greenery
I made some sorta significant progress on that RMM SL problem. Satyam was in no mood to listen my progress
Anyways, finally I got introduced to other people- DragonEye (Arnav), funstar007 (Anushka) and MathInfinite (Adhavan). Those Sharygin guys sent some people with a mini bus to pick us up. We boarded it and slept like lazy animals 
We reached Ratmino around 9:30 AM and the first thing I could see was a big Chess about half the height of Shashwat
kept on the ground. It was too cool and beautiful weather!! We went inside the main building and sat on a sofa there
others had breakfast but I was not in the mood to eat anything...We got ID cards, filled some BS form and got Sharygin Olympiad T-Shirts. We got our rooms in Building (I) about 100-200 metres far from main building. We reached, checked-in our rooms and started problem solving!!!! I was too obsessed with that RMM problem, still 1 hr down not much progress. Our Room: Me, Satyam and his teacher together. Ok Good! We had lunch in our room and started problem solving
Satyam was busy solving EGMO Chp. 11 problems and I was busy making my own problems
Soon Satyam fell Asleep and I don't know me and our teacher also slept
(Is Sleep Contagious ?)
There was Opening Ceremony in the Main Building around 6:00 PM, but we're too pro, we were busy sleeping
(Own Swag!) Around 6:30
7:00 PM Satyam, me and our teacher reached the Opening Ceremony hall and sat there with the other Indians who were already there. We realised that our names were already announced
That's Super Cool!! Sleep FTW!!!
The translator was totally fabulous !!! She was making her own Words which nor she could understand nor we obviously could! The opening Ceremony ended and TOMittal (Ojas Mittal and Tejas Mittal), Jupiter_Is_Big (Anand) along with their respective guardians arrived. We went there, greeted them (ofcourse! Ojas Mittal=IND 2019 IMO
) I also realised that I had seen Anand earlier at AMTI NMC 2018 where he was presenting a generalisation on gamma function or something! I really liked that presentation of him that time and now I met him here!
It's a really small world, I must agree!! We attended some lectures there, which none of us could understand! We reached our rooms back and had dinner. (Don't worry bring tons of food with you
Satyam told that he's going to Ojas' room for Problem Solving...I accompanied him
We gave that RMM problem to Ojas and Tejas and both of them solved it quickly within an hour
Anand was reading some Hi-Fi stuff meanwhile besides us. This time Tejas gave a problem (Again from RMM 2017) which is much more tougher than this one, but it seemed that this was length bashable with Carnot's criterion, but anyways, we discussed about tomorrow's contest rules, some other incidents. TOMittals said that someone asked them about books to refer after completing EGMO, their reply was "We haven't even touched EGMO || *World Ends* And This genius guy angle chased a G7 ...too pro!! Anyways we went to sleep later!
30th July, 2019 (Contest: Day 1): Suddenly, intense sunlight flashed my eyes and I woke up. It seemed like it was about 11:30 AM, I checked the clock, it was only 6:00 AM
(pretty early sunrise here). We got fresh, had our breakfast and about 9:00 AM, we got ready. I was very afraid because I have already seen how dangerous and confusing configuration issues eventually get. I had no experience with Directed angles. So, I decided to rule out and solve all the possible configuration issues in the problems. This way, I might atleast manage a non-zero score! We met near the main building. We took a group photo and proceeded to our respective seats. The examination hall was on first floor and besides the exam hall, there was a big stageroom theatre which had an exit nearby which gets connected to the garden. The juries were seated in the garden. Ok, so rules were pretty clear. We got our respective papers.
I prepared my death bed and turned the paper to see the problems
The problem seemed beautiful, circle passing through midpoints... Hmm, some parallelograms or POP? and then I read tangents and circumcircle of
What is this?!! It takes me a longer time to remember my house address than it took me to solve this problem! But thanks to Satyam and his configuration issues!
I anyways proceeded as I had already planned. I Drew 2-3 diagrams with all different configurations and wrote my solution properly. This all took me about 10 minutes and then I ran to the jury. Damm, it was too cold outside, like it would snow any moment
I wish I had carried my jacket to the examination hall! I explained one of the configurations to the jury very easily. It was just adding an extra point
, the circumcenter of
. The jury didn't ask me about any other configurations
The juries weren't that strict as I had expected!
Trivial! Now, I increased my hopes a bit 
This is very beautiful! Infact, I never noticed this fact!
Ok, so now how to proceed? I saw medians in every triangle and it was all clear that Appolonius bash would work! I started writing clearly all the steps. Just a half-page bash and everything worked well! I checked and prepared myself for any further configuration issue! I went to the jury and they understood it! I spot my teacher there and he gave me his jacket, atleast that protected me

I saw P3, *Construction?! Nah,* I glanced at P4, it was from orthocenter configuration!

Thanks a lot to USA TSTST's and ELMO SL's, I was very comfortable with orthocenter configurations
Pretty quickly noticed
cyclic and Let
be projection of
cyclic. Now Just add the Nine-Point Circle and very trivial angle chase. I again looked for any configuration issue but then I noticed
I ran to the jury, they understood it.
At this point, I had more 2 and half an hour left with me! I was pretty satisfied! I relaxed for more 15 minutes and then checked out the next problem!
This was more combi-oriented
It seemed a pretty easy problem, and now I had complete confidence that I could now sweep Day 1. I tried this with all sorts of methods. Tried to invoke
. Did some pythagoras BS and square construction. Nothing worked
I tried many different innovative methods but all of them failed. I fought till the end, but couldn't get this question!

I felt I was close enough but couldn't entirely solve
Dammit, anyways I performed better than I expected. Anushka also solved 3 [She complex bashed & coordinate bashed
], Shashwat missed 3 solves
Anand was also close enough for 3 solves that day and I guess Shreyas had the capability to get 3 that day. Infact Day 1 was comparatively easier!
Anyways scores aside, I wished to enjoy the rest of the time
But due to such heavy brain damage (P3
) I was feeling very dizzy. We had lunch, discussed the solutions and went back to the room. We had football/volleyball match with the jury, but me too pro believing SLEEP FTW! So While others were playing, I was busy sleeping in my room
I don't clearly remember what they did but as far as I remember, after I wokeup, I saw some of us going towards the main building and there everyone was playing chess on the chequered platform! It started raining and we went inside our room building. Everyone was playing chess on the small board in the room right next to our room. I wasn't interested
I went in my room, spoke to my parents and solved some problems of Grade 9. After about 1-2 hours, Satyam came in, we had our snacks and then we decided to go and play Table Tennis Downstairs.
As more people joined the game, the game transformed
From Table Tennins
Cricket with TT ball & Racket?
Some total mess game where everybody was jumping here and there, kicking here and there and randomly hitting the ball
It was total fun and then we realised that the Russian were video shooting!
Maybe they thought that this is some kind of unique game we play

Soon everybody got tired and we played Mafia. I didn't understand anything and felt bored. Plus, due to me the game got disturbed and I didn't like the game at all
We went in our respective rooms, and saw Vlados' MMP handout
Everyone excited and busy reading it. Later we slept
31th July, 2019 (Contest: Day 2): Similar schedule! Today though I was feeling a bit confident and this time, I didn't want to miss HM! We had breakfast. Reached the main building, entered exam hall, picked up our score-cards and went to our respective seats.
We got our paper and I turned it!! Dammmm Day 2 was too tougher than Day 1!! I found P7 very interesting, but then I saw Shreyas doing P5 under about 3 minutes, so I decided to give it a try
Wow this is quite a nice question for a P1! I observed the circumcircle of the triangle tangent to two sides of the rectangle, and quickly spot the equilateral triangles in the picture! everything else was trivial angle computation! Total Giveaway! I went to the jury and came back in no time
I heard Anushka explaining her bash to the juries
How many more is she gonna bash? 
Next I went for P7
Parallel? This seemed somewhat like ISL 2019 G3, I thought Reim's Theorem would work perfect. The concyclic condition could be reduced further to showing parallel lines after dropping perpendiculars in
. I tried this for like more 1 hour, no progress with angles. I couldn't spot any radical axis. I tried inversion and everything else, but couldn't make any more significant progress. I suddenly remembered Satyam calling me a "Reverse Engineer". I constructed Phantom Points and quickly angle chased in 5 minutes
The jury took some time to understand my solution and finally got a point on this!!
So I worked off for my HM
...now I didn't want to miss my Third Diploma.
Cool!! This seemed like some congruency or similarity kind-of stuff. I again constructed Phantom Points by reflecting some points here and there
We had so many perpendicular bisectors in the diagram
I constructed some given length points on segments and ruled out any possible configuration issue while working my back! I went to the jury. The jury took some time to understand my solution and there I did something I had never expected until now! I didn't care to look at P8, 'coz I knew I couldn't do it
I was left with another hour with me! But I decided to use it wisely by having a nice Nap 
Later on, Shashwat pointed it out that Our P8 was copied from Balkan 2017 Shortlist C6
Seriously! Combinatorics problems on Geometry Olympiad?!!
After the contest the results were pretty clear. Shreyas shared a one line solution for P2 (Damm, how did I miss the similar triangles
) And AoPS User: RC. posted a half-line solution for P7 using similar triangles!!
Damm, I again missed this trivial solution!
After the contest, we ate our lunch and went for discussing solutions! Suddenly, out of no where Ojas popped up
And said that he just came here after explaining his solution to Jury
He was explaining his solution to the Jury for about 1 & half hour after the contest ended
Anyways, we played some TT later and it was 5:00 PM before the table tennis game could get much messier
So we went for the prize distribution and closing ceremony! We received many books on higher geo and certificates
This is how the Indian Team performed
Congo to everyone!
We took a lot of photos...There on the stage behind the curtains, A russian guy who was seated to left to me during the contest was playing piano. On top of that, it was one of my favourite songs!! Flower Dance. I talked to him for sometime, he didn't know people play Piano at India
We also had a group photo, individual photos and lots more...We then bid farewell
to Anand, world-class TT bowler
, who then left for a presentation at a conference at US. We played Volleyball, football and played Basketball with some Russians. etc. Later on, we gathered with some hot noodles and played Mafia till midnight! I enjoyed Mafia a lot, though I was a total noob at it 
Next day morning, TOMittal left for their house, and we all went to Moscow. Anushka went somewhere I don't clearly remember. We (Satyam, me and our teacher) were busy sleeping while everyone else were having a tour at Moscow
Sleep FTW!! Later on we roamed Moscow around through their Metro trains, and the next day, Satyam, me , our teacher, Shreyas & his grandmother, Arnav and his father left for India. The following day, Shashwat and Adhavan came back too!
It was a very memorable experience!!! Geometry connected me with so many different people!! Geo FTW! Sleep FTW! I really recommend others to try this exam next year !!!

So this year,

28th July, 2019: 2:00 PM flight from Mumbai to Delhi.

I solved many by invoking Phantom Points and reverse constructing the properties of the points. Satyam called me a "Reverse Engineer"

Plus, A *Nuclear Bomb Dropped*, Satyam told that this problem was trivial with complex numbers!!!!! I realised I never read Chp 6 & 7 EGMO (Complex Numbers/Bary) seriously

In no time, the check-in counter opened and we all rushed there like madman

29th July, 2019: We met others and I didn't know who was who, 'coz I knew only Satyam, Shreyas and Shashwat till now

We reached Ratmino around 9:30 AM and the first thing I could see was a big Chess about half the height of Shashwat

The translator was totally fabulous !!! She was making her own Words which nor she could understand nor we obviously could! The opening Ceremony ended and TOMittal (Ojas Mittal and Tejas Mittal), Jupiter_Is_Big (Anand) along with their respective guardians arrived. We went there, greeted them (ofcourse! Ojas Mittal=IND 2019 IMO

Satyam told that he's going to Ojas' room for Problem Solving...I accompanied him

30th July, 2019 (Contest: Day 1): Suddenly, intense sunlight flashed my eyes and I woke up. It seemed like it was about 11:30 AM, I checked the clock, it was only 6:00 AM

I prepared my death bed and turned the paper to see the problems
Sharygin Finals 2019 Grade 8 P1 wrote:
A trapezoid with bases
is inscribed into a circle centered at
. Let
be the tangents from
to the circumcircle of triangle
. Prove that the circumcircle of triangle
passes through the midpoint of 

Sharygin Finals 2019 Grade 8 P2 wrote:
A point
inside triangle
is such that
. Points
lying on
respectively are such that
. Prove that the distances from
are equal.

I saw P3, *Construction?! Nah,* I glanced at P4, it was from orthocenter configuration!

Sharygin Finals 2019 Grade 8 P4 wrote:
be the circumcenter and orthocenter of an acute-angled triangle
. Let
be the midpoint of
. The line through
perpendicular to
and the tangent to the circumcircle at
at points
respectively. Prove that

At this point, I had more 2 and half an hour left with me! I was pretty satisfied! I relaxed for more 15 minutes and then checked out the next problem!
Sharygin Finals 2019 Grade 8 P3 wrote:
Construct a regular triangle using a plywood square. (You can draw a line through pairs of points lying on the distance less than the side of the square, construct a perpendicular from a point to the line the distance between them does not exceed the side of the square, and measure segments on the constructed lines equal to the side or to the diagonal of the square)

I felt I was close enough but couldn't entirely solve
Dammit, anyways I performed better than I expected. Anushka also solved 3 [She complex bashed & coordinate bashed

Anyways scores aside, I wished to enjoy the rest of the time

Soon everybody got tired and we played Mafia. I didn't understand anything and felt bored. Plus, due to me the game got disturbed and I didn't like the game at all

31th July, 2019 (Contest: Day 2): Similar schedule! Today though I was feeling a bit confident and this time, I didn't want to miss HM! We had breakfast. Reached the main building, entered exam hall, picked up our score-cards and went to our respective seats.
We got our paper and I turned it!! Dammmm Day 2 was too tougher than Day 1!! I found P7 very interesting, but then I saw Shreyas doing P5 under about 3 minutes, so I decided to give it a try
Sharygin Finals 2019 Grade 8 P5 wrote:
A triangle having one angle equal to
is drawn on the chequered paper. Find the values of its remaining angles
/* Geogebra to Asymptote conversion, documentation at artofproblemsolving.com/Wiki go to User:Azjps/geogebra */
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/* Geogebra to Asymptote conversion, documentation at artofproblemsolving.com/Wiki go to User:Azjps/geogebra */
import graph; size(10cm);
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draw((16.498428913318573,-2.255110794329651)--(6.140377906573217,-8.300219914547753), linewidth(2));
draw((6.140377906573217,-8.300219914547753)--(-5.90870452245749,3.6364773877125542), linewidth(2));
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label("$45^{\circ}$", (16.022560669887106,-3.3602293571891613), NE * labelscalefactor,rvwvcq);
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Next I went for P7
Sharygin Finals 2019 Grade 8 P7 wrote:
Let points
lie on the sides
of triangle
in such a way that
. Points
are the reflection of
respectively. Let
. Prove,

So I worked off for my HM

Sharygin Finals 2019 Grade 8 P6 wrote:
A point
lies on the side
of regular polygon
. A circle with center
and radius
meets the segments
at points
respectively. It is known that
. Prove that

Later on, Shashwat pointed it out that Our P8 was copied from Balkan 2017 Shortlist C6

After the contest the results were pretty clear. Shreyas shared a one line solution for P2 (Damm, how did I miss the similar triangles

After the contest, we ate our lunch and went for discussing solutions! Suddenly, out of no where Ojas popped up

We took a lot of photos...There on the stage behind the curtains, A russian guy who was seated to left to me during the contest was playing piano. On top of that, it was one of my favourite songs!! Flower Dance. I talked to him for sometime, he didn't know people play Piano at India

Next day morning, TOMittal left for their house, and we all went to Moscow. Anushka went somewhere I don't clearly remember. We (Satyam, me and our teacher) were busy sleeping while everyone else were having a tour at Moscow

This post has been edited 47 times. Last edited by AlastorMoody, Aug 6, 2019, 2:35 PM