Wassup? Crappost
by RedFlame2112, Aug 30, 2020, 12:11 PM
Hey Everyone! 
It’s been a while hasn’t it?
It sure has for me; I missed all ye loyal readers so much
So School starts for me on Sept 9. Needless to say, this is when I’m gonna be a bit more inactive. Don’t worry, I’ll still exist because senior year is a breeze. The only times I’ll REALLY be inactive is basically all of September and October
after my college apps, there’s gonna be a lot more free time, ya see. But I guess I’ll have to try not to fall with a case of senioritis 
For those who don’t know, senioritis refers to seniors slacking off because college apps are done
Well, that’s all I gotta say for today. I know it’s been a crappy post, but I’mcrappy anyways just a pretty busy person 
Stay tuned for more updates

It’s been a while hasn’t it?
It sure has for me; I missed all ye loyal readers so much

So School starts for me on Sept 9. Needless to say, this is when I’m gonna be a bit more inactive. Don’t worry, I’ll still exist because senior year is a breeze. The only times I’ll REALLY be inactive is basically all of September and October

For those who don’t know, senioritis refers to seniors slacking off because college apps are done

Well, that’s all I gotta say for today. I know it’s been a crappy post, but I’m

Stay tuned for more updates
