Music affects my RPing
by Ripsticker321, Jul 27, 2021, 8:42 PM
It's funny 'cause I was just listening to a slow, classical, piano piece, and I felt like everything was brushed away, and I could relax and calm myself, and in that feeling, I crafted a RP. It was my character, Moon Light, experiencing the same peace I felt last night. Anyways, I hope you enjoy.
Music I was listening to: Debussy - Rêverie, L. 68
Music I am currently listening to: lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to
I'd recomment that you listen to this while you're reading it, or you can listen to lofi music, which is what I was listening to just now. Both really affect the mood. Debussy - Rêverie, L. 68 has an almost mysterious, magical melody, while lofi music is just relaxing throughout.
Anyways, enjoy. Hope you all have a great day, and thank you for reading!
Peace...quiet...this is nice, sighs Moon Light. I wish this moment could stretch to a million years.
After months of fighting and signing paperwork, he could finally relax and clear his mind. In his human form, he sits cross-legged, immersing into the gentle sway of the trees, the small trickle of water from a creek, and the energetic yet serene buzz of life all around Moon Light. He opens his eyes and gazes at the evening sky. He watches the vibrant horizon as the setting sun disappears below the calm sea. The orange and purple hues of the clouds slowly dim into a gray, bland color. The chatter of life around him gradually quiets down to nothing, and Moon Light is left in the dark abyss. Suddenly, Moon Light hears insects and critters gradually fill the empty void in his sharp ears. Moon Light looks around in awe as he sees flowers blooming, releasing magical lights that illuminate the pond. Spirits emerge from the trees behind Moon Light and swiftly leap and dance on the clear pool. Soon, the whole area is filled with a new energy of chatter. Moon Light takes a deep breath in satisfaction and serenity before surveying the heavens once more, discovering bright stars and iridescent galaxies crowding the night sky before his own naked eye. He stares at the massive moon orbiting the world he is on, examining the craters and flaws on the barren surface.
In a single breath, millions of stars are destroyed, but also millions of new stars are birthed too. So much lies undiscovered. What if... ponders Moon Light, what if all the realms and worlds are really just billions of stars away? So much remains undiscovered, but perhaps that is the beauty of it. We will never understand everything, and there will always be more, but perhaps that is why we continue to learn.
Moon Light escapes from his musings and observes the lively yet soothing enclosure he is sitting in.
"Even this place is filled with unknown mysteries that are waiting to be discovered," says Moon Light with a small chuckle.
With a grunt of effort, he stands up and exits the area before taking one last look at the tranquil area.
I will return one day. Once there is finally peace, and my work is done. I will return, and I shall stay here for years, immersing in the calmness and tranquility of this land.
Moon Light turns away from the peaceful place and walks into the dark forest.
After months of fighting and signing paperwork, he could finally relax and clear his mind. In his human form, he sits cross-legged, immersing into the gentle sway of the trees, the small trickle of water from a creek, and the energetic yet serene buzz of life all around Moon Light. He opens his eyes and gazes at the evening sky. He watches the vibrant horizon as the setting sun disappears below the calm sea. The orange and purple hues of the clouds slowly dim into a gray, bland color. The chatter of life around him gradually quiets down to nothing, and Moon Light is left in the dark abyss. Suddenly, Moon Light hears insects and critters gradually fill the empty void in his sharp ears. Moon Light looks around in awe as he sees flowers blooming, releasing magical lights that illuminate the pond. Spirits emerge from the trees behind Moon Light and swiftly leap and dance on the clear pool. Soon, the whole area is filled with a new energy of chatter. Moon Light takes a deep breath in satisfaction and serenity before surveying the heavens once more, discovering bright stars and iridescent galaxies crowding the night sky before his own naked eye. He stares at the massive moon orbiting the world he is on, examining the craters and flaws on the barren surface.
In a single breath, millions of stars are destroyed, but also millions of new stars are birthed too. So much lies undiscovered. What if... ponders Moon Light, what if all the realms and worlds are really just billions of stars away? So much remains undiscovered, but perhaps that is the beauty of it. We will never understand everything, and there will always be more, but perhaps that is why we continue to learn.
Moon Light escapes from his musings and observes the lively yet soothing enclosure he is sitting in.
"Even this place is filled with unknown mysteries that are waiting to be discovered," says Moon Light with a small chuckle.
With a grunt of effort, he stands up and exits the area before taking one last look at the tranquil area.
I will return one day. Once there is finally peace, and my work is done. I will return, and I shall stay here for years, immersing in the calmness and tranquility of this land.
Moon Light turns away from the peaceful place and walks into the dark forest.
Music I was listening to: Debussy - Rêverie, L. 68
Music I am currently listening to: lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to
I'd recomment that you listen to this while you're reading it, or you can listen to lofi music, which is what I was listening to just now. Both really affect the mood. Debussy - Rêverie, L. 68 has an almost mysterious, magical melody, while lofi music is just relaxing throughout.
Anyways, enjoy. Hope you all have a great day, and thank you for reading!
