So um like our school is kind of not very nice

by pasketti31415, Jan 22, 2025, 10:03 PM

Wednesday, 1-22-24, 15:30, currently sitting in my spinny chair
IP Address: error 404 IP not found
Outside Temp.: -4 *C

We had a fire or something that caused the fire alarm to go off at school today. YAY :thumbup: . It was totally very fun indeed. So like it was fifth period, almost sixth, and I was in ELA, which is in a in this separate trailer/building thing, so that's cool. The alarm went off inside of the school, and for the people in the school, such as my sister, it was a much worse experience since they were being rushed and didn't have time to put on any jackets. Even worse, some people were in PE at the time, so they had to go out in like below zero weather in shorts and a t-shirt... sending prayers to them. Anyways, in the pod, since there wasn't as much immediate danger, we took our time and got our jackets and everything, and then went to line up. In the line, half of the people had jackets, so it was fine, but there was also this kid in our first period math that basically skipped a grade in math, so was a 7th grader and had PE at that very unfortunate moment. So when he arrived in line, I gave him my jacket since he clearly needed it more than me, and just spent the rest of the time jumping up and down to keep warm.
The funny thing is though, the last time we had a fire drill was also in very unfortunate weather conditions. It was like 37*C and we had to stand on black asphalt, with literally no trees. There was also a time in 6th grade when there was an actual fire I think and we ended up waiting in the front of the school for like 2 hrs for our parents. So basically our school is quite flammable, and people are really bad at making popcorn without burning everything down.

So aside from that, AMC 8 is tmr, so like I better lock in. And also I have that Chinese placement test thing I was talking about before, and its at 5 pm today, so I guess I'll be better.
oke cool



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bruh$     $

by ethanzhang1001, Jan 25, 2025, 3:06 AM

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yes i agree

by pasketti31415, Jan 25, 2025, 6:03 PM



  • 收丝刻薄底丝姑妈

    by othkhung, Mar 16, 2025, 1:47 AM

  • fourth yayy

    by mpcnotnpc, Mar 14, 2025, 11:32 AM

  • third cool

    by InvalidResponse, Feb 23, 2025, 4:11 AM

  • second .

    by othkhung, Feb 4, 2025, 11:53 PM

  • first shout :)

    by jocaleby1, Feb 2, 2025, 6:04 PM

5 shouts
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