first pull

by pasketti31415, Mar 19, 2025, 12:20 AM

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i need post at least once a week

The day after pi day eve

by pasketti31415, Mar 14, 2025, 9:50 PM

3-14, 15:92:65 (trust its a real time)
if only it was 1592
PIE | 314

communism is very cool


sleeping is fun honk mimimimimimimi

Sad hair

by pasketti31415, Mar 11, 2025, 3:14 AM

21:56, Monday, 3-10-25, currently sad
Hair: 1.5 cm bruh
Forehead: trapezoid

I wonder what this is abt

by pasketti31415, Mar 8, 2025, 10:30 PM

what could it possibly be about???!?!?!?!??!

once again, I hope the KCP will continue its legacy next year, and also William good luck at nats, try to turn the team communist.

ahh my eyes hurt

by pasketti31415, Mar 7, 2025, 9:53 PM

My eyes hurt from looking at colors and stuff, but it payed off ig

here's a Sieve of Eratosthenes thingy from 1-1000, hopefully I didn't screw up anything, and try not to get a headache.

state is tomorrow yay...
Kennedy people good luck, we believe in you (do you believe in me?), have fun, don't be stressed, and eat the free pizza. :coolspeak:

not sleeping

by pasketti31415, Mar 2, 2025, 5:22 AM

Note to future self: LOCK IN FOR STATE

:w00t: :wow: :o

I'm tired and probably delusional idk

:sleep2: :sleeping: :wallbash:

Febury 28

by pasketti31415, Mar 1, 2025, 12:15 AM

Friday, 2-28-25, 18:04, sitting in spinny chair

I can't spell febury that's so sad. So like the month is over now, and ig I'll recap it
Small things I forgot abt: The first few days, I was grinding my elon musk drawing, and then an essay in ELA. Also I was somewhat preparing for AIME, but like not enough definitely, and I screwed up ..., so like that's quite unfortunate. After that, I was determined to to better on chapter, so I did a few sets and MC trainer, which helped me accomplish that goal. This week, we had fitness testing, but like we had health for 6 weeks before, so I basically hadn't exercised since last year. if want to see.

So that brings me to today:
So apparently there's this really cool thing today where 7 planets are all gonna align in the night sky, and its not supposed to happen again until 2040, so I'm gonna try to go see it and I might edit this if anything cool happens.

Edit: so like I’m pretty sure I didn’t see any of the planet, partly b I don’t know what they look like. However, I did see a bunch of constellations bc the clouds were gone. Yea but my fingers are just cold thats all.
This post has been edited 2 times. Last edited by pasketti31415, Mar 1, 2025, 1:19 AM
Reason: Update

MC chapter

by pasketti31415, Feb 22, 2025, 8:27 PM

Saturday, 2-22-25, 14:20, eating lunch at Xi-an Cuisine

So like I can’t talk abt the problems so I’ll just talk abt what happened and stuff.

Before contest:
I woke up and ate breakfast!!!!

Can’t really talk abt it, but basically we became communist and did some questionable things during team round yay.

After contest:
So I got number 1 in Kennedy and number 3 in chapter for individual, and Hannah got 4th place individually good job. Team round we also got number 1 yay. But the funny thing was, they were announcing top 7 teams to go to state like bruh last year there were like 5 but no there 7. Anyways, once it got to 3 teams left we were praying and stuff, and once they announced second place and it wasn’t us, we were already cheering like crazy (not for them tho). Yeah well now I have to go home.

Wow time passes so fast

by pasketti31415, Feb 19, 2025, 11:55 PM

Wednesday, 2-19-25, 17:42, sitting in spinny chair contemplating life

So I've been thinking the past few days about how every day feels so fast and stuff. And also how 8th grade feels like its going on so fast. I'm pretty sure theres like two reasons for that, one is just because of how we age and stuff, like 1 year when we were 1 years old was 100% of our life, but 1 year when we were/are 10 years old is only 10%. As you get older, each day/year is less and less of your life, so it feels faster. Theres like actually a formula that basically calculates your "feeling age" with each actual age by using natural log, and it says that when you're 9 years old it will feel like around half of your life has already passed. When you're 13, it feels like ~60% of your life has passed, so thats pretty interesting. Secondly, I just feel like my schedule is kind of making the school day pass faster. So like I have math 1st period, which is normal, but then I have PE, sup. study/orchestra, and art the next 3 periods. All 3 periods are pretty chill and i have health right now, so like basically another free period. So most of the morning time is used on classes that don't require brainpower, even though the brain is supposed to be the most active in the morning, so like thats not very good. Then I have ELA 5-6, which is actually engaging, but I always feel hungry by 6th period. Then lunch. Science and SS are my last periods, science is fine, but the SS room for me is like super warm all the time, so I usually feel pretty sleepy or uncomfortable. Anyway, I just feel like most of the morning is spent not doing much useful stuff and the afternoon only has like 2 periods and they go by really quickly because its near the end of the day. Also another funny thing is that I'm actually using decent grammar for this I don't know why. ok cool.

Periodic Table

by pasketti31415, Feb 15, 2025, 8:53 PM

yay elements



  • 收丝刻薄底丝姑妈

    by othkhung, Mar 16, 2025, 1:47 AM

  • fourth yayy

    by mpcnotnpc, Mar 14, 2025, 11:32 AM

  • third cool

    by InvalidResponse, Feb 23, 2025, 4:11 AM

  • second .

    by othkhung, Feb 4, 2025, 11:53 PM

  • first shout :)

    by jocaleby1, Feb 2, 2025, 6:04 PM

5 shouts
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  • Blog created: Jan 19, 2025
  • Total entries: 21
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