by pasketti31415, Feb 19, 2025, 11:55 PM
Wednesday, 2-19-25, 17:42, sitting in spinny chair contemplating life
So I've been thinking the past few days about how every day feels so fast and stuff. And also how 8th grade feels like its going on so fast. I'm pretty sure theres like two reasons for that, one is just because of how we age and stuff, like 1 year when we were 1 years old was 100% of our life, but 1 year when we were/are 10 years old is only 10%. As you get older, each day/year is less and less of your life, so it feels faster. Theres like actually a formula that basically calculates your "feeling age" with each actual age by using natural log, and it says that when you're 9 years old it will feel like around half of your life has already passed. When you're 13, it feels like ~60% of your life has passed, so thats pretty interesting. Secondly, I just feel like my schedule is kind of making the school day pass faster. So like I have math 1st period, which is normal, but then I have PE, sup. study/orchestra, and art the next 3 periods. All 3 periods are pretty chill and i have health right now, so like basically another free period. So most of the morning time is used on classes that don't require brainpower, even though the brain is supposed to be the most active in the morning, so like thats not very good. Then I have ELA 5-6, which is actually engaging, but I always feel hungry by 6th period. Then lunch. Science and SS are my last periods, science is fine, but the SS room for me is like super warm all the time, so I usually feel pretty sleepy or uncomfortable. Anyway, I just feel like most of the morning is spent not doing much useful stuff and the afternoon only has like 2 periods and they go by really quickly because its near the end of the day. Also another funny thing is that I'm actually using decent grammar for this I don't know why. ok cool.