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Teacher Tools

Make the Most of Alcumus in Your Classroom!

Alcumus gives students access to over 13,000 problems, separated into over 200 Topics in 7 subjects (Prealgebra, Algebra, Counting & Probability, Number Theory, Geometry, Intermediate Algebra, and Precalculus). By utilizing Alcumus Teacher Tools, you can assign a subject to your students and track their ratings and progress in all of the Topics in that subject.

Create an Account
Ready to start? Click CREATE AN ACCOUNT.
Or, read the HELP menu.
Create Classes
Create classes for any of the 7 Alcumus subjects you want students to focus on.
Invite Students
Enroll students in your classes so that you can monitor them as they take advantage of all Alcumus has to offer.
Manage Classes
Customize your roster and place each student in as few or as many classes as you like.
Track Student Progress
View student ratings and progress in each of the Topics in their class's subject.