1997 PMWC

Revision as of 08:35, 9 October 2007 by 1=2 (talk | contribs) (Problem T3)

Problem I1

Evaluate 29 27/28 x 27 14/15


Problem I2


Problem I3

Peter is ill. He has to take medicine A every 8 hours, medicine B every 5 hours and medicine C every 10 hours. If he took all three medicines at 7 a.m. on Tuesday, when will he take them altogether again?


Problem I4


Problem I5


Problem I6

John and Mary went to a book shop and bought some exercise books. They had <dollar/>100 each. John could buy 7 large and 4 small ones. Mary could buy 5 large and 6 small ones and had <dollar/>5 left. How much was a small exercise book?


Problem I7

40% of girls and 50% of boys in a class got 'A'. If there are only 12 students in the class got 'A's and the ratio of boys and girls in the class is 45, how many students are there in the class?


Problem I8



Problem I9

A chemist mixed an acid of 48% concentration with the same acid of 80% concentration, and then added 2 litres of distilled water to the mixed acid. As a result, he got 10 litres of the acid of 40% concentration. How many millilitre of the acid of 48% concentration that the chemist had used? (1 litre = 1000 millilitres)


Problem I10

Mary took 24 chickens to the market. In the morning she sold the chickens at $$7 each and she only sold out less than half of them. In the afternoon she discounted the price of each chicken but the price was still an integral number in dollar. In the afternoon she could sell all the chickens, and she got totally $$132 for the whole day. How many chickens were sold in the morning?


Problem I11

A rectangle ABCD is made up of five small congruent rectangles as shown in the given figure. Find the perimeter, in cm, of ABCD if its area is $6750 cm^2$. ABCD.gif


Problem I12

In a die, 1 and 6,2 and 5,3 and 4 appear on opposite faces. When 2 dice are thrown, product of numbers appearing on the top and bottom faces of the 2 dice are formed as follows:

  number on top face of 1 st die x number on top face of 2nd die
  number on top face of 1st die x number on bottom face of 2nd die
  number on bottom face of 1st die x number on top face of 2nd die
  number on bottom face of 1st die x number on bottom face of 2nd die

What is the sum of these 4 products ?


Problem I13

A truck moved from A to B at a speed of 50 km/h and returns fi-om B to A at 70 km/h. It traveled 3 rounds within 18 hours. What is the distance between A and B?


Problem I14

If we make five two-digit numbers using the digits 0, 1, 2,...9 exactly once, and the product of the five numbers is maximized, find the greatest number among them.


Problem I15

How many paths from A to B consist of exactly six line segments (vertical, horizontal or inclined)? 1997 PMWC-I15.png


Problem T1


Problem T2










Problem T3

To type all the integers from 1 to 1997 using a typewriter on a piece of paper, how many times of the key '9' needed to be pressed?


Problem T4


Problem T5


Problem T6


Problem T7


Problem T8


Problem T9


Problem T10
