2023 AMC 8 Problems/Problem 12

Revision as of 19:29, 24 January 2023 by Apex304 (talk | contribs)

First the total area of the $3$ radius circle is simply just $9* \pi$. Using our area of a circle formula.

Now from here we have to find our shaded area. This can be done by adding the areas of the $3$ $\frac{1}{2}$ radius circles and add then take the area of the $2$ radius circle and subtracting that from the area of the $2$, 1 radius circles to get our resulting complex area shape. Adding these up we will get $3 * \frac{1}{4} \pi + 4 \pi -\pi - \pi = \frac{3}{4} \pi + 2 \pi = \frac{11}{4}$

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